Light Novel Translations


Translations by hoshi801_ & 705point8 on Twitter.

Blue Lock Exhibition

Translations by mzk_70 & nendoramai on Twitter.

What’s your usual morning routine?Isagi: Stretching→Greet my parents→Breakfast→Perform a simulation of the day ahead→Eat a sweet treat→Go to schoolBachira: Stretching→Soccer ball juggling→Breakfast→Soccer ball juggling→Brush my teeth→Soccer ball juggling→Pee→Soccer ball jugglingChigiri: Shower→Dry my hair→Breakfast→Brush my hair→Brush my teeth→Style my hair→Get sis to check my hair→Fix my hair→Get goingNagi: Go back to sleep→Get my mobile game log-in bonuses→Greet my pet cactus (Choki)→Jelly drink for breakfast→Sluggishly get dressed→I’m all set→Go back to sleepReo: My personal attendant (Baaya) wakes me up→Breakfast (eggs Benedict with an enzyme smoothie)→Morning sauna→Check the day’s financial news→Go to school in my limousine (morning glass of non-alcoholic champagne)Rin: Open the window to let in some fresh air→Take deep breaths→Stretching→Morning yoga→Meditate→Revisit those feelings of rage and sadness→Start the daySae: Open the window to let in some fresh air→Take deep breaths→Stretching→Morning yoga→Meditate→Drink salted kombucha→Start the dayShidou: Go onto the balcony naked and soak up sunlight→Dance however I like→Yell whatever words come to mind at the sky (stuff like “Capillaries and flesh rupture!!”)Kaiser: Stand naked before the mirror→Gaze at myself, have a conversation with myself (inside my heart)→Get into the mindset that nothing is impossible→Smile at this meKurona: Space out (not, so not a morning person)→Carefully brush my teeth (mine are crooked, crooked)→Style my hair (braiding’s fun, fun)→Go to school (oh shit time to dash, dash)What do you do for luck before a showdown?Isagi: Shape the hair on the crown of my head into a nice V.Bachira: If Zico shows up in my dreams that day, I’m pretty much gonna win!Chigiri: Step onto the field with my right foot leading.Nagi: Nooothing much. Neeever tried. It’s a paaain.Reo: Get a new tie for my hair. (so that I’ll be looking forward instead of into the past)Rin: Think about beating nii-chan. I can’t lose to all of the other small fry.Sae: Think about stuff like what I want to eat if I win, putting soccer completely out of mind for a while.Shidou: Take a shit.Kaiser: Stroke my blue rose tattoo, as though tightening a noose around my neck.Kurona: Make my bed, so that I’ll be at ease no matter if I win or lose. All’s good, all’s good.

Audio Guide1. PrologueR Not bad, not bad at all. Not too surprising, seeing as it was funded by the Mikage Corporation.
Let's take a quick look around and head back to Blue Lock, Nagi.
N The turf here is so soft and feels so nice...can't we just nap here instead?R That would defeat the purpose of coming here though.N Huh? Purpose?R Didn't you listen to what Ego told us?N I think he said this is a facility for us to look back at our growth or something.R They have all the records of our matches and training here. Ego wants us to look at them so we can move forward.N I see...seems kinda complicated. Then let's quickly get it over with and go back.R That's what I said earlier!N I thought your dad didn't want you to play soccer, why did he fund this place?R Hmm...well, this facility is also meant to showcase Blue Lock's results to the public.N What results? They haven't managed to create the world's best striker yet.R The public's also interested in the process. There's a lot of criticism and people asking if the training we're doing really will lead to the growth of the players.N Hmm...everyone's so passionate.R I think my dad's trying to stir up public opposition by showing the world the truth behind Blue Lock. He's probably hoping to end both Blue Lock and my soccer career!N I see, it doesn't seem like something we need to worry about much. Let's go inside.R What, if you're not interested in my answer, don't ask in the first place!N Huh? Blue Lock is a place to make the world's best striker, right? And we've definitely been getting stronger. I dunno if their methods are the best, but Blue Lock is definitely producing results. So I just meant that what your dad's hoping will happen, won't happen. We know that best.R Oh, that's what you meant!
(He always seems like he’s not thinking about anything...but sometimes he says some pretty convincing things…)
You're right, guess I don't need to worry too much about my dad! Alright, let's go!
2. Individual StrengthsR Looks like they introduce the "weapons" of each player here.N Mine would be trapping, I guess.R With your natural athleticism and extraordinary spatial recognition, you can do crazy traps and goals that ordinary people could only dream of doing!N Oh, that's the reasoning behind it.
Huh? You said I also have spatial awareness, but I don't have eyes like Isagi.
R Well, yours helps you recognize things like where a ball is going to land, or the distance from the net, while Isagi's field of vision is wider.
He's probably able to perceive the entire situation on the field.
N Isagi's weapon is really OP, isn't it.R If he's able to use it. But you're saying that? You’re able to do all these things without even understanding how your own weapon works, so you're pretty broken too, if you ask me.N Oh no, I'll become a banned cardR This is soccer, not a card game!N So Reo's weapons are passing and tactics?R Yeah, I guess so. I don't have anything really outstanding.N But Isagi said something about you before. Umm..."all his parameters are very high, and he's really good at passing"...and um…what was it again…
He said you're able to do a lot of different things…or something
R You don't have to think so hard.N Sorry, I can’t really explain it well.R It's okay. You're the kind of genius that moves based on feeling, thinking about all the small details is what players like me do, so you don’t need to think so hard..N Feeling, huh. I can explain how your passes feel to me.
Reo's passes are like they tell me to freely do whatever I want at the moment. It's pretty different from Bachira's passes.
R What are his like?N It feels like his passes push ideas straight into my brain.R ...Do you think it's easier to play with those kinds of passes?N Hmm..they're pretty addicting. It felt great to be able to play following those ideas. But Reo's passes are easy to receive, and they always come exactly where I want them to, so they're easy to play with. They feel really good as well.R Nagi!N But it's not enough, we can't win against Isagi like this.R Huh?N What can we do to win...?
Ah...thinking's such a pain...let's go to the next section~
R Geez, I know that I'm not good enough yet...
If you keep saying thoughtless things like that, you'll end up hurting someone, you know!
NHuh? What do you mean?R I meant exactly what I said! Let's go to the next part, genius!3. Rivalry Battle (2nd Selection)N Oh, "Chemical Reactions". This is where they got us to combine our weapons or something.R Yeah, pretty much that.Nagi, what did you learn during the 2nd selection after you separated from me? You grew so much since we fought against each other.N Hmm...I didn't really learn anything, it's more like I came to understand some things?
I lost to Rin, Bachira got taken, and Isagi and I fell back down to the Second Stage.
RYeah.N And then I kinda got into an argument with Isagi.
He said I couldn't do anything without Reo, and I realized that I needed to be able to fight even without passes.
R Both your trapping and Isagi's direct shot are weapons that need passes to work.N Yeah. Isagi had Bachira, while I had you. Without passes from skilled players who understood us, we can't really play like we want.
But I realized during the match against the King (Barou) that I can use traps to "create" or "absorb”.
If I can use these two types of traps well, I can find my own rhythm even without special passes. And I realized I would be able to win against the King.
That's about it.
I'm tired from talking~ I'm thirsty~
R Ok, ok, good work.The matches during the 2nd selection had very few players on a small field, so the influence of a single player was much stronger than usual. The ability to win 1vs1 was definitely important.N Yeah, I think so too.R And that's why...N That’s why?R Well, when I fell to the bottom with Kunigami, I realized I wasn't strong enough to win 1vs1.
And that’s why I couldn't play well enough to satisfy you and lost to Isagi. I realized I needed the power to fight by myself, without needing to rely on anyone. This is why I decided to become a player that can stand alone.
N If that's what you really want, I won't stop you.R I'm no longer someone who is just a "jack of all trades".N Reo, you're so cool~R Huh? Are you making fun of me?N No I'm not, I really think you're cool.
You look different from how you did during the 2nd selection.
R And whose fault do you think that is?N Huh? What?R Anyway! I changed to become stronger! End of story!N Eh...there's still more I want to say...R I don't care! Let's go to the next part!N Wait Reo! I'm thirsty~ Get me some water~R I said don't care! Get it yourself!4. The World of BattlesR It's really quite frustrating, you know.N Huh? What are you talking about?R I wanted to be the one to show you how fun soccer is, but you seemed like you had more fun playing soccer after you left me.N What? That's not true.R I can tell from how your face looked, you idiot. You looked like you were having so much fun getting stronger.N is hard and a pain, but I want to win now. I don't want to lose.R Is that because of the match against Team Z?N Yeah. I was so frustrated we lost so I wanted to win against Isagi.R What about him do you like so much?N It's not that I like him or anything, it's just that he's really strong, and he’s the guy I want to win against the most right now.
During matches, he does things that make me think, "What is this creature?"
R I'm pretty sure people think the same thing about you.N Really? I'm not doing anything special, just reacting to the ball.R You'd piss a lot of people off if you said that to their face.N Eh...that would be a pain...R But well, it's true that I underestimated Isagi Yoichi.
With that spatial awareness and soccer knowledge, he really is like a monster.
N I wonder how we can win against him…R I never thought I'd see the day you'd seriously think about stuff like this. You're a true soccer player now.N Hm. I'm surprised at myself too. When I first came here I just wanted to hurry up and go home to play games.R Hey, Nagi. Is soccer fun?N Well, yeah. And it's thanks to you for inviting me to play.R I didn't do anything. And I still haven't done anything.
Honestly, I was confident before. I thought we could easily become representatives of Japan and win the World Cup.
N Things haven't gone as planned, but it’s still your dream. Isn't Blue Lock exactly the kind environment you wanted?R It is, and I think it's a great challenge. It made me realize exactly how big of a dream winning the World Cup is. It's not something you can get easily. But that's exactly why it's so amazing. It's not something that can just be given to me, which is why it is something fit to be called a “dream”.N Wow, Reo's so passionate. I'll try hard too. Moderately.R That last word was unnecessary.N Then I won't try hard.R Hahaha, that's fine with me too! You're fine the way you are!N ...I guess I will try hard then.5. A Challenge Towards Our DreamR The World Cup, huh...I’m definitely going to get it, but the road to becoming the best in the world is a long one.N We'll be able to get it, Reo.R Of course, that’s why we came to Blue Lock after all.N Oh right, speaking of "World", I've recently started watching videos of soccer players.R Cool, like who?N Umm, who was it again…Bergkamp? And Noel Noa?.R Ooh, they’re both world-class players! Bergkamp in particular is known to be amazing at trapping!N Yeah, Chigirin told me about him while I was watching a compilation video of super world soccer moments.R Were you watching to study trapping?N Yeah. There are a lot of cool players around the world.R Soccer's amazing, right?N Yeah. It’s very deep.R And the World Cup is something only given to those at the very top! It’s something no one in Japan has achieved before. I definitely want to make this dream come true!N Yeah. Me too.R Even though you were so against playing soccer at the beginning?N I wasn't against it, I just thought it was a pain.R Is there a difference?N Yeah. If you play soccer, you need to practice a lot, you need to run so much, and you get so tired. I use to wonder why everyone was willing to go so far.R Hmm, you know, regarding that, I think I've been spoiling you a bit too much…N Ehh~ why? Spoil me more~
I'm completely fine with it! In fact, I want someone to spoil me for the rest of my life~
I'm the kind of creature that grows if you spoil them~
R Shaddup! I don't mean it like that!
I used to tell you that you only needed to wait for my passes in front of the goal, right? But you couldn't get invested in the game like that, and you didn't find soccer fun.
Now, you're setting your own goals and trying to grow. It's much more healthy this way.
I was giving you too much.
N I don't really get all this difficult stuff, but I wouldn't have come to Blue Lock if you weren't with me, and if we didn’t come here, we would never have realized we weren’t unstoppable, so I don't think you need to worry so much.R Really? If you say so.N Yep, Simple is Best. Let's work hard together~R (Does this guy really get what I'm trying to say? Guess it's no use thinking too hard about it…)N So spoil me more~R Alright, alright.6. Life at Blue LockR That took quite a bit more time than I thought it would…
Life at Blue Lock is supposed to be pretty tough, but we've somehow gotten pretty used to it.
N Speaking of being tough, I was so surprised at the food during the 2nd stage of the 2nd selection. The only side dishes were natto and pickled radish.R Oh yeah, during the 1st selection we ate pretty well so there was a big difference.N Yeah, it made me a bit sad.R And yet you said that "chewing was a pain" when we got steak…N Chewing is a pain. Why do humans need to chew to eat?R They invented energy jelly drinks for people who think chewing is a pain.N Yeah those are great. But the taste kinda gets boring after a while.R I see, the taste's important…
I've been wondering, but did you get into any arguments with the guys you shared a room with after we separated?
N Hm, it wouldn't really call it an argument, but Barou got pretty angry at meR He did?N Yeah. He's very particular about things. He’s the kind of guy that can't stand wrinkles on the bed sheets.R Seriously? He's a clean freak?N Yeah. He was such a pain, yelling at me for throwing my stuff onto his bed, or for not drying my hair
Oh, but he folded my laundry for me, so maybe he wasn't such a bad guy after all? I dunno.
R I see, I can see him being that kind of person from his playstyle on the field.
Wait Nagi, isn't it about time you stopped thinking everything is a pain and learn how to take care of yourself? There's no guarantee that there will always be someone like Barou around.
N Huh? Won't Reo be with me?R Oh, so you're counting on me being there.N But during matches you always give me my drink and towel.R Yeah, I do, but it's not like I'm your manager or anything. And there's also no guarantee that I'll always be with you, either.N What? You won't?R Of course I want to. But you never know. This is Blue Lock, after all.N It's fine, don't worry. We're going to become the best in the world together, right?R You're pretty confident…N It's not confidence, it's because we promised.
Anyway, I'm tired~ Reo, carry me~
R Geez, what's with that. Here, get on my back
Alright then, where shall we head next, Mr. Troublesome?
N Let's go back to Blue Lock~

1. PrologueI Look, there's grass here! It feels so nice!B It's like we're on a soccer field! Hey Isagi, let's battle 1 vs 1! Is there a ball anywhere??C Haha, there are no balls here! You guys are way too excited.K This facility isn't meant for soccer matches. Didn't they say it was some place for us to reflect on our growth or something?I Yeah, Ego said that all our experiences until now are recorded here.B Surprising, right!? When did they have time to make such a place?C Everything Ego does is so extreme...I mean, I know that it's important to reflect on our growth and everything, but...I Haha, I know right? Didn't Reo's Mikage Corporation help fund this place too?K Seriously...?I Yeah, I heard from Nagi. That's why this place is so large, and I heard that the info they have is pretty detailed too.K Wow, that's pretty amazing.B I'd expect no less from Blue Lock!C Seems like it'll be interesting, at least.B Look, the gate even has lights and everything! It's like an amusement park!C At least they put some effort into the building.I Yeah, I'm kinda happy they gave us a day off to come here.B It's been a while since they let us out! We're free!! We're just going to be looking back at our training, though.C Can we really call this a day off...?B It's a day off, but we're not truly free...K Hey, give it a chance, this could be interesting, you know?B Alrighty then, let's see what they have in store for us!2. Individual StrengthsB Here, it looks like they're introducing everyone's individual strengthsI Individual strengths...I remember worrying a lot at the beginning because I didn't know what mine was!C That's 'cause your strength is your spatial awareness, which isn't something you can tell by just looking.I Exactly, when Kuon asked me what my weapon was, I couldn't think of an answer.K Even if it's not something immediately obvious, it's a really amazing weapon. It's not easy to be able to understand the entire situation on the field in an instant.B But now you're able to make full use of your eyes and brain! You’re strong enough to go head-to-head with Rin-chan!I Oh, that reminds me! When I was worrying about what my own weapon was, Chigiri and Kunigami gave me advice, right? Thanks for the help back then!C I didn't really do anything, just said what I thought. Your own strength was what let you understand and use your weapon on the field.K And I didn't even give you any concrete advice.I But the steak was really good!B What steak?I Remember how I assisted Kunigami in that goal against Team X? He told me that goal was ours, so he gave me half of the steak he redeemed using the goal bonus points.K Wait, Isagi! If you tell them that...B What!! No fair! I can't believe you two did something like that behind our backs! I should’ve gotten some steak too, since I was the one who passed to Isagi!C I wanna eat steak too~B Steak!!C Steak~I See? They're out of control now.I Sorry, Kunigami...K Too bad you guys, that steak is long gone now. If you want steak, you should go score your own goals.B Blegh! Fine, I'll score my own super special goal! Wait, Isagi, what about me? Didn't I also give you advice?I Bachira, you always give me courage. Watching you have fun playing soccer no matter what the situation makes me feel like I need to step up my game as well.C Yeah, during the match against Team V, everyone else got cold feet playing against Nagi, Reo, and the glasses idiot, but Bachira never lost his fighting spirit.B Yay! I am super strong!!K Bachira's strength isn't just his dribbling, the fact that he can play well under pressure is also one of his strengths.Wait Chigiri, why did you call Zantetsu “glasses idiot” instead of his name?C Well...I'm kinda pissed off at him because he was faster than me that one time.B But you won’t lose to him again, right?C You bet I won't! I'll never lose to anyone again when it comes to speed.B Gosh Chigiri, you're so cool!I Looks like things are heating up! Let's go to the next area!3. Rivalry Battle (2nd Selection)B Chemical reactions...they're interesting, aren't they! You get different reactions depending on who's playing, and you can even end up with crazy unexpected combinations like that time with Isagi and Barou!C That wasn’t something you could deal with the first time you saw it.B Yep! I don't think someone like me could cause a chemical reaction with a player like Barou. Isagi, how did you manage to do that?I It was hard for me too...I wasn't really consciously trying to work with him, I just decided on the best choices to win the match and it ended up like that.K It seemed like it wasn't working out until part-way through.C Barou wasn't functioning properly at the start, but once Isagi started using Barou's movements, they took all the momentum of the matchI Irealized that being adaptable on the field meant that you need to be able to change your own strategy. It was wrong to wait for others to match my movements.K That makes sense, if you can't evolve during a match, you'll get left behind. That's how Blue Lock is.The 2nd selection was probably about being able to use your talents no matter who you're playing with.I Yeah, that's why you need to be able to win without relying on someone else, and you need to be able to win 1 vs 1. In that sense, the 2nd selection was really testing our individual strengths.B I see, you need to be able to winning by yourself...K What's wrong? Looks like you have something you want to say.B You know, Rin-chan told me that my soccer is one that is looking for someone. I didn't really get what he meant back then, but now that I think about it, someone that can't play unless they have someone else with them can never become the world's greatest striker.I He said something like that to you!?C But you always had the power to create chances alone, didn't you?B Yay! Chigirin praised me!I Uwa!? Why me!? Don't suddenly jump on me!C Didn't think you were the type to worry about stuff like this, Bachira.B What!? Of course I am! I'm human too, you know!I Haha, you normally act like a kid so it's hard to imagine you worrying.B Whaaat!? I'm gonna give you a head chop, Isagi!!I Oww! See, this is what I mean!K Haha, well it would be weirder to not worry about anything when we're in such a competitive environment.C That's true.B But! Even if I do worry, my conclusions are simple! I'll just keep playing the best I can! That's the shortest path to becoming the best in the world!C Absolutely! The only thing we can do is charge forward with our egos!B Bring it on!! This is the way of Blue Lock!4. The World of BattlesC Looking at it like this makes me realize how many battles we've been through.I Yeah, I've never played soccer more seriously in my life.C Exactly.K Same here.B I'm having the most fun right now! After all, I get to play soccer with guys who are seriously aiming to be number one!K Honestly, I don't think I could ever go back to where I played before Blue Lock.I I thought the same thing while walking through this exhibition. At first, I thought Ego was some weird guy, but now we've been completely changed by his philosophy and egoism.B We can tell how much we've grown because of it.C It pains me to admit, but yeah that's true. I won't say that it's all thanks to Ego, but I would have never experienced what I did here if I didn't accept his invitation.K We've gotten more used to this world of battles than we thought.B But it's not a bad thing! It's tough sometimes, but there's no place as fun as Blue Lock!I Yeah! I want to go back soon! I want to challenge myself more.B Oh, that's awesome! Very egoistic!I You know, before I came to Blue Lock, I never had the confidence to say something like, "I'm gonna win the World Cup!" because I thought it was just a pipe dream. But now, I can. My dream is to become the world's best striker. I'm going to become the world's best striker!B Huh? Is that like an athlete’s oath? Ok, I’ll do one too! I'm going to become better than Isagi and become the world's best striker!!K And I will become better than you two and become a superhero striker!I Even Kunigami's joining in?B Aah, he beat us!K The winner is the one who gets the last word, haha.C Alright then, I'll beat all three of you and become the world's best striker.I B Hey! Not fair!C Hehe, the one who gets the last word wins, right?I Then I'll beat all of you and...C Ok that's enough, there’ll be no end to this so let's stop~K You don't have to show your ego here too, you know.I Eh...B Too bad, Isagi! Looks like we're not winning this one. But we're strikers, so let's win on the field instead!C Yeah, beat me on the field before you talk big!I That's just fine! Bring it on, I'll make you say that I'm the world's best striker!C You think you can keep up with me?K Don't forget my shooting strength too.B Haha! It's a gathering of monsters! Half-hearted egoists won't survive!5. A Challenge Towards Our DreamsI We're aiming to be the world's best striker, right?B Of course!I Which means that we'll need to surpass Noel Noa...that's pretty crazy...C Hey, don't get cold feet now.K What's wrong? Why are you suddenly worrying about that?C Becoming the best in the world means that we'll need to overcome everyone at Blue Lock and the best international players.I Yeah...I understand, but before entering Blue Lock I could only admire these guys from afar. I never would have thought I'd be able to seriously challenge them one day. It's thrilling.B I wanna challenge them soon too! I get so excited thinking about playing against people like Ronaldo, Messi, and Mbappe!K Through Blue Lock, I was able to learn about how cruel this world of battles is, and how hard it is to turn your dreams into reality. But it's still my dream to become a superhero through soccer. No matter how hard it gets, as long as there's a path remaining, I'll keep trying.I Yeah, I don't think I can fight equally with Noel Noa right now, but I'm not going to let go of this chance!C I guess the thing that changed the most for me after coming to Blue Lock was that I began to take responsibility for my dream.B After all, every time we fight and win against someone, we're crushing their dream.K You can't survive here with half-hearted resolve.C We don't have the time to care about those who lost. And that's exactly why the ones who win need to take responsibility for their own dreams and keep on pushing on until the end—
Hey! What's with that look you're giving me!?
I Oh no, I was just thinking that you're saying some really passionate things!B Yep! That was super egoistic!C Stop it, you guys..! Gosh, this is embarrassing! Damn, Isagi's usually the one saying this kind of stuff.K Haha, now that you mention it, it did seem like kinda the thing Isagi would say.I What? Me??C Isn't it your job to wax poetic about things?I Eh? Me?? I say things like that??C So you're not aware of gave me a whole speech when you were convincing me to start running again. "The past doesn't matter! What I want to see is how you are right now!"I I-I just said exactly what I was thinking! I just wanted to tell you how I felt...
Oh! But yeah, thinking back on it, I might have said some embarrassing things...
K What’s wrong with that? Being able to tell people your thoughts honestly is a strength.B Don't worry! I like it when you get all poetic on us!C I don't hate it either, Isagi the Poet.B Oh, that's a nice name! Isagi the Poet, Isapoet!C Not bad, right? Isapoet?K Look, you're so popular, Isapoet!I You guys! Stop calling me that weird nickname!!6. Life at Blue LockI We sure walked around a lot.K We spent a lot of time reminiscing so it took quite a while.C There were things I’d rather not remember, but I guess Ego wanted us to accept even those parts and move forward.B Yeah, I think so too. But there were plenty of fun things too, right?I There were...I had a lot of fun where we were preparing for the Team Z victory party.K Oh, the time when we got side dishes for everyone?I Yeah! Even though we said we would have enough for everyone, Naruhaya still went and stole Gagamaru's gyoza so Gagamaru started chasing him, and then there was the part where Igaguri and Imamura started a pillow fight...B Everyone was full of energy because we won the match!K The preparations weren’t proceeding at all so Kuon had a hard time.C Geez, those guys are such a handful.B I don't remember you helping out either, princess!C I prepare the plates and chopsticks for everyone though?I You just took them out! You didn't even bring them back to our room, and just sat in the cafeteria drinking water!B Me and Isagi saw you with our own eyes when we went to get water!C What was I supposed to do? I couldn't carry all those plates by myself. It's more efficient to get someone to help and carry everything in one go.
Why can you guys go grab water as a pair, while I have to do it all alone?
B In the end Kunigami came to help you when he went to get the steak.K Yeah, but I had to carry food in one hand so we ended up going back twice anyway.B See, you weren’t helping at all!C You sure you’re not remembering wrong?I Well...thinking about it now, the only ones who were really helping with preparations were Kuon and Kunigami...and Iemon, I guess.C See, we had the right people for the job already.I I don’t think that’s how it works...B Oh, by the way! The most fun I have at Blue Lock is when I'm playing soccer!C I know.K Seems about right.I I knew you would say that.B Oh my, was it that obvious?I It's the same for me, I feel like I'm having the most fun when I'm in the middle of a match and can feel my own growth!

K That's true.C Yeah, same with me.B I can't sit still for any longer! Anyone up for some practice now!?C I'm in!K Okay.I Sounds great, let's head back then! To our battlefield!B K C Yeah!!

THE CREATURE KNOWN AS A "STRIKER"In the world of soccer, first class goalkeepers, defenders and midfielders can be raised, but strikers are something different entirely. The creatures known as first-class strikers will suddenly appear in the place where soccer is the hottest.Chapter 1: SELECTIONShe doesn't dislike cup yakisoba. In fact, she likes it. It’s usually delicious, but having it 3 times a day as a meal?Teieri Anri, an employee of the Japan Football Union, raises an eyebrow.Empty instant cup yakisobas are piled up on the desk, the contents of the shopping bag on the floor are also instant cup yakisobas, and moreover, an instant cup yakisoba is currently being slurped down.The coach of Blue Lock, Ego Jinpachi.His mouth is chewing, but the bulging eyes behind his glasses are staring at the monitor.He is a coach that Anri herself invited. He is the key person hired by Anri to lead Japan to the World Cup championship, and the person who came up with the outrageous project called “Blue Lock”.He’s very much a weirdo… No, she knew he was a great man who, until now, could not be measured by common sense. But she didn't know that he loves cup noodles so much. She’s a little worried that it might endanger his health.“Now, here’s the next video for the selection.”Bringing his attention back to work from eating cup yakisoba, Anri then uses the remote control to change the screen.Blue Lock Monitoring room.The entire wall was filled with several displays and even more computers for managing vast amounts of data. On the screen, the highlights of the Saitama Prefecture Finals, the Preliminary round for the National High School Soccer Championships, were playing.The cameras are following Player #11. The endgame of the match. Player #11 made a brilliant last pass, his teammate decided to shoot for the goal. Just when Player #11 gave the teammate who took the shot a warm hug, Anri stopped the video.“This kid… is not a good striker. I'll proceed to the next video for selection."As a striker, he’s no good.Ego and Anri are about to conduct an experiment to create the best strikers in the world. 300 strikers under the age of 18, the unpolished gems, will live together and undergo a special top training program devised by Ego. And that is “Blue Lock”.That one player who survives in Blue Lock and is the last one left after kicking out the 299 others will be the best striker in the world. So, this kid who is quick to give a pass to his good friend and teammate is not quite right. What they are looking for is not this kind of friendly play that thinks of others.“Wait, Anri-chan. This is interesting material.”Ego, who had just finished his cup yakisoba, leaned forward. He stared at the screen as if he were devouring it.“Show me all of his videos. What’s his name?”Anri rushes to check the data. Player #11 of Ichinan High School Soccer Team is…“......he’s Isagi Yoichi-kun.”He played footage of some of Isagi Yoichi's matches, and he had a totally systematic way of moving. Passing the ball around, elevating the axis of the attack, and then passing the last pass to a free player.(Hmmm. Certainly, he’s outstandingly good but, it’s just that.)All revolutionary strikers are rare egoists. Take pleasure in your own goals above all else and live only for that moment. On the field, you are the leading actor. Everyone else besides you are supporting actors. If you don’t become the world’s top egoist, you can never be the best striker in the world……! That’s what Ego thinks.Ego's own judgment and biases determine which 300 strikers are invited to Blue Lock, but Anri is aware of this.(Isagi Yoichi……this kid is out of the question.)“Yeah, That’s good, Isagi Yoichi. Anri-chan, I’ve decided to summon him.”No way.
Although Anri was puzzled, she hurriedly checked the "Invite" box on Isagi Yoichi's data.Chapter 2: CRYBABY YOCCHAN“Abababa!! Yocchan♡ It’s Papa ♡ I got you a new toy♡”While shaking the light blue rattle, Baby Isagi’s face rumpled and grimaced.“Guh, Uwaa“Huh…”He was so disappointed that he cried over the toy he had bought to make him happy.“That won’t do, dear. Yocchan is afraid of loud noises. Yocchan, it’s Mama Here’s a teddy bear♡”A cute stuffed bear was held out in front of Baby Isagi.“Uwahhh!!”He cried even more.“.....Oh my, he’s scared of teddy too.”A gentle-mannered and easygoing father, Issei, and a calm and tender mother, Iyo.TL note: Isagi’s first name Yoichi/世一 seems to be a combined name from his father Issei/一生 for the 一/Ichi, and Iyo/伊世 for the 世/YoWith two gentle parents, Isagi Yoichi was born “timid”. The sound of the kettle boiling, a dog on a walk, a cicada’s cast-off skin...... he gets scared and starts crying at the sound of everything. Whenever there was a stranger, he would immediately hide behind his mother, making it difficult for him to make friends or go to kindergarten.In the summer when Isagi was 3 years old, there have been incidents like this one caused by him being timid.Isagi was playing in the living room when he suddenly saw an empty space and began to cry.“Scary! Uwahhh!”Iyo hurriedly comforts the crying Isagi in her arms.“What's wrong? What are you scared of?"Isagi cried out and desperately pointed to the empty space. Even if Iyo strained her eyes, she couldn't see anything. There was nothing but a white wall.“Yocchan, what is there…?”Iyo shuddered when she heard the next line.“Can’t Mama see it?”A chill ran down Iyo's spine as she hugged her child, who was crying even harder. This child can see things that can't be seen...?Isagi started pointing to empty spaces and crying. In the corner of the kitchen, in the bedroom window, in the closet ....... There is something in this house that only Isagi can see.Could it be a ghost……?While the couple was seriously discussing whether they should have an exorcism, Isagi started crying again.“Uwahhh! There it is! Scary!"It’s there……! What could it be!?While hugging Isagi, Issei and Iyo also trembled. At that moment. Close to Issei’s ear, he heard a sound. That unpleasant sound peculiar to summer, and it passed the corner of his eye. He looks up in surprise. For the first time, Issei was able to see what Isagi had been seeing.“I know now, Dear……! Yocchan is scared of mosquitoes!”Isagi had spotted mosquitoes from a distance that no ordinary people could see. So, they sprayed mosquito repellent, and the psychic phenomena in the Isagi household had been settled. Then, another incident occurred.While playing in the park. Sometimes, he would hold his head and start crying.“Does your head hurt?”“Noooo! Uwahhh!”He looked up at the sky and cried, so his parents looked around to see if a nut had fallen or someone had thrown a stone at them, but there was nothing. Having no choice, they hugged the fretfully crying Isagi and went home. When they get home, it always starts to rain. At first she thought it was a coincidence, but it continued for so long that Iyo finally noticed.“Yocchan… is scared of the rain!”The smell of the air, the moisture in the wind, the scudding clouds. He was sensitive to the changes in the sky, sensing that it was going to rain. Isagi is scared because he has a wide field of vision, high spatial awareness, eyesight, kinetic vision, sense of smell, hearing, and skin sensitivity which are all excellent. He detects the slightest change at a level that ordinary people cannot see or notice, and avoids the risk. That's why he doesn't get bitten by mosquitoes or get caught in the rain.This superior sense, in soccer, leads to the ability to foresee the situation through spatial awareness, but neither his parents nor himself knew this at the time. Then, the turning point for this crybaby Yocchan came when he was four years old.His father received J-League tickets from a friend and the family decided to go watch the game. The venue was the Saitama Stadium. His parents had little interest in soccer, but since it was a home game, the place was packed with enthusiastic local fans. Contrary to his parents' expectation that he would be scared of the crowd and cry, Isagi did not cry.“Whoa… Awesome……”As the game began, Isagi felt a throb in his chest that he had never felt before. The bright green grass and blue sky. Players chasing the ball. The crowd going wild. He doesn't know the rules or anything, but he wants to be there. He wants to chase the ball, too.(......I want to play soccer too.)On the way home from the game. Isagi asked his parents, "I want a soccer ball!". It was surprising that their quiet son showed interest in soccer, but of course his parents were very supportive. They immediately bought him a soccer ball, and Isagi's eyes lit up with a "Wow……!" when he saw the black and white ball. Seeing their son kicking the ball with such enthusiasm, Issei and Iyo could not help but feel happy.“I’m glad you’ve found something you like, Yocchan!”“Right! Sport is also good to build up strength! That’s great”It doesn't matter if he's a crybaby, as long as he grows up healthy. For the first time, their timid, only son showed them what he wanted to do with his own will. That alone was enough to satisfy them completely.Chapter 3: NOEL NOASince then, Isagi has been passionate about soccer.He asked his parents to send him to soccer lessons, and when there was a live soccer game on, he would sit and watch it on TV. He plays soccer all the time during his lunch break and after school. He made friends through soccer, and Isagi, who used to be a crybaby, became more and more active. Even so, his timid and quiet personality does not change. He never gets into fights with his friends and never disobeys his teachers. He is athletic, but not very good in his studies, a simple boy who loves to play soccer. Isagi has always been that mob character until one day, when he was 8 years old, something astounding happened. Through the TV, he met a player. It was the young Noel Noa, who scored goals without ever changing a single facial expression.“So cool……!”The player overtakes the enemy one after another and scores a goal without fail, Isagi can't take his eyes off of this otherworldly play. It was too amazing. He was so cool even in his post-win interview.“You were fantastic again today! How do you feel looking back on the match? How did you feel about that super goal?”“......Nothing special. I just did my job as usual.”He answered the somewhat excited interviewer indifferently.“Don't get me wrong. It doesn't matter if it's a super goal or not. Every goal is a point. Soccer is a sport in which points are scored and I am in a position where I am expected to score goals. That's what I'm living for, so I just did what I had to do."Noel Noa doesn't flash a single smile, but the interviewer's voice grows louder and louder with excitement.“Ohh! Can I… take that as a declaration that you want to become the world’s best striker and aim for the World Cup!?”“......Winning isn’t the only thing in soccer. Of course I want to win the World Cup, but I want to feel everything about soccer. Like for example……”Isagi will never forget the line that follows until he dies.“Instead of assisting my teammates to win by 1-0, it feels better to pull off a hat trick and lose 3-4. You can't sell that kind of emotion anywhere, can you?”How thrilling! An electric shock ran through Isagi's body.(This person knows why I love soccer!)When he saw soccer for the first time. It wasn't just the feelings of "how cool" and "how awesome" it is that deeply moved him. More than that, he found it "beautiful." Soccer is a team game, 11 players against 11, and it is also an individual game. There are also the surrounding spectators, the stadium, the show and the battle for life. He wants to be that striker, the one at the center of it all.(I want to be a striker like Noel Noa……!)Noel Noa is trying to reach the top of the soccer world.(Me too……! I'm going to be just like Noel Noa!)It is said that the fastest way to improve not only in soccer but in other sports is to imitate the pros. Although no one taught him, Isagi imitated Noel Noa's every move. He watched his videos, analyzed them, and recorded them in a notebook.He spent every day practicing, filling his mind with Noel Noa's soccer.(One day, I will represent Japan and score a goal in the World Cup Finals!)He aims to be Noel Noa.When asked who he admires the most, he answers "Noel Noa," he writes on his self-introduction card, "My dream is to be the best striker in the world," and his request to Santa is a “World Cup Championship trophy”.Isagi became stronger and better. He was fearless in running into his opponents, as if he had never been a crybaby. In elementary school, he scored a goal beating five opponents in a row. In junior high school, he became known as the unbeatable striker in his hometown in Saitama.(I’m gonna be a striker like Noel Noa!)That dream greatly changed Isagi.After graduating from junior high school, he entered a local soccer powerhouse, Ichinan High School.CHAPTER 4: ONE FOR ALL(I’ll be a striker like Noel Noa! First, I’ll go to Ichinan High School and play at the Nationals! Then I'll turn pro, get called up to the National team, and score the final goal in the World Cup!)This is the dream he has held in his heart since that day when he was eight years old. On the first day of joining the soccer club at Ichinan High School, he was filled with anticipation for the first step toward this dream. When he stepped into the club room, there were already some students who seemed to be new members. The club is strong and historic, with old certificates and cups adorning the lockers and the club's motto written in brush strokes on the largest wall. Looking at the yellowed club motto, which he does not know how long it has been on the wall, a tiny sense of discomfort sprouts in Isagi's heart.<One for all, all for one.>
<One difficulty after another. There is no wall that we cannot overcome if we all work together.>
Something’s wrong, isn’t it……?One for all, all for one. It means each one should act for the sake of others, and the others should act for the sake of each one. Sounds good, but isn't the game far more from that ideal? The soccer that made his heart fired up was even more cruel. The striker who single-handedly broke through that cruel world was beautiful.“You’re Isagi Yoichi-kun, right?”Someone suddenly tapped his shoulder and when he turned around, he saw a tall student who also seemed to be a new club member.“Huh? Yeah, but……”“Whoa, that’s awesome! I’m Tada Tomonari! I’m a forward too! I've seen you at a competition before, Isagi! You were really good! I'm so lucky to be on the same team with you!”“No, it’s nothing…… Ha ha.”When he meets someone for the first time and they come onto him like that, he gets a little startled.“Hey, everyone! It’s Isagi-kun!”Tada called out everyone.“It’s really him! It’s Isagi Yoichi!”“I've won a regional tournament once!”The fellow first-year students gathered around. They all seemed to be cheerful and nice. Thanks to Tada, the mood maker, the nervous first-year students quickly became comfortable with each other.“Isagi-kun’s play is completely unlike any junior high student, it was insane~”Tada talks to him without hesitation, and Isagi starts to relax. ……He's a forward too, so he might understand. Timidly, he points to the club motto on the wall.“Uhm, Tada-kun… don’t you think there’s something wrong with this?”He spoke up about the sense of discomfort he felt.“Why?”He looks at him in amazement.“Well, in soccer, it feels good because you can beat your opponents and score goals by yourself, right? That’s the joy of being a striker. It's not about joining forces, but about the power of each individual striker… I guess.”He glances to see how Tada reacts.“Huh? You can't play soccer by yourself.”He said “What are you talking about?” then laughed.“Soccer is a sport played by eleven people! My goal is a team play that represents the bond of those eleven people! One for all, all for one!”Suddenly, they wrap an arm around each other’s shoulders.

“Let's all join forces and go to the Nationals!"“Yeah!”When Tada said this, their other teammates got excited.(Huh? Am I the only one who thinks that this is ridiculous?)Isagi couldn't say anything more.Shortly after joining the club, Isagi was convinced. Ichinan High School’s soccer philosophy is far from his ideal. The coach was friendly, compassionate, and nice. However, their practice to build up the game by passing the ball around is honestly boring. The coach's emphasis is not on power and speed, but on their combination with their fellow teammates. It was about teamwork, keeping the ball in play with sharp passes while getting close to the goal.“Nice pass!!”“Isagi, nice timing on your passes!!”He responded with a smile, but every time his fellow teammates compliment him, He wonders, "Is this what I should be doing?” No matter how many good passes he made, he never felt like he’s getting closer to his dream.(Am I… really sure this is what I want?)Being talented, Isagi who practices eagerly, received a uniform number even though he was only a freshman, and began to participate in practice games. But even in the matches, he is not asked to be a striker. They’re winning games, and he doesn't mean to complain, but still…One day at the end of a practice. Isagi had the courage of a lifetime. On a whim, he decided to tell the coach what he thought. Looking at the back of the coach who was about to leave, he said, "Uhm! Excuse me!"“Hm? What’s wrong, Isagi?”Seeing the quiet and obedient Isagi talk to the coach, his other teammates who were about to leave also stopped.“Uhm… I want to go for the next game, as a striker, I'd like to shoot more if possible.…”This was all Isagi could muster.“Hahaha! You want to show off?”The coach laughed out loud, and his teammates laughed out loud as well.“Up until now, You could have won matches with your individual skills, but high school isn’t a piece of cake. First of all, thoroughly practice team play. We win together, and become stronger together! If you do that, then you'll have double the joy! And half the sorrow! That’s what Ichinan soccer is!”The coach went on and on about the importance of the team and strongly hoped that Isagi would contribute to it.“Ichinan is a team that aims to participate in the Nationals with all eleven! Don't think soccer can be won by one person alone!”Turning red from embarrassment, He bows his head. Ichinan's soccer is to win through team play. And that may be the Japanese way of playing soccer.“I'm sure you know what I mean. Isagi, I'm counting on you!”With a slap on the back, the coach leaves. One for all, all for one.(I have to play for everyone……)When he returned to the clubroom, Tada was waiting for him.“Isagi, you’re late. Let’s go home, quick!”Starting with Tada, all his teammates are good guys. They have a nice atmosphere, they have won matches, and if they work hard, they can aim for the Nationals.(This is fine. Indeed, this is how a team works. Soccer is a sport played by eleven people. I'm sure it's not right for me to disturb the harmony… by myself.)He looked up at the club motto and murmured.“One for all, all for one…”Without anyone hearing, he repeated those words again.CHAPTER 5: SEALED EGOFrom that day on, Isagi’s desire for the pleasant sensation of shooting… his ego has been sealed.(After all, everyone has no doubt about it. So I, too, will believe what the coach says.)Mild-mannered and earnest, it could be said that this choice is just typical of Isagi. He has an unreasonably high cooperativeness and has a strong desire to take care of his teammates. He's in his teens, so he doesn't want to be conspicuous in a bad way, and he has always been timid, so he is afraid of being disliked for being assertive. Soccer changed Isagi, and soccer changed him again. The confidence he had when he was an unbeatable junior high school striker in his hometown in Saitama, as if he was the center of the world, rapidly disappeared.He was supposed to have taken the first step with the grand dream of "becoming the world’s best striker and winning the World Cup". It's not that he doesn't feel the passion. But as if to stifle it, he puts out the fire.“Nice pass, Isagi!”“Isagi, nice timing on the pass!”When he hears these words, he feels he has no choice but to continue to play this game of soccer. His daily life could also only be described as typical of Isagi. Like, for example…….“Which girl is your type, Isagi?”On the way home from club activities. Tada shows him a video of an idol group and asks him.He said, "I knew it, it has to be this girl in the center! Right?"I honestly don’t care……he thought but Isagi can’t say that. Besides, Isagi's type of the opposite sex is someone with a nice smile who laughs a lot. Tada's idol of choice is the expressionless tsundere type, so she was definitely off Isagi’s marks. But then.“Ah, I like her too~♡”“I know right!”When his friends get excited, Isagi would say something like this.“Uh, yeah… me too.”Well, he doesn’t dislike them.“As expected! Even Isagi is also into this!”“Yeah…”“Then, do you wanna go to a show with me next time?”“......Sure?”“Nice! Let’s go with everyone!”“Yeahhhh!”The Ichinan Soccer Club is in high spirits.“Ye– yeah…?”He just goes with the flow. With everything going like this, he discreetly cancels his reservation for a song that conflicts with Tada's. When he was invited for ramen after club activities, he would say "I already ate it yesterday, but it's okay..." and so they go together. And at the ramen restaurant, he fills everyone's cups with water. Of course, he would also refill them too. Kind and considerate, he is one of the most important members of the Ichinan Soccer Club. Before he knew it, Isagi, who values harmony, became one of them.CHAPTER 6: THE FINALS STAGEThen came fall in his second year of high school.Isagi was contributing to the team not as a striker but through his assists. Ironically, his wide field of vision, excellent spatial awareness, and high soccer IQ have improved his team play to perfection. Thanks to that, their team was steadily advancing through the Prefectural Tournaments.“It’s finally here!”Today is the final match of the Saitama Prefectural Tournament. In the locker room at the venue, their coach raised his voice. Just one more goal until the Nationals. One more win and it’s the Nationals.“Win or lose, you are my pride!”The pre-game meeting. The coach is as intense as ever.“Just grab this chance! If we all grab it together, we won't have any regrets! Let's go! One for all, all for one! That’s the Ichinan soul!”“YEAAAAAHHHH!!!”The screams of the Ichinan High School Soccer Team echoed through the locker room.“YEAHHHH!!!”Even Isagi shouted with the same intensity, getting himself pumped up.(I definitely want to win……!)Their opponent in the Finals was Matsukaze Kokuo High School, which had one of the best strikers in the prefecture, Kira Ryosuke.(I will beat that Kira Ryosuke, go to the Nationals……get scouted, go to the J-League……Someday, I will represent Japan……! Someday, I'll be at the World Cup I dreamed of……)He looked at his clenched fist and realized.(World Cup? So I’m still…… hoping for something like that.)He had never told anyone about it, and even he had almost forgotten about it, but it had always been there in the bottom of his heart. He wants to represent Japan and win the World Cup. It was a dream that he had been thinking about ever since the day he saw Noel Noa for the first time when he was eight years old. Then a predictive thought came to his mind.(......if my dream were to come true, this match would surely be the turning point.)Just as when he was a child, Isagi felt he could see his future, just as he could predict the rain by looking at the sky.(......Then I should fight as if my life depends on it!)His true feelings welled up in his heart. Isagi heard the voice of his ego for the first time in a long time. He clenches his fist even more.(I've been fighting as a team for a long time, but there's no way this team will make my dream come true. As a striker, I can't give up here! If I get a chance...I'll win this game with my goal!)For the first time since entering high school, Isagi decided to take his own shot.The final match was led by the underdogs, Matsukaze Kokuo High School. One goal was scored by Kira Ryosuke in the first half, and the game was 0-1. Ichinan pulled through the pinch with their organized defense. They were pushed from start to finish, and no decisive chances came their way. They entered the second half without being able to attack, and time passed steadily. And at the end of the second half, the first chance of this match finally came.“Come on, Isagi! GO! GO!”“This play is our last chance!”“ISAGIIIIII!!!”Those benched cried out in prayer. Forty minutes into the second half, Isagi had the ball. There is very little additional time.(We’ll go to the Nationals if we win this! Nationals! Nationals! Nationals! Nationals! I’ll win with my own goal!)Finally, a chance to score in this match. Enduring, running, This is the chance that Isagi has pulled off on his own. The opponent’s #7 and #9 were chasing after him. Just barely getting a yellow card, #9’s arm grabs his uniform. Isagi forcefully shakes off the arm and charges into the enemy line. An astounding ability to concentrate.(We’ll go to the Nationals if we win this!)With an extreme feint, he outwits the defense and breaks through.(Come on!)Here it is. The goal.(One-on-one with the goalie! I’ll decide it with this shot!)The enemy goalkeeper rushes out forward.“I’m going. To the Nationals!!”His nerves are strained to the limit, and all Isagi sees is the goal. He feels the same passion as he did one day. He began to remember his ego.(I am sure of it. This game will be the turning point for me……)He can do it. All he has to do now is to swing his leg through with all his might.“Isagi! I’m wide open!”The voice of his teammate snapped Isagi's concentration.“Ah… Tada-chan…”All of a sudden, he returns to his usual serious and tamed personality.“I’ll definitely! Return a point!“!?”Tada was free, coming up from the side.(He’s right… If I pass, we’ll get a point……)The goalkeeper could not react to Tada. From that position, he could have scored a goal for sure.“What are you doing, Isagi!? It’s all over if we don’t score here! One for all, all for one!!”(That’s right…… Soccer is a sport played by eleven people……)There’s no need to take a risky battle. If they lose, it will be his fault and he will feel bad for the team.He makes an exquisite pass to Tada's feet. A perfect last pass.The goalkeeper, who had been concentrating on Isagi, was caught by surprise with an “Ah!” and lost his balance.(All right! This will tie the score……)Tada shoots. CLANG! The shot hit the goal post and bounced off.(No way! Damn it!)Isagi's reaction was delayed due to the missed shot.“Counter! Counter!”The enemy No. 7, whom Isagi had shaken off earlier, immediately picked up the ball. He makes a long pass with no time. Of course, the destination is.......(Breakthrough! Kira!)Kira Ryosuke was there. Kira receives the ball and dribbles like a demon to the goal. He smashed through the defense and kept his momentum going……Thwack! The ball hits the net. The decisive point of the game. A chance to counter from a pinch, a spectacular goal that had the entire crowd on their feet.Piiiii!At 0-2, the whistle sounded to end the game.CHAPTER 7: BEING DEFEATEDThere are earth-shattering cheers from the crowd and roars of the winners. #7, who made the long pass on their counter, lifted Kira up and expressed his joy with his whole body.(......It’s over. We lost.)Isagi just stared blankly at Kira, who was at the center of the frenzy.“Today's match was a 2-0 victory for Matsukaze Kokuo High School, and them participating in the Nationals has been decided…”There’s another roar from the crowd as the announcement is made. Pointing his index finger up to the sky, he was intoxicated with victory, and the one in the middle was, of course, Kira. On the same pitch, Isagi's teammates were crouching down on the ground, crying. Tada, who misses a decisive shot, sheds tears.
“I’m sorry everyone… if I had scored… if I had just scored……”
Tada, who is sobbing hard, was called by a teammate and said "it's not your fault, Tada”.. The one who called him cried a lot, too.Then came the Hero Interview.“Kira-san, going to the Nationals must just be a stepping stone for you, but how are you feeling about being invited to join the U-18 National Team?”Participation in the Nationals as a stepping stone. The female interviewer asks a question that is too cruel in front of the defeated team.“Well… I’m focused on winning the Nationals with this team right now. The only thing I can say is I’m only here because I have everyone on my team!”Kira answered, full of confidence. He’s glistening in sweat and has pearly white teeth. Female fans are squealing at the sight of this refreshingly handsome guy.Then, in the corner of the venue where no one is watching……“Gather up, Ichinan!”At the sound of their coach's voice, the defeated, who are drooping their heads, straighten their backs.“You fought well. It’s frustrating, but this is what Ichinan is capable of now. The third years are leaving after this… and some of you might quit soccer after today but you can be proud of the days you fought together as a team."The coach's voice gradually grew tearful.“The time will surely come in your lives…urgh… when you’re able to think…kuh… that this loss wasn’t for nothing……!”The director sniffed and exclaimed, overcome with emotion.“Nothing in life is meaningless! To me, Ichinan’s soccer team…”The players also burst into tears.“ the best team in Japan!!!”While the coach's words and the players' sobs resonated, there was one person, Isagi, who was disinterested.(......No. We’re just a team that couldn’t take the last step to the Nationals.)Thus ended their challenge to the Nationals.On the way home from the match. Pushing his bicycle along the river bank under the sunset sky.(I'm an unknown sophomore forward on that team. That's reality...)The sun was setting over the river.(I’m sorry…. Noa-sama… Looks like I won’t be able to be a superstar player like you.)Isagi speaks to Noel Noah in his mind.(I was fascinated by your plays, I just admired you, and I always kept playing soccer.)Noel Noa, now 31 years old, is a forward for the French National team and the European Player of the Year. He is a superstar up until now.(But now it looks like my dream will end while still being a dream… Representing Japan, becoming an ace striker, and my stupid dream of winning the World Cup…… )Winning the World Cup. The loud cheers, the frenzy, the jubilation, the falling confettis, and at the center of it all is him, holding up the trophy. It was a grand dream that he had held on to since he was 8 years old.(At this rate, I’ll probably won’t even go pro…)Kira Ryosuke's dazzling smile comes to his mind.(Guess only those kinds of guys can go pro… we’re both second years but it’s like the difference between Goku and Krillin… Only one year left until I graduate… even if I keep playing soccer seriously, I still might even need to give up on that dream……)When he closed his eyes, that last play flashed behind his eyes. The goalie of Matsukaze Kokuo High School is glaring at Isagi with his hands outstretched. He looked like he was guarding the goal with his life on the line. He could see a teammate running to his side of the field. He is wide open. If he passes the ball, he is sure to score a goal. But Isagi shoots without hesitation. The course is just under the side, barely out of reach, even if the goalie had read it. Thump! The ball pierces the corner of the net and the score is tied. At that moment, Isagi was a hero. He can imagine it vividly, even the expression of the goalie who gritted his teeth with frustration. If only he had shot instead of passed the ball at that moment…

(Would my fate be any different?)All the pleasure of victory that Kira enjoyed with his whole body today could have belonged to Isagi. But the reality was different. With vacant eyes, he murmured to the sky as the sun was setting.“No…… In soccer, what-if’s are no good… We played as a team and lost…. No helping that……”The elementary school students passing by noticed Isagi muttering to himself, and quickly distanced themselves from him.“That guy is talking to himself……”“He might be dangerous.”They were extremely cautious.“Soccer is a sport played by 11 people…right? You can’t win by yourself…… One for all……”No matter how hard he tried to convince himself, he couldn't help it. The feelings that had been buried deep in my heart burst out all at once.“AAAAAAAAAAAUGH!!”Despair, regret, and frustration all welled up. If only he had taken a shot at that time...!Surprised by Isagi's sudden shout, an elementary school student said, "Wah! Run away!" and started running off.“Damn it…”His tears falling in drops change the color of the soil.(I wanted to win…)By the time he reached home, the sun had completely set.“I’m home.”“Welcome home. How was the match?”
When he opened the door, his mother greeted him with her usual smile.
“We lost, we lost, we lost, and I'm hungry.”“Too bad! I even made tonkatsu today!”A heaping amount of tonkatsu and shredded cabbage is on the dining table. His father, who apparently couldn't wait to eat tonkatsu, had already started eating.“You’re supposed to eat that the day before the match…”“"Is that so? It's good though? Neither of us are interested in soccer, so sorry if we don't know."Isagi retorted, but since neither his father nor mother were athletic types, he couldn’t help but feel a little out of place. Even though he was disappointed to lose, he was hungry.As he was munching on his food, his mother held out a letter to him, saying, "By the way...""There was a letter for you, Yocchan. It's from the Japan Football Union!”“Huh…?”Japan Football Union......? he thought. Are they the one that oversees the Japanese soccer world? For whatever reason it is, he has no idea.“What does it say?”“Hm? A summons?”They don't know much about the Japan Football Union, but they were interested in the letter to their son, so even his father and mother peeked in with him.ISAGI YOICHI-SAMA
“Special Player Training…?”Isagi gulped and swallowed.“Isn’t it a good thing?”“Beats me!”His mother tilted her head and his father haphazardly replied. His parents are too carefree to understand how great this is. A direct invitation from the Japan Football Union.On this day, they lost the match and failed to reach one step to the Nationals.(But why me……)The dream he thought was over, was set in motion once again.CHAPTER 8: REASON FOR THE SUMMONS(Today is Cup Noodles……)Many empty containers of cup noodles were left in the monitoring room. There was no end to his love of junk. It's definitely because of his diet, that he always has dark circles under his eyes and that he's skinny as a matchstick, isn’t it.....? thought Anri, but then she turned her attention back to her work from those Cup Noodles. Ego and Anri were watching the video of the final game of the Saitama prefectural tournament on the monitor.The highlight footage was of Kira Ryosuke, who scored a dazzling shot in that brilliant counter. Ego decided to invite him on the spot, and Anri checked the "invite" box in Kira's data. It was a striker's play that broke through Ichinan’s defense and scored a shot. For Kira, it was an undisputed call.(......but still)Ego’s pick, Isagi Yoichi, lost in the turn of events as Anri expected. He recklessly handed the chance he had drawn up to his teammate, and then self-destructed after being countered. It is a play that embodies Japanese-style soccer with excellent organizational skills, and their defeat showed the limits of that style. Anri wonders.“Isagi Yoichi has been selected for the special player training program…Was it really OK to send him the invite to Blue Lock? I still think it’s a mistake…”Anri’s dream is for Japan to win the World Cup. Japanese soccer has grown over the past 25 years and has become a regular World Cup participant. However, they never make it past the Best 16.“If we play our own soccer, we will win.”“Japan’s passing-style soccer is world class”All soccer commentators say so.(That’s why we’ve never made it over to the Best 16!)Inside her mind, Anri snaps. When she thinks about the future of soccer, she becomes a little bit foul-mouthed. If things continue as they are, Japanese soccer will never be able to win the World Cup. That's why they need a savior who will destroy the current Japanese soccer and lead this country to win the World Cup… The world’s best striker must be born.The selection of the 300 strikers was left to Ego's personal judgment and biases. But, as expected, he’s completely useless, isn’t he? Anri thought. And yet, while watching the image of Isagi slumped over on the pitch, Ego has an eerie smile on his face.“Ah, This guy had the worst, isn’t he, Anri-chan?”“Yes. In this match, his school lost to Matsukaze Kokuo High School, 0-2. Isagi Yoichi… it ended with him unable to do anything.”That's why I told you the other day that this kid is no good.However, Ego lifts the corners of his mouth more and more.“...Isn’t that good... The best of the worst.... He has an overwhelming field of vision and spatial awareness. He has an eye for accurately assessing his position in relation to the players around him, and he has a high soccer IQ. A gem who has killed his potential as a striker by using all of his talent for the team…”Ego raised his glasses and nodded crudely.“Japanese soccer killed him, and he will disappear without being found by anyone. It is the Ego of humans like this that makes Blue Lock a treasure."

MEGURU’S SUMMER VACATIONChapter 1: Let’s Go to Osaka!Bachira Meguru. 2nd year of Highschool.On the way home from a practice match, the summer dusk is still hot.(Soccer might be boring……)He let out a small sigh. Today, too, he was heavily scolded."Bachira, where are you passing the ball to?”“Don't pass the ball where no one is!"Bachira's pass went well over a teammate's head then rolled into empty space. He got yelled at a lot, but in Bachira's imagination, that was the only place to make a pass. He got behind the defense and took three more steps. A world superstar would definitely score a super special goal from there. The only problem is that what Bachira imagined is not conveyed to the other teammates and their coach, and they see it as an "unintelligible pass”.(......Why can’t they understand me? Soccer might be so boring.)Another sigh came out.“Welcome back! ……what’s wrong? You looked depressed.”Bachira's mother, who was running her paintbrush across the canvas, asked.“Nothing. Just a bit tired.”Bachira's mom is a painter, and she's always covered in paint, whether it's her overall work clothes or her beautiful face with clear features.On the canvas is a “monster” with blue flames."You sure you’ll be okay? I'll be gone for a week from tomorrow……”“I’m totally fine! Good luck with your solo exhibition. Yuu.”His mother, Bachira Yuu, has been painting pictures with the theme, “Monster”. A "monster” that throws a piercing gaze from the flickering flames. Although there are various interpretations, her paintings are highly acclaimed, and she will be holding a solo exhibition in Osaka this year called "Kaibutsu Exhibition."廻物展/Kaibutsu-ten is literally “Monster Exhibition” but Kaibutsu sounds wayyy cooler so I’ll retain it“......Osaka….huh. I wanna see Yuu's paintings.”Bachira loves those “Monster” paintings.
It's summer vacation now, and there are no classes. He’s laying on the bed and searching "Chiba→Osaka '' on his smartphone. After much research, he found.......
“Whoa! National Route 1 goes from Tokyo to Osaka!”To his surprise, National Route 1 starts in Nihonbashi and ends in Osaka.It goes through Kanagawa, Shizuoka, Aichi, Mie, Shiga, and Kyoto to Osaka. It is said to be based on the the Edo period book "Tokaidochu Hizakurige", where Yaji and Kita traveled from Edo on the Edo-period Edo-Kyoto highway to pilgrimage to the Ise Grand Shrine.(......does that mean I can walk on National Route 1 all the way to Osaka?)No, it's not that simple. National Route 1 is 730 km long with mountains and valleys. There are many mountain passes that are said to be perilous, and it took even that comical pair 12 days to reach Mie Prefecture’s Yokkaichi from Edo. However, in Bachira's mind, a straight road to Osaka had already been created.(......I’ve got a good idea ♪)The next morning.“Please stay home for a week, okay?”“Yep, I will. Take care.”Bachira sends Yuu off with a smile.After confirming that she was out of sight, he quickly prepared to go out. He puts his sleeping bag, wallet, and phone in his backpack. "Okay! Now we're ready!" All that's left is the ball. That’s all he has. While dribbling, he’s off to Osaka! He kicked the ball and left his house in Chiba.(First, let's go to Nihonbashi, the starting point of National Route 1 ♪)Bachira Meguru's summer vacation, his dribbling journey begins.Chapter 2: National Route 1The starting point of "National Route 1" is a monument called "Nipponkoku Doro Genpyo" in Nihonbashi, Chuo City, Tokyo.日本国道路元標/ Nipponkoku Doro Genpyo is the “kilometer zero” marker on the middle of Nihonbashi bridge in Tokyo“Oh! So this is where the National Route starts! Nice, nice! It’s getting fun ♪”After taking the train from his home in Chiba, the sun and temperature were quite high when he arrived, but Bachira’s excitement was as high as ever. With renewed enthusiasm, he kicks the ball. Skyscrapers in a big city. Dribbling past a businessman in suit with a fluid motion.(I'll keep going and going! Full speed ahead! Full Body! Advance!)While looking at the blue traffic sign that reads "National Route 1," he darts from Chuo-dori to Eitai-dori and then to Sakurada-dori. He won a race on his own against a handsome guy traveling on an electric kick scooter, and was even more excited when he saw Tokyo Tower.“Oops. Enemies.”As if they were being spewed out, crowds of people came out of the subway station so he slowed down. The young lady handing out tissues had a perfect positioning and timing that did not interrupt the flow of people, and she offered tissues saying, “please take this”. She was wearing a bright red miniskirt and a yellow shirt, the same colors as the nearby karaoke bar.“Kyah!”A man with a cell phone in his hand bumped her from behind. She stumbled back and tissues spilled out of the basket she was holding in her hand.(Nyah!?)In slow motion, the tissues advertising the karaoke bar are thrown up in the air.Swish swish swish!All of them were caught before they hit the sidewalk. Bachira grabbed two tissues in his right hand and one in his left. Furthermore, one is placed on his thigh and one on the instep of his foot.“Oh, my hands. Oh, well, never mind! Here you go! ♪”He put the tissues back in the basket that the young lady is holding.“Ah……Thank you.”The young lady in the middle of the metropolis, has this flabbergasted look.(Huh? Is that magic? A miracle? A psychic ability?)She didn't really know what happened, but anyway, she was saved. And, most importantly.(Oh my, isn’t this kid super cute?)He has big eyes and a big smile with zero wariness. Both his flyaway hair and straight-cut bangs make him look more innocent than ever.The young lady…Engi Yoshiko, 24 years old, has long professed that “her favorite type is an older guy who can roll at the palm of her hand”, but that smile with those sparkling eyes is a foul.“Ah! Wait!”She stops Bachira, who is about to leave.“I wanted to give something back!” she thought, but she had nothing else to give."Sorry, here's some tissues if you want!"“Really? Thank you! ♪”, Bachira happily accepts it.Ba-dump!These tissues are free, but that smile is priceless…!(Yep! I can still do my best!)It has been three years since she moved to Tokyo from Aomori to become an actress. She has failed every audition she had, and she has only had a few minor roles in the theater company she belongs to. Her heart is completely broken, but she can't make up her mind to go back to her hometown, so she takes a part-time job. But today, thanks to that cute boy, she has the motivation to live.“Please take this! How about some Karaoke!”The next day, Yoshiko auditioned for her theater company and won her first leading role. Yoshiko said, “That cute boy’s power is formidable…!” and she must have been deeply grateful to Bachira.Unaware of the power he had given to the young lady, Bachira continued down Route 1. Soon the skyscrapers disappeared, and condominiums and greenery began to grow. The buildings became lower and lower, and the national highway became wider and wider, crossing the Tama River and entering Kawasaki City. The road progressed steadily from Chiba to Tokyo to Kanagawa, and then the sun set. At night, of course, he stayed in the open. He found a park with water fountains, toilets, and beds (benches), and decided to stay there.“Aah! I'm tired!"He lay down with his sleeping bag as his pillow.(Maybe I'll arrive in Osaka tomorrow? Yuu, you'll be surprised...)No, not at all. He’s not even a tenth of the way there yet. At this pace, his mother would be back at home in Chiba by the time he reached Osaka, but he’s so simple that he didn't even think about it.(Tomorrow, too…… I'll do my best……guh...)He curled up and fell into a deep sleep.Chapter 3: A “Monster”’s DreamBachira was dreaming of his childhood.He is playing soccer with his friends. Bachira, who has the ball in his hand, is overtaking his three friends one after another. He does a feint, passes the ball through their legs, and finally kicks the trapped ball with his back foot in a tricky move.“Bon ♪”His left heel hits the center of the ball and a pleasant impact runs through his body. Fwsh. It’s so much fun to score a goal just as he imagined!...... but his friends don't seem to be having any fun at all."Bachira, you're so strong, it's so boring!"“Let’s stop playing soccer, let's go home and play games!"Why? Why do they say that?“Everyone just needs to be one with the ball! Then you can make awesome plays! Nothing’s more fun than playing soccer!”The three of them make faces like, "What the hell is that?”.“You’re weird.”“He's kinda scary…… His eyes aren’t right.”“Let’s go. All he thinks about is soccer… What a weirdo!”Everyone turns away.“I……I’m not weird!”He felt a pang of frustration. Bam!“Guah!”Before he knew it, he had landed a jumping volley kick on his friend's face.“I’m not weird!”I was so frustrated and disappointed that he got into a fight with them, but……“Huh!? You’re totally weird!”“Think you can beat us three to one?”“Yeah! Get him!”They hit him back and beat him to a pulp.“Meguru, you’re not weird.”That’s what his mom said to him.“Right, Mom? I know those guys are wrong.”"Well, I don’t think they’re wrong. Fighting is bad, but… It's just that they aren’t able to feel…… what you can feel."She puts a sticky plaster on the top of his nose.“Then, what should I do? I just want them to play soccer with me. It’s way more fun than playing games.”He wonders why they don't understand.“That’s admirable, Bachira! It's wonderful to have something you want to believe in. Just live your life believing in it.”His mom smiled happily and patted his head gently.“When people become adults… they want to believe but they forget how. So if you pretend not to hear it… eventually, you really won’t hear your own voice anymore.”In front of his mom is a large canvas.“......what you’re trying to believe in is such a fleeting and precious thing…..."On a canvas like a wall, his mom runs her paintbrush.“It's the voice of the “monster” in your heart…… Me too, I've always trusted that voice.”There was a “monster”. Like a flickering flame in the darkness, like a rising plume of smoke, a blue and black "monster".(That’s the "monster" inside mom…… Then, what kind of "monster" is inside me......?)Little Bachira is playing soccer again. But he has no more friends. When he puts the ball on the ground, a blue-black flame appears. It's the “monster.” The "monster" comes to steal the ball. He rolls the ball backwards. The “monster” chases the ball further.“Nyahaha ♪ Over here!!”The ball bounces lightly between his legs, he turns, then stops.Playing soccer with the “monster” is so much fun. His mom told him that this “monster” was his imaginary friend. A friend that no one else can see, just for you. Even if they say it’s weird, the "monster" will play soccer for him. That’s why it's a lot more fun!Bachira in his dream becomes a junior high school student and then a senior high school student.“Nyahaha ♪ Over here!!”He has been playing soccer with a "monster" for a long time. Because only this "monster" understands what Bachira imagines.However… Bachira on the bench is sleeping with an innocent sleeping face, sucking his thumb.(......Mama, I want one. I want a real friend whom I can have fun playing soccer with……)Chapter 4: Two Very Lucky PeopleAnd the next morning.Screech! Slam! Thud thud.He was awakened by the sound of a rough driving. A truck was parked on the side of the park, and a young man with a white towel wrapped around his head, who appeared to be the driver, was dashing to the restroom. The desperate look on his face also reveals what’s the situation of his lower half. Bachira stretches, "Fuwaa." He feels he had a dream, but can't remember what it was. The weather is nice and it looks like it will be hot again today.
“Oh, come on!”
He got up and kicked the ball, when he heard a scream from the restroom.“Aah! Paper…… There’s! No paper!”(......Paper?)Suddenly, Bachira rummages through his pockets. There’s……a lot. These are the tissues given to him by a young lady yesterday."So this is what it means to have neither God nor Buddha!"Bachira said "If you don’t mind, take this.” then threw one of the tissues from above to the man screaming in agony in the toilet cubicle.“Huh!? For real!? A Buddha in hell! No, a God only of paper! Thank you so much! Damn it, I’m so lucky! Nope, when I was out of paper, it was bad luck to the point that even god has forsaken me!”地獄に仏, literally “Buddha in Hell” might sound negative but it means you have came across a very helpful person when you’re in great trouble. While 紙だけに神 is a Japanese pun since Kanjis 紙/paper and 神/god are both read as “kami”It is very noisy.Bachira was also doing his business at the urinal when he heard the sound of water being flushed and a man came out, clattering and clenching his belt.“You’re a god! Thank you!”He then shook Bachira's hand. By the way, neither of them had washed their hands at this point. The man was overly friendly, open-minded, and talked a lot.“Ah You saved me! I suddenly got a stomach ache! It was on the verge of coming out when I found the restroom in the park! Just when I think I’m saved, this time there's no paper! Thanks a lot! So, are you doing club activities now? That's a lot of work in the heat!”“Nope. I’m dribbling to Osaka.”The man makes a "hm?” face.“Seriously?”“Yup. See yah!”
The pure eyes show how serious he is. To Osaka……Dribble to Osaka……
“Wait!”A man stopped Bachira, who had already begun dribbling."......I'll give you a lift to Nagoya."The man pointed with his thumb at the truck.“I am lucky, but you’re lucky too! I was just on my way to Nagoya! It's fate, isn't it?”It's an extreme shortcut on National Route 1 all the way to Aichi Prefecture. The man is Hanashika Kazuya, 28 years old. He was a truck driver, on his way to Nagoya to deliver some goods. The truck accelerated as it entered the highway.“By the way, boy, what's your name?”“Bachira Meguru. 2nd year High School.”“I see! I’m Hanashika! I invited you here by myself, but didn't you learn that you shouldn't follow a stranger? Well, from the looks of it, I'm a nice guy, though!”“You’re not someone unknown, aren’t you? You’re that guy from the “Dang its”, right?”the original is なにくそンズ read as “nani kusonzu”, and I think this is the closest I can get in English“Huh?”Hanashika was greatly shaken by Bachira's words.The truck shook violently and swerved into the next lane. If it had not been a morning highway with little traffic, there was a high probability that they would have died.“Ho–......Are you……a fan of mine by any chance?"His hands are trembling as he grips the steering wheel.“No, I’m not ♪”He immediately denies it with a smile.“I just thought I'd seen you somewhere before. And then I saw this on the dashboard."There, on top of maps and magazines, was a flyer for a live gig.<Roar of Laughter! Dang it’s Gekokujo Comedy Live!>下剋上/Gekokujo generally means “the lower rules the higher” or “the low overcomes the high”. Since the “Dang its” is a duo, it probably means that their acts revolved around that kind of exchanges in a Manzai performanceAmong the pictures of several comedians, is a comedy duo in their goofy style of white suits and gold shiny bow ties…… the "Dang its," smiling. Although the impression is totally different from now, the one with the head parted into seven-thirds was indeed Hanashika.“You see, I’ve quit being a comedian”

Hanashika’s face distorted in a sullen look. "Dang its" was a comedy duo that didn't sell well, and Hanashika was in charge of being the “tsukkomi” or the “straight man”. But a year ago. His partner, who was in charge of being the “boke” or “funny man” and their scripts, got drunk and wrote bad things about big-name celebrities on Twitter, causing a huge firestorm. As a duo, Hanashika also had to apologize, but their apology press conference sparked even more controversy due to the excuses made. Bachira remembered that news.“Forget it already… dammit.”Hanashika reached out and crumpled the flier for the live concert he had been saving reluctantly.“In the world of comedy, only the lucky few survive. I wasn't so lucky.”That fiery scandal came just as he was starting to get some work as a comedian. Since childhood, he had always been a show-off and loved to make people laugh. He had always dreamed of becoming a comedian and appearing on TV. That dream came true in the worst possible way. He has nothing but regrets about that apology press conference. I was so frightened that he exposed his miserable, pathetic appearance to the whole country.“......I had dreamed of being a comedian since I was a kid, but after I tried it, I realized that it's not that easy. I've learned that dreams don't come true that easily. Life ain’t easy. When you grow up, there are some dreams you have to give up……”His voice becomes quieter as he mumbles. If only his partner hadn't gotten drunk and done that at that time. If only they had held a more proper apology press conference. If only he had seriously held back when his partner said he was quitting.“But you know what…….if only I had more luck...then maybe by now..."He looked to the side and saw that Bachira was watching a video on his phone."You were not listening!?"“So funny ♪ this popular comedian!”“You may have a cute face, but you're a bit of a demon, aren't ya?"Bachira was laughing out loud at the video."Ah, by the way…… what is your dream?"As for Hanashika, he feels like he doesn't have enough to say.“Me? To be a soccer player. I wanna play exciting soccer on the world stage with Messi, Ronaldo, and Noel Noa.”“What? Isn’t that impossible! No way!”Hanashika is not exactly a soccer fan, but he knows how great the guys Bachira mentioned are.“It's up to you to decide if it's impossible or not, isn't it?” Bachira didn’t take him seriously.“I've decided I'm gonna play exciting soccer! I don't care about luck. Bwaha! A soccer-obsessed comedian talk, how funny”Bachira seemed to find the video quite amusing and didn't take his eyes off his phone.“You’re too free, aren’t yah……”Hanashika was amazed, but remembered his old self. He too had been told that it was “impossible for him to become a comedian” but I ignored what they said and continued ahead."You're gonna quit college to become a comedian? Are you serious?”“You've underestimated the world. You need to face reality!"Even though his friends made fun of him, even though his parents lectured him, he gritted his teeth and worked hard. He never thought that he would turn to the side of criticizing other people's dreams in the same way. That’s pathetic.“It's up to you to decide if it's impossible or not……That's a good point. Alright, I'll buy you miso katsu in Nagoya!”“For real?”He’s not sure, but he’s lucky that he can save his lunch money.A few months later, Hanashika meets Bachira again through the TV in a room of his apartment. It was a match between “Japan’s U-20 National Team vs. Blue Lock’s 11.” And even more months later, Bachira would find out in a comedy show, “Ah, The “Dang its” are back…….”.Those were unbeknownst to them. Bachira was treated to Nagoya's famous miso katsu and parted ways with Hanashika.“See yah, Bachira Meguru! Take care! Thank ya!”“Bye bye ♪”After honking the horn for farewell, the truck left.Chapter 5: Fresh Chocolate Milk PuddingThe remaining distance is about 170 kilometers from Nagoya to Osaka.It is a tough road with some mountain crossings, but Bachira dribbles along in high spirits. But, as he was cheerfully making his way through the rural townscape.(Wah ♪ Special Fresh Chocolate Milk Pudding……)A cake shop's banner catches his eye. Bachira loves sweets. He was about to be sucked into the store, but he shook his head. He was still in the middle of his journey and could not afford to waste too much. Just when I was about to give up and pass by, an incident happened.(Ah, danger……)Bachira floats the ball instantly.Span!He kicked the ball vigorously toward the windshield of the car in front of him.Screech!“Kyah!!!”A woman screams at the screech of the brakes.“Masato!”The mother, whose face is burning red, rushes over to her little child who fell on her backside and hugs him. A careless car almost hit the child in the doorway of the cake shop. Bachira noticed and immediately hit the windshield with a ball. Thanks to this, the driver noticed and the child escaped being hit by a hair's breadth.“Mama! That big bro with the ball saved me!”The child, embraced by her mother, pointed to Bachira.“Thank you! Thank you so much!" The mother bowed repeatedly with her child.“Please eat this if you like!" he had no intention of doing so, but she forcefully handed him a paper bag to thank him.“That big bro’s awesome! I wanna play soccer too! Right, Mama?”“Yes, soccer is great!”The parents and her kid walk home hand in hand.The boy whose life Bachira saved would later grow up to become a famous writer for a soccer magazine, but he doesn’t know that yet. And then…(Is this paper bag from that cake shop……?)Inside was a special fresh chocolate milk pudding.I immediately went to a nearby park to refuel with sugar.“Yum ♪”The sweetness of the pudding made his feet flutter. Three is a lot, though. It's summer, so it's going to go bad soon, and he doesn't want to throw them away……"That looks delicious.....”“Huh?”Before he knew it, an elementary school student, apparently on his way home from cram school, was standing in front of him. With black-rimmed glasses, he looks petite and serious-looking, he’s the type of boy who studies a lot. He must be very tired, he hunched over and stared at the fresh chocolate milk pudding with eyes like dead fish."Do you want some? Glasses boy."“Ehhh!”When Bachira smiled, the elementary school student nodded, although hesitant. He sat next to him.“Thank you so much……”He is a fifth grader, Rio Arikita. Normally, he would not do such a crazy thing as accepting food from a stranger, but he was so exhausted that he could not make such a normal decision. Quickly, he brings the plump pudding to his mouth.“Ah! It’s good!”“It’s good, right ♪ I just got it from a stranger earlier ♪”He suddenly felt anxious, but he couldn't resist the sweetness. Rio loves sweets. As he ate the fresh chocolate milk pudding as if drinking it, the sugar was absorbed into his brain, which was exhausted from studying, and his blood sugar level rose, giving him more energy.“I see…… dribbling to Osaka. That's amazing for someone so young."“Amazing? Really? Yay ♪”It is a conversation between a mature elementary school student and an innocent high school student.“I envy you. I want to do something amazing like that, too.”“Why don't you just do it?”“I can't do it during summer vacation because I have cram school every day from morning to evening.”“Studying from morning till evening? I don’t want that!”When Bachira is surprised, Rio looks dejected.“I don't wanna go to cram school either……”"You don't want to go, but you go every day? You're weird!"(Weird?)From being dejected, he was stunned. He was told he’s weird by someone who’s weird.(Come to think of it, why do I go to cram school?)It's because his mom told him to, but this is the first time he has ever questioned that. It's a boring summer vacation. He wants to do something amazing like this big bro… after all, it’s summer vacation……“I’m gonna go ahead!”“Wa, wait!”Rio wanted to talk to this big bro a little more.“Hey, if you don't mind, why don't you stay at my house? I live in a hot spring inn so you can stay secretly in a futon room and enjoy taking a bath in the hot spring. I think it's better than sleeping outdoors!"“Hot springs! I’ll go! Expeditiously!”Thus, Bachira secured a place to stay for the night.Chapter 6: Sacred TreeThe next morning.Rio guided him to sneak out of the back door of the hot spring inn. Rio prepared the bedding, bath, and meal for him so that his family would not find out. It was a difficult mission, as if he had "taken a stray dog and hid it from his parents", but Rio succeeded."Um, if you don't mind, I have this..."He hands him a paper bag that looks like a souvenir.“I, I made these muffins. I like to eat and make sweets. Oh, but I don't know if they are good or not……”Rio looked shy and scratched his cheek with his index finger.“Yum! So sweet! ♪”(He’s already eating it!?)But seeing Bachira eating while smiling made Rio happy.Influenced by the mold-breaking Bachira, Rio tried to bake muffins in the kitchen of their inn last night instead of doing his cram school homework. It may be a small thing compared to Bachira’s dribbling trip, but it was a big adventure for Rio not to do his cram school homework. Letting this big bro stay over without telling his parents, not doing homework, and baking muffins. He was nervous, anxious, and guilty. However……(......I'm glad I made them.)For the first time, Rio knew how happy he was when someone ate his food so deliciously.“Now then, please do your best!”“Bye bye ♪”After that, Rio really got into baking sweets. He asked his mother to reduce his cram school classes and made lots of sweets during the summer vacation. Eventually, his hobby grew to the point where he started making desserts to be served at the inn, which became the talk of the town, and it would be a long time before the inn became popular as a "sweets hot spring inn" with a famous patissier.Now, under the summer sun, Bachira entered Mie from Aichi.“So hot”It was scorching hot. Still, he went on and on, crossing fields and mountains.“Whew I can’t anymore.”He stopped his ball, then put his hands on his knees. It’s getting late, and it was time for him to find a place to sleep. That's what he thought, then there was a red torii gate right in front of Bachira. It was a shrine.“Pardon my intrusion……”It was small and old and didn't look like anyone was there, but it was clean and there were benches in the grounds. A large tree with plenty of leaves is wrapped in a shimenawa rope, so it must be the sacred tree of this shrine. He decided to stay here today.Once that is decided, it’s time to pay for a visit. He made some monetary offering, then clapped his hands in prayer.(Uhm, I wish to play soccer with Noel Noa, Ronaldo, and Messi ♪ Ah, and also Benzema, Mbappe, and……) It was a little too much to ask for ten yen.Then late at night, there’s a faint sound of pebbles being stepped on. The feeble light from the street lamps barely reached the back of the torii gate. A man wearing a black jacket, black pants, and a black mask quietly crept into the shrine through the darkness.He holds a curved iron bar...a crowbar and looks around.There’s an offerings thief.Even if he’ll be cursed, he is trying to break the offertory box and steal the money. Although it is a small shrine, there are festivals and bon dances held in the summer, so the money box attracts a good amount of money. It has also been investigated that there is no security system and that it is completely unmanned at night.While the man quietly approaches the offertory box……“Yes!”“Hiii!”He suddenly yells out of the blue and jumps with surprise.He fearfully look in the direction of the voice, but it's too dark he couldn’t tell. He hears the rustling sound of the leaves and knows that it is the direction of the sacred tree that he saw during his initial inspection.Rustle! The leaves shook noticeably louder.“What are you doing!”The sacred tree yelled at him.“Hiii! I, I'm sorry! I won't do it again!"The offerings thief rushes away in terror.“Hey!”“I will never do anything bad again! I will change my ways and work diligently! Please don’t curse me!”He ran for his life, falling many times along the road approaching the Shinto Shrine.“Oi! Hey!”Even after the offerings thief were gone, his yells echoed through the temple grounds.“Oi! What are you doing, Zico! Pass! Pass it!”It's nothing much. It was just Bachira's sleep talk.Chirp chirp. Pip pip.“Hn?”Early in the morning, Bachira woke up to the chirping of birds gathering at the sacred tree. It was another beautiful day.(......What’s this?)As he was getting up, he noticed a piece of white paper on his stomach. When he picked it up, it was an unopened omikuji*.*These are random fortunes written on strips of paper at Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples in Japan.He has no idea why it ended up here. He doesn't know, but omikujis make him excited. Bachira doesn't think too much about it, and immediately begins to peel it off.“Omikuji ♪ Omikuji ♪”He peels off the glue and looks inside……Excellent Luck. The person you’ve been waiting for will come. You will meet your destiny. Believe in yourself and live as you wish.“Yay, it’s excellent luck!”Believe in yourself and live as you wish…… isn’t that nice."Alright! We're going all the way to Osaka today!”He casually put the omikuji in his pocket and kicked the ball. Perhaps it was a thank-you from the gods for driving away the offerings thief, but Bachira had no idea what had happened last night.Four months later. Bachira meets his destiny, Isagi Yoichi.actual term is 運命の相手 which is known to be translated as "fated partner" or "destined partner"Chapter 7: Crossing a Mountain Pass"If I cross this mountain, I'll be in Osaka!"Facing the green mountains, he shouted Banzai.After hitchhiking and getting a ride on a light truck, he finally reached the edge of Kyoto.Looking at the map on his phone, it seems that Osaka is on the other side of the mountains.A single road is leading into the mountains. The road is unpaved, but it is wide enough, and the thick greenery casts deep shadows and blocks out the sunlight.Just a bit more, the goal is right in front of him.Bon! Kick the ball out and take on the challenge of crossing the mountain pass."I'll just keep going ♪"The ball bounces irregularly on the dirt and pebbles, and he kicks it, kicks it, kicks it, and keeps on kicking it up the mountain.“Bam…bam… Off I go……” However, it was the fourth day of his dribbling journey.My legs are beginning to scream because of the slope going up, which is becoming physically tough. No. This is not Bachira's place to give up. Rather, it starts from here.“......Full speed ahead! Full body! Advance!”The juice that spurted out soaked his T-shirt. In the mountains where neither humans nor cars pass, the voices of cicadas and Bachira’s shouts resound.Zing-zing-zing. “Full Body! Advance! Go! Forward!” Bzzzz-bz-bz.The slope gets steeper as he goes. The ball he kicked comes back to him, and if he loses focus, it will roll down the way he came.Zing-zing-zing. “Full Body! Advance! Go! Forward!” Bzzzz-bz-bz.Unlike the flat field, the slope puts a lot of strain on his thighs that his muscles feel like they’re going to burst. Above all, the ball is rolling around here and there, so he can't let his guard down even for a moment. Even so, he was still thinking, “Full Body! Advance! Go! Forward!”(......Oh?)The noisy cicadas suddenly quieted down, and then came the pitter-patter. Rain started falling, wetting the ground in no time.Za.Then all of the sudden, the rain gets harder.“Whoa!”It’s as if it is a squall. He was drenched from the head down, and a river formed around his feet.“Ah ♪”He opened his mouth to drink plenty of water. It felt good to cool down his burning body. It felt good, but…he’s in trouble. The ball doesn't roll at all due to the resistance of the water flowing

down the slope. He played even in the rain, but this was the first time for him to play in such a downpour.(Hmmm……)Even if he kicked the heavy ball hard, it just won't roll well.(If it doesn't roll, then…… that’s it! Just don't put it on the ground!)Bachira went “Bon!” and kicked it up hard.“Nyaha ♪”Then dashes just before the floating ball hits the ground.Tmp!He kicks it again.Tmp, tmp, tmp!He repeatedly dash and kick at high speed, lifting and dribbling.(Nice idea ♪)The downpour blocking the view, his soaking and heavy body, legs beyond the limit of fatigue. Those worst of conditions is the reason for his maximum concentration. Lifting and dribbling the heavy ball forward, forward, and forward. In the remote mountains, alone in a battle against the rain.(I’m not gonna lose)……Eventually, the rain started to subside. Before he knows it, the slope gradually becomes gentler…“At last ♪”At once, the view opened up, the trees parted, and he could see the bright sky and the city in the distance. He’s at the highest point of the mountain pass.“Gero.”“Ahhh!”He was so moved that he didn't realize it until it was too late. There was a huge frog under his feet. A light brown, warty toad. Oh no. If he doesn't do something, he’s gonna step on it.“Gah!”He quickly avoided the toad.Thud!The momentum caused Bachira to lose his balance and he plunged into the grass on the side of the road.“Ouchhh…”“Gero.”The frog hops away as if nothing happened. Bachira is covered with muddy grass. It's the worst.“Ah…… I’ll take a little break….…”Worst of all, he’s sprawled on the ground.Droplets of water dripped from the leaves of the trees, but the rain seemed to have stopped, and white clouds drifted across the sky.“......Huh?”There is something in his hand. It seems to have gotten caught when he hit the ground.Gently, he opened his palm and saw……“Whoa! Wow!”
There was an acorn that had a really cool shape.
It was the smoothest, shiniest, biggest, and best acorn he has ever seen in his life.“Lucky ♪ I’ll treasure this ♪”He puts it in his pocket and stands up cheerfully. He picks up the ball and looks up at the sky after the rain. Something even more amazing was happening.“Whoa……That’s awesome!”There was a huge rainbow in the blue sky. Moreover, it was a double rainbow, with a small rainbow inside the huge rainbow.“Hehe…… Lucky.”An excellent luck, a cool acorn, and a double rainbow.(......I feel like something amazing is about to happen ♪)Chapter 8: Night in OsakaBy the time he passed through the mountains, the sun had completely set.“I made it! I’m in Osaka!”But Osaka is a big place. And his phone ran out of charge, so he couldn't use the map or call Yuu.(At any rate, if there is electricity, there must be people!)He proceeded onward, relying on the lights. From the lights in the fields, to the lights in the residential area, to the lights in the buildings. As we moved toward the shinier lights, we came across……“Wow!”Two hours later, we arrived at this brightly shining place. It was so flashy that it looked like the city itself was emitting the lights. In front of him was the famous Glico sign. Yes, this is Dotonbori. The scent of takoyaki and okonomiyaki wafts in the air, and the thick Osaka dialect is flying around, like “Aren’t ya stupid”, “What the heck?” Shaddap, stupid.”“How interesting ♪”There’s this lady in very revealing clothing, then this dead drunk drunkard and also a giant, moving crab. It's a lot of fun. It's exciting, but it's not all fun and games. Tomorrow morning, he has to start looking for a venue for Yuu's solo exhibition so he has to find a place to sleep.(I wonder if there's a place where I can sleep)After passing Dotonbori, the downtown area turned into an office district, and further on, a shopping street with shuttered stores. The area became more and more deserted, and before he knew it, the underground atmosphere of Osaka was becoming thicker and thicker.“Something’s there……”In the corner of a small park, three old men were having a drinking party.“Kuh! Drinking after work just soaks into my body!”“You don’t work at all!”“Wahaha!”Could it be that they are homeless?They are using cardboard boxes and chatting happily with a cup of sake in one hand. He looked at them from the side then as he passed by……“Ah, here they are!”“I won't let ya get away today!"I passed a group of four yankees who looked like high school students coming from the opposite direction. All of them had rocket fireworks in their hands and were laughing.“That’s!”Whoosh. Crackle crackle.“Hueee!”The cup of sake exploded, knocking the short and stout old man over.“It’s a hit”“Keep ‘em comin’! Rocket fire!”They targeted the homeless men and shot them with fireworks.“It’s you guys again?”“Why are yah shooting at us?”“What the hell do you have against us, idiots?”The old men were yelling, but then, bang, bang, bang! They fire off fireworks in rapid succession.“Ouch, it’s hot!”A white plume of smoke filled the area, and screams erupted."Bwahahaha! A’right, next!”They are amused to see the old men running around so the yankees tried to light more fireworks……Thunk!“What the…” The ball hit the yankee with the lighter in the face.“You shouldn't aim fireworks at people."Lightly kicking the ball that came back, Bachira pointed his finger at him.“What the… Are ya with them?”The blonde guy who got hit in the face with the ball glares at him while holding his nose.(Huh? Am I with those homeless old men?)When he looked at himself again, he saw that he was covered in mud and was dirty all over.(This was my favorite t-shirt……)It's a little bit depressing.Then, a big punch from a macho yankee came flying at him. He effortlessly dodge it, the macho guy staggers.
“I'm not looking for a fight! I'm telling you to stop with the fireworks, you stupid macho!”
“Who are ya calling stupid macho?”Whoosh.“Watch out, kiddo!”The old man shouted.Thump.There was another man behind him. Bachira was hit and fell to his knees.Chapter 9: Yankee and SoccerWhen Bachira collapses, his ball rolls away.“What a weakling!”“Yah think you can beat us four to one!"He gets kicked in the back with a thud.“Ouch.”As I crouched down holding his head... In the opposite direction of the yankees, a bluish-black flame appeared. His mouth ripped open to the ear, smiling broadly. It's the “monster”. He has not played soccer with the “monster" once since he went on this dribble journey.“Hehe… Wanna play here?”Bachira, who was on all fours, suddenly started laughing, and the yankees were perplexed.“Hey! Don’t laugh!”The moment when the macho guy from earlier pulled his leg far back to kick Bachira, the “monster” beckoned.“Yup ♪ Kick off!”He quickly got up and started running toward the ball.
“You're running away, huh! Wait up, hey!"
He kept the ball and quickly turned to the direction of the yankees.“Nope, you're not running away! You're not gonna get away!”He passes the ball between the legs of the yankees.“Whoa!”“That way! No, this way!”“A’right, got him……but I can’t hold him!”He swung his body wide to get off the defense, and then kept the ball again.Being surrounded by four players was a challenge. However, Noel Noa could easily pull this off with ease. Controlling the ball little by little, he dodges the four players one after another.(Here comes a feint spin…… come round and round…Bon! ♪)The image comes to him so suddenly, and he’s having a lot of fun. The yankees somewhat felt madness when Bachira suddenly started playing soccer. They sometimes laugh "Nyahaha ♪" while dribbling. It's pretty scary. And they couldn’t catch him at all.“Dammit!”“Come on!”The blonde and the macho one attacked Bachira at the same time.Boink!“Guh!” The two collided head-on, and both fell to the ground together.“I ain't done yet ♪”Whack!“Bwah!”Another is hit in the face at point-black and falls to his knees, his nose bleeding so much.“That hurts.”
“Damn you, stupid……”
“Ah, my nose…”Before they knew it, the three were unable to fight.“......You gotta be kidding.”There's only one left.“Hey, ...... You rotten yankees. How dare you screw with us, huh?”“Ow.”The trio of old men, their hair burnt to a crisp by the fireworks, stood there with an angry look on their face.“Ru……run away! They’re dangerous!”The four yankees ran away in a panic.“Don't you ever touch us again, you assholes! We'll beat you!”“That's right! It’ll rain blood!”“Yeah! This soccer kiddo’s here!”The trio of old men chased away the yankees vigorously.“Kiddo! Thank you!”“You saved us.”“In return, you should eat takoyaki. I risked my life to protect this one. Don't worry, this is the one I bought.”The short and stout old man offers him a carton of takoyaki. Drawn to the takoyaki, Bachira sits down on the cardboard. He takes a bite. The takoyaki was cold, but it tasted really good after that workout. He ate what was offered to him.“So, why did you become homeless, kiddo?”“Running away from home? Isn't your mom worried about you?”“Don't just throw your life away”The old men asked.“No, I’m actually……”When Bachira explained why he had come to Osaka, they all laughed.“Dribbling to Osaka!”“Just how much do you love soccer!”“That’s stupid!”It makes him happy to hear that these people of Osaka like it."So, are you enjoying soccer?"After drinking a cup of sake, the short and stout old man asked.“Hmm.... Not much……?”Bachira puts the soccer ball on his head like a sea lion.“I want to play more fun soccer. Exciting soccer. But the other guys don't get me at all. That's why it's so boring these days.”Only the "monster" understands Bachira’s soccer.“Don’t get you, huh…….”The short and stout old man, just as if to say "I fully understand", puts his index finger on the tip of Bachira's nose.“There's only one solution.”He smiled meaningfully, and Bachira also leaned forward.“The solution is… Don't worry about it.”A "?" appears above Bachira's head.“Worrying about this and that won't help. Worries are worries because they worry you.If you just give up, then there’s nothing to worry about.”He just left a blank stare.“Yasu-san, that's a nice way of putting it.”“It’s philosophy. The philosophy of life.”The two old men were strongly impressed.“If you truly understand each other, you already understand each other before you even think about communicating. Rather than complaining about not being able to communicate, be the boke for someone who does a good tsukkomi. That chemical reaction is what makes good comedy. Comedy is a chemical reaction. Yasushi has Kiyoshi, for All-Hanshin, there’s All-Giant.”tsukkomi: The double act comedy, Manzai, usually involves two performers (manzaishi)—a straight man (tsukkomi) and a funny man (boke)—trading jokes at great speed. (Wikipedia)He was not sure when they started talking about comedy, and he didn’t get the analogy at all.“Well, you can stay at my luxury apartment tonight!”And so, Bachira was allowed to stay in Yasu-san's luxury apartment, a tent under the bridge.Chapter 10: Kaibutsu ExhibitionWhen he woke up the next morning, Yasu-san was still asleep. He is snoring loudly and looking comfortable. Bachira whispered, "Thank you for the hospitality..." and prepared to leave.(That's right! I have to thank him for the overnight stay and meal.)He fumbled in his pocket to see if there was anything. What came out was some tissues, an omikuji, and…(Ah.)He thought, what should he do……., it might be a waste to give it away. He was a little worried, but the takoyaki was delicious, so he decided to give it to him as a thank-you. Gently, he put his treasure on Yasu-san's belly. A shiny lucky acorn.“See yah.”It was a beautiful day when he got out of the tent. Bachira kicked his ball.“Here at last!”It had been five days since he left their home in Chiba. After much hesitation, he finally arrived at his final destination, the venue of Yuu's solo exhibition. It’s a stylish art gallery with a view of Osaka Castle. The revolving glass doors looked like an entrance of a luxury hotel, and a crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling. It was super cool.“Whoa it’s here ♪”Bachira, with his ball in one hand, was thrilled to get his hand on the revolving door.At the same time.(......My feet are killing me……)Underneath her smile, Yuu was enduring the pain of trying to get used to her heels.An up-and-coming artist, Bachira Yuu.The gallery was crowded every day with visitors to the Kaibutsu Exhibition. The guests were all discerning celebrities who love art. Normally, Yuu wears only work clothes covered with paint, but this was the only time she dressed up. Her bright blue dress was a perfect match for the luxurious atmosphere of the gallery.“To think that this powerful painting could be created by a beautiful woman like you…I would like to hear from you where your creative motivation comes from.”An elegant gentleman speaks to her.“That’s…”As Yuu begins to speak smilingly, the other celebrities gather around to listen. She may look intelligent, classy, and talkative, but she's really not very good at talking to people, and she can't wait to get out of those heels and that dress.“Yuu!”Yuu is in such a tired mode when a familiar voice reaches her. The entrance to the gallery is noisy, and the guests are fleeing away…“Meguru!”“Hehe, I came ♪”His head was unkempt, his face was dark from sunburn, his T-shirt and pants were torn in places, and there was a dirty ball at his feet. His son, who was supposed to be in Chiba, suddenly appeared in tatters, she was too stunned.“What the hell happened to you?”“You know, I dribbled all the way here!"(Dribbled……?)All the guests tilted their heads.What's with this dirty boy? Why the soccer ball? Why dribble ......?The venue is filled with a fine atmosphere, but upon seeing the “monster” on a huge canvas, Bachira was filled with emotion.(I'm glad I came to see Yuu's painting after all!)“Wait!”Then, with a thud, a group of strong-looking security guards came rushing into the venue.“I told you not to go in there dressed like that!"“Show me your ticket properly!”“That's not the issue!"In fact, Bachira was so tattered that he had been refused entrance. Because he forcibly broke through there, he was completely treated as a suspicious person.“It’s dangerous, Bachira-sensei. This way, please.”“No, that kid is……”When Yuu tries to explain the situation to the staff who are trying to evacuate her…“Kya!”“Watch out!”There were screams and shouts. A security guard tried to throw out Bachira, and Bachira ran away. Moreover, he dribbled away. A suspicious person suddenly started kicking a soccer ball, causing an uproar in the venue."Hey! Don't run away!"“You’re trying to grab me so I run away!”He stuck out his tongue and dribbled between the guests to escape.“Whoa!”Bachira dodges the guard's tackle.“Kyaa!”The security guard stumbles and hugs a female customer, causing more screams to resound. The venue was in a panic with the chasing security guards, the quick Bachira, and fleeing guests.“......Enough!”“Bachira-sensei!”Yuu took off his heels and ran toward the escaping Bachira.“Take this!”As expected of his mother. She caught Bachira from behind in one go. She hugged him tightly, not minding her beautiful dress getting dirty.“Bachira-sensei has……”“Did she catch the suspicious person?”The guests and security guards were taken aback.With all eyes on her, Yuu laughed, “Ahaha.” then smiled naivety.“It’s alright. He’s my son.”(This feral child is Bachira-sensei’s son!?)Even the celebrities were surprised.“......I'm so glad you came!”Yuu suddenly wraps an arm around his shoulders.“Did you have fun?” Yuu asked with a smile, Bachira nodded. Five days of meeting and parting with all kinds of people, of freedom and excitement.“...... Yes! Soccer is so much fun!”

UNTIL WE METChapter 1: I Don’t Wanna WorkNagi Seishiro, Fall of 3rd Year Middle School.He laid down on his bed and looked up at the ceiling. Under his pillow is a smartphone, a gaming console, and a "Future Prospects Questionnaire" with only his name written on it."I wanna play games. I wanna play games. I wanna play games."However, he had to be sure to fill out and submit the form tomorrow.Nagi is the only one who hasn't submitted it on time among the 3rd years, and today, he finally got scolded by his homeroom teacher."Nagi, you can do it if you can! Why don't you do it if you're capable!? Don't you have a dream for your future? Get the job you want, get married and have a happy family. Now that you're in your third year, it all depends on your hard work!"He was summoned to the staff room and got lectured. The homeroom teacher, Yaino-sensei, is an adviser to the baseball club and is a passionate teacher who always wears a jersey, has a thick beard and seems to have a lot of body heat. He’s a bit difficult one to deal with“To have a stable future, you need to go to a high school with a slightly higher deviation. If you work hard, even going to a prep school isn’t a dream. This is the time to do your best. What if you don’t do it now!”TL Note: 偏差値の高い高校/literally “Highschool with a high deviation” means a school that ranked high according to their “Hensachi score/standardized rank score”. Usually, the higher the “Hensachi score” is, the lower the acceptance rate of that school. There is actually a list for that (e.g. from 進学校/Prep or preparatory school is a school focused on preparing their students to get into high-ranking universities.The homeroom teacher concluded his lengthy sermon with these words.“You have to think about your future more seriously!”That being said, Nagi didn't even think about what high school he wanted to go to or what he wanted to be in the future. There are no things he’s interested in, no favorite subjects, nothing special he wants to do. When he tried to fill out the Future Prospects Questionnaire, he could not come up with anything more than a frivolous thought of "I don’t wanna work".(The future, huh… Working must be a pain in the ass… Don’t wanna work in a toxic company… Don’t wanna work from day to night… or better say, I don’t wanna work at all…)“I wanna live without working if possible.”The brutally honest words came out of his voice.(I don’t wanna work…… how do I not work?)Nagi finally picked up a ballpoint pen.Ever since he was little, his dream has always been to play games and live a lazy life. In the future, he wants to play games and live a lazy life. What should he do to achieve this?“......Have a high income?”He thinks about it as he abruptly raises his upper body and spins the pen around with his fingers.(Yeah. I’ll get a good job at a good company, make some money, retire early and live just to play games. That’s what I’ll do.)Any industry is fine, but he wants to work for a company that pays a lot of money, gives him plenty of time to spare, and allows him to earn a high income without any overworking. He should probably go to a good high school for that. He flipped through the “National High School Guide” distributed by the school.(A highschool with a high deviation is……)From a randomly opened page is a highschool with a fairly high deviation.Nagi finally filled in the field for the school he wanted to go to.His motive is completely different from what his teacher said…… He chose a high school not for the sake of a “happy family” or a “stable future”, but for the sake of “a lazy life”.(This will do. Time to play.)At last, Nagi got his hands on a game console.“Hakuho High School! Are you serious?”He had gone to the trouble of submitting his Future Prospects Questionnaire, but for some reason, his homeroom teacher still scolded him. Nagi's first choice was a prestigious school in Tokyo, Hakuho High School. Although he was scolded, he did not change his choice of school because it was too much of a pain. His parents don’t interfere with him, so they didn't say anything in particular.(TL note: The term used here is 放任主義/laissez-faire or “let-alone policy”, so Nagi has a liberal upbringing, meaning, his parents did not put too many restrictions him and allows him to make his own choices. Unlike Reo’s parents. lol)Even though he had decided on the school he wanted to go to, he didn't study for the entrance exam. In winter, it was too cold to get out of the futon. While other students were going to cram schools, taking mock exams, and feeling happy or sad about their results, Nagi snuggled up in bed and played games.(Maybe it's about time I do that too.)It was two weeks before the real exams. While lounging in bed, He reads reference books.(Japanese language isn’t interesting… I’m getting sleepy.)(How about Science……Hm……Ah.)(Social Studies……I just have to memorize it……)(Math is……my head’s a mess.)(I've heard this English before in a game.)Thanks to those two weeks he spent where he wasn't like him, Nagi was able to pass the entrance exam and get accepted to an elite prep school in Tokyo.Chapter 2: Hakuho High SchoolFirst day of school.The blooming of cherry blossoms coincides with the entrance ceremony, and pink petals dance in the blue sky. New school, new friends, new life. The Hakuho High School uniform, with its hound's-tooth check pattern on the collar, has a high brand power itself, and the new first year students in their brand new blazers are proud to wear it. They all had hopeful eyes and listened nervously with their backs straightened, even to the terribly boring speech by the principal. Mixed among them, the only one with half-dead eyes is, of course, Nagi.(The necktie’s tight……)(TL random sheez: ohhhh that’s why he’s not wearing a bow or a tie on the Blue Lock cafe collab arts coz he finds them irritating.)He went through the entrance ceremony with such thoughts in mind and went to his new class. He was relieved to finally be able to sit in a chair. While he was sitting in a daze, the guy sitting next to him started talking to him.“You’re so tall! Which middle school are you from? I came from an affiliated school.”Well-groomed eyebrows and white teeth. A slightly daring bright hair color. On his wrist is the latest smart watch. The positive aura of a talkative guy is radiating from him.“...Itoma Middle School.”“...Itoma Middle School? I’d never heard of it. Where is that?”“Kanagawa.”“Kanagawa, huh I dunno much about places other than Yokohama, but I bet it's rich in nature. I live in Shibuya, so I've only had a chance to visit Meiji Shrine.”As soon as he realized that Nagi was not from Tokyo, his attitude changed. However, the conversation was cut off because Nagi ignored him.The talkative guy seems to have lost his interest in Nagi's lack of response and talks to a male student on his other side in the same way. The chit-chat with that side was “I’m from an affiliated school.”, “I’m from Yuusei Middle School.”, “I’m from Shibuya.”, “I’m from Meguro.”, they were getting pretty lively. When Nagi looks around, he sees the same one-upping contest* going on here and there. Looks, hairstyle, taste in their stuff, who are the “introverts” or the “extroverts”, and their expected position in the class.TL note: マウント合戦/Mount battle or “one-upping contest”, a contest held to establish someone's superiority.“Hey, hey, let’s go see Reo-kun later, okay?”“Sure, let’s go! He’s so rich and cool, I wanna get to know him!”The female students who kind of resemble had already begun to form groups. He could feel them observing each other as they looked closely and rated each other in their minds. All such behavior of his classmates was strange to Nagi.(Choosing this high school is a mistake. What a pain…)Hakuho High School is one of the top prep schools in Tokyo, so of course the students are those who have undergone a reasonable selection process. In other words, they’re a group of elitists who are a complete opposite of Nagi. There are those who are elitist because they are rich, there are those who look strangely full of themselves, and those who are just flashy. The extroverts from earlier have already set up a class LINE group and are putting their phones on top of each other, one after the other.TL note: Putting their phones on top of each other to get each other probably to get the QR codes.(Everyone’s overly conscious, aren’t they?... I can’t wait to go back to my room and play games.)In the midst of all the noise, the front door rattled open and a teacher with glasses walked in."Okay, that's enough chit chat! Everyone take your seats!"He has cropped, black hair, with a navy blue suit, a white shirt underneath, and a blue tie. At a glance, he’s crisp and serious. He looks like he’s straight out of an old youth drama.“I’m your homeroom teacher, Isshiki Takashi. First of all, congratulations on your admissions!”In a clear voice, he wrote his name on the blackboard with white chalk. He looked around happily at the students as he gave a brief self-introduction.“There is something I want everyone to know about the three years that are about to begin. Three years of high school may seem long, but it’s actually short. Three years is far too short a time to accomplish anything. And if you don't do anything, it will be over in the blink of an eye. I want you to think that is what these three years are.”Nagi was confused, so his eyelids gradually became heavier.(So sleepy……)He’s always sleepy, but spring is even more of a struggle. As he dozed off, the teacher said in a loud voice, "The job of high school students is to find their dreams!"“All of you who have made extraordinary efforts to pass the exam at our school are magnificent unpolished gems.”When he pried open his about to close eyelids, he found that most of his classmates were leaning forward to listen.(I see... Everyone made an extraordinary effort to pass the exam...)Nagi, who didn’t really try hard, was slightly taken aback.“I believe you will experience first hand that irrepressible urge of the moment when your heart is stirred. It is not given to anyone, nor is it meant to be praised by anyone. That urge is what polishes you as an unpolished gem.”Isshiki-sensei's talk seems to have really stuck with all the students except for Nagi. The atmosphere in the classroom is much more intense than it was from the start.“I am sure that you will find a dream that you can be really passionate about during your high school life! That day when you can be passionate will surely come!”He was even more confused than before. He has never been passionate about anything, and he never wanted to be passionate about anything.“As a teacher, I have only one thing to say to you today. I want you to remember this until you graduate. I don't care if you forget about the story I just told you about my relationship with my wife."The girls giggled and laughed. While Nagi was sleeping, they might have talked about some bittersweet episodes.(Surely, I won’t get passionate or have a dream.)A life of lazing around and playing games is a dream, but he’s certain that’s not the "dream" that his teacher talked about. A dream he could be really passionate about…… he couldn't imagine it at all.(Rather than dreaming like that……I want to enjoy life. Ha~ what a pain.)Thus, Nagi's high school life began.Chapter 3: Go Home ClubNagi entered a student dormitory. Even though it’s a dormitory, it’s more like a rented apartment but with a single room and no roommate, a super comfortable living. After school, they go straight back to his dorm, lock himself in his room, and play games. Nagi mainly plays an online battle royale shooting game. He is an avid player of this popular game, which is enjoyed by millions of people worldwide.At the start of school, someone blocked him on his way back. It was an invitation for a sports club. Nagi is 190cm tall. For someone who does sports, this height alone is a gift.“Hey, you! You, the tall guy there!! Wait for me!”A high-pitched female voice echoes in the hallway.“Why don't you join the basketball club? It would be a shame to let your body go to idle. If you work hard, I'm sure you can be a regular!”When Nagi was about to leave, the one who’s not completely but almost forcefully pushing him and stopped him was a senior girl who said she was the manager of the basketball club. Nagi abruptly shakes his head sideways.“Why? Have you already joined another club?”He nodded his head."Oh, too bad! What club are you in?"“Go home club.”“I see…Huh! Ah, hey!”He flees quickly. There’s no way he is going to do sports when even walking is a pain. However, shortly after entering the school, the basketball, volleyball, baseball, handball and for some reason, the cheering squad also came to recruit him. The most eager among them is the basketball club, after that the managers and seniors came to him many times to encourage him to join the club.“Nagi Seishiro! Today’s the day I won’t let you get away.”“Oof.”At the entrance, the captain of the basketball club was waiting for him in person. He has unusually broad shoulders and bulging biceps. He uses his body to block the way.“It’s a waste to be that tall! Come to the gym once. I’ll show you how fun basketball is!”His sleeveless clothes and half pants show off his well-developed muscles. It's only April, but he’s full of vigor.“Hey! Come on! Let’s play basketball!”“......”He shakes his head wordlessly. It's already a pain to even say a word. He tried his best to give off an aura of wanting to go home, but this Muscle Senpai wouldn't let him go. Then, a guy wearing the same clothes as Muscle Senpai, who looked like his underling, cut in between them.TL note: original is 筋肉先輩/Kinniku Senpai. It sounds better to say Muscle Senpai than Muscle Senior. lol“Captain~, that guy’s a weirdo. We’re in the same class but he doesn’t hang out with anyone and he’s always playing games by himself.”They’re……in the same class?“What? You’re an otaku? Come on, that's no way to be popular! You gotta work on those muscles! Look at my toned biceps! Don't worry, I'll train you hard and you'll be in great shape in no time... hey, don’t go playing while I’m still talking!”He couldn't take it anymore, so he ended up playing with his smartphone.“Let’s give up now. We can’t have a team player who’s a weirdo.”“Hmm…… Ah, Hey! Don’t run away!”Seeing the chance while the guy from the same class was talking, he quickly fled. After several such exchanges, they finally stopped recruiting Nagi. However, this was also the result of the reputation that "because he’s a weirdo" has been established. He is always alone and speaks only as little as necessary. He doesn't belong to any clubs, committees, or anything. Everyone is connected through SNS, but he doesn’t even use LINE, let alone Instagram. It's unbelievable that a high school student doesn't try to connect with anyone. In other words, a weirdo. In Nagi's case, rather than being a loner, he just liked to be alone, so he had no complaints about being treated as a weirdo. Even though he’s called a weirdo, he's having fun playing games, so he doesn’t mind. Above all, just as those around him thought he’s weird, he saw his classmates as "weird creatures."(Something like muscle training to be popular, I don’t get it……Why do they do such tiring things? Humans are weird creatures.)You can get a great body if you work hard? Nagi does not have the motivation to "work hard" at all. After school, Nagi’s only option is to play games. School (naps) and room (games) is his daily routine. So, finally, he came back and it was game time.“Alright, a headshot.”It is much better to mow down your enemies in game than to work hard.(To all game creators around the world, thank you for all the fun games……)Chapter 4: The Legend of the Thousand Year NetaroTL note: 万年寝太郎/Thousand Year Netaro is an exaggerated reference to a Japanese folk legend, 三年寝太郎/Sannen Netaro, or “The Young Man Who Slept For Three Years”.“Morning. Hey, you know yesterday’s streamー”

“Let me see your math homeworkー”“Shoot, I think I forgot my jersey.”A noisy morning classroom.This morning, Nagi arrived at school just in time not to be late and sat idly at his desk. Spring has passed, it is early summer, and the change of seasons makes him sleepy. He spaced out and his eyelids started to droop. As an "emotionless weirdo," he was no longer recruited by clubs, no longer the target of one-upping contests, and almost no classmates who talk to him in the present. He wasn't teased, and wasn't spoken to. It's nice to be laid back, but he still thinks that school is a pain.(I wish I could just laze around in bed and play games all day…… If I didn't have school, I wouldn't have to get up……)If it weren't for school, he could laze around in his sweatshirt playing games forever. Class started soon, so he sat down at his desk and fell asleep.“Hey, maybe we should wake up Nagi-kun?”One of a group of three girls who were leaving the classroom stopped. They had to move to the chemistry classroom for the next class, but the class weirdo, Nagi Seishiro, was still asleep. She thinks he has been asleep since the previous class, or even the class before that. When the overly helpful girl tried to wake him up, the gyaru one screamed.“Kyah! Don’t! They say you'll be cursed if you talk to Nagi Seishiro! Just hearing his voice brings bad luck! My friend got dumped by her boyfriend the day after she talked to him! He's the Devil’s child!"“No way! That’s not good!”The overly helpful girl jumped back from Nagi's desk.“Huh? I heard that happiness would come your way if you talk to Nagi-kun? I heard a girl who talked to Nagi-kun and a handsome guy fell in love with each other ♡ He’s a walking power spot.” The cute girl in a daze said dreamily.TL note: Power Spot kinda works like a good luck charm.“Which one is it? They’re totally different!"The three girls observed Nagi carefully. He is tall and has a good looking face. His sleeping face isn’t so bad, or maybe even quite cute? He can study just fine, so they don’t mind it at all. But he’s too weird.“.........”The three of them looked at each other.Is he the Devil’s child who is cursed when he speaks? Or a walking power spot? In the end, the "cursed theory" won and Nagi was left alone in the classroom."No way...!?""How can he sleep all morning?""I mean, isn't he dead?"After class, the three of them returned to the classroom and were astonished. Nagi was sleeping soundly in the exact same position.They thought he either woke up in the middle of the class and rushed over, or gave up and skipped class somewhere, but they didn't expect him to keep sleeping."He's the Thousand Year Netaro.........!"The gyaru shuddered.Thus, Nagi is treated more and more as a weirdo, but... regardless of such things, the warmth of the early summer felt good for the sleeping Nagi.Chapter 5: Because I’m not interestedSummer is here. The sun is tiring, and being tired makes him sleepy. So today, Nagi was dozing off again on his desk. While he was taking a comfortable nap, he was awakened by a knock on his desk.“Heh?”When he looked up, he saw the examiner, with gray hair and dark glasses, glaring at him with a sullen face.(Oh..... I'm in the middle of an exam right now.)It’s their third simultaneous examination since entering high school. Underneath his arm is a crumpled Social Studies test paper. When he showed the blank spaces on the blank test paper, the examiner looked even more offended and left Nagi's seat.“Fua……” (yawn)Mingled with the sound of mechanical pencils scratching, Nagi’s yawn suspended midair. Everyone has a serious face and desperately answers the exam. He’s certain that even those whose backs he can only see have the same look on their faces. They study at school, and after school, they study again at cram school. It seems that they are studying by cutting down their sleeping time at night. Nagi didn't go to cram school, and didn't even study for the exams. Even though he doesn't work hard, he gets a near perfect score in Social Studies every time, including quizzes. Sometimes he gets sarcastic comments like, "You're secretly studying behind our backs, aren't you?” He doesn’t get the meaning of that at all. He doesn’t sneak around behind their backs, and he doesn’t study in the first place.(What are they trying so hard for?)It's a simple question that has stuck in his mind ever since he entered high school. Is it because they want to beat anyone else? To not lose to anyone else? Everyone likes to compare themselves with others…… be it academics, sports, popularity, or muscles. What’s the point of competing with someone else? Trying to fight, looking up to others, wanting your own value. Human beings are strange. Just being alive is fine.They want to compete with each other, one-up each other, and think that “I'm a special chosen one.”…… But he thinks that wanting to be "special" and working hard proves that you are not "special" at all. That's because you have no talent from the beginning...……“Fuwah……” (yawn)He’s not interested in competition. Because no one would be interested in him like that…… Why is he even thinking about this? Well, He’s fine as long as he can live comfortably. What a pain.Bing-bong……The chime rings, “Whoa, shoot!” “I’m gonna die for real!”, the whining intensifies.Some later day, the Social Studies test papers were returned. Nagi got 97. It was the highest score in his class year.Chapter 6: Inter-class Ball-game TournamentSeptember. The calendar says it's fall, but it's still hot in Tokyo.(It's a pain to walk home in the heat…… I wonder if someone can give me a piggyback ride.)That’s what he is thinking about quite seriously at that moment.In the middle of the classroom, the jocks and the extroverts have gathered and made so much racket. Next month is the biggest event of the second semester, the Inter-class Ball-game Tournament. Those with good athletic ability can showcase their skills. They were eagerly discussing practice, strategy, members, and so on.“Nagi, since you’re tall, are you gonna play volleyball?”Since it didn’t matter even if he didn't want to, he was forced to participate in the Men’s Volleyball. The captain is that talkative guy who sat next to him in the first semester. They say things like “Will he be fine? He’s tall but I feel like he’s gonna be useless.”, “If he’s that big, let’s make him scare ‘em off!”. He’s the Thousand Year Netaro who sleeps all the time, an indoor type who only plays games. It was no wonder that no one expected him to be a force to be reckoned with. Because he’s just there to make up for the number, they didn’t particularly complain even though Nagi didn't participate in practice even once, and the day of the event arrived.“Huh!? You don’t even know the rules!? For real!?”Those who are seriously taking the ball-game tournament are surprised. He’s not interested in volleyball so he doesn’t know the basics, such as how many points are needed to score to win.“Don’t hold us back~ We’ve been practicing every day after school.”Saying that, the captain pushes their team bib against him. He thought, “then why don’t you just leave me out?” but it seems that it's a rule that each person has to participate at least once.“Just stand still. When the ball comes, jump and block. If we fall back, just stay out of the way.”“Fine.”After receiving a rough explanation, he stood up on the court.(Let’s go home early……)Just play one match and then go home. That’s what he thought but things didn't go as Nagi had planned. They won three matches in a row and reached the Finals. Nagi has been a member all along.“As expected, being tall was an advantage! You don’t even have to jump just to block, what a cheat!”“You just happened to be at the ball you lucky boy!”After getting a hard slap on the back, he thought, “Ouch…… I wanna go home……” Nagi is just standing in the court as instructed by the captain to "just stand still". When the ball comes, block it as instructed and return it to the opponent's court. However, it seems to look like he just “put his hand out there and just happened to block it”. Everyone thinks that there is no way a beginner can easily repel a sharp spike with the palm of their hand in such a normal and relaxed manner. In reality, Nagi reacts quickly to balls within his reach with his amazing reflexes and hits them back accurately.Humans can only understand what they can imagine. That is why no one knows how amazing Nagi is. Thanks to Nagi, the team wins a close game and advances to the Finals. If it wasn’t for Nagi, they would have been eliminated early.With each win, the audience grew and the gymnasium for the Finals was overflowing with people. The captain puts his hands on his hips and sends out encouraging words.“The other team is strong. They won in straight sets from the first round. But we have teamwork. Don’t give up, let's keep at it till the end! We've come this far, we're gonna win! Don't give in to the pressure! We can do it!”The team formed a circle and shouted "Yeah!” (though Nagi didn't say it).
“Good luck!”
“Fight on ♡”A group of cute girls waved from the walkway, the members’ nostrils flared at the sight of their white legs visible at the perfect angle.“We’re gonna win this!”“Yeah!”(Ugh… I wanna go home.)It’s the best stage for those who take the game seriously, but for Nagi, it was simply hell. And then, the opponent team is strong. All of them are tall, especially the two who seem to be from the volleyball club, spiking one after another.“Alright!”“It’s an easy win!”The tall team is centered on the active volleyball club members. Despite being overwhelmingly disadvantaged, Nagi's team held on. Perhaps thanks to the girls' cheering, they showed amazing concentration and produced fine plays that exceeded their abilities. They connected the balls with miraculous receives, and although they lost the first and second sets, they won the next set in a row. As a result, (...It doesn’t end.)The fierce match went to a full set. The number of spectators grew as they watched this rare and heated battle. Even in the fifth set, it was by all means a heated battle. Nagi glanced at the scoreboard and saw the score was 14-15.“One more point! One more point! One more point!”Nagi's classmates, wearing matching T-shirts, are standing shoulder to shoulder, cheering loudly. The rhythm of their cheering sharpened the concentration of the players (except Nagi). Dripping sweat falls onto the court. Thanks to all that cheering, Nagi finally realized.(......If we get one more point, we win?)In volleyball, the final set is first-to-fifteen, with a deuce if the score is 14-14 and a win if there is a two-point difference. Nagi thought.(One more point and I can go home. I can play games.)Nagi catches up with the tension on the court.Thwack!The underling character of the basketball club who made a fool of Nagi back in Spring hits a powerful serve. He has been training stoically since then, and his shoulders and back are solid.When the enemy libero dives to receive and then, “Got it!”, “Nice one!”, a deafening cheer breaks out. The setter raises the ball high, and the attacker steps in to match it, making a squeaking noise. His muscles pulsate as if a bow being pulled to its limit.“Get it at all cost!”“Here it comes!”His teammates prepare themselves for a strong spike coming, lowering their backs at once to defend. The enemy attacker’s powerful jump shows aggression. From that…Pon.Using his five fingers, he dropped the ball gently.“It’s a feint!”The cheering of their classmates turned into screams. The ball loosely falls where no one is there. The captain next to Nagi who jumps to block, with a look of astonishment on his face, just watched the ball go. A perfect position that no one can react to.(If we don't get this ball, the game will continue.)He doesn’t want that. Nagi stretches out his left leg.(Uhm, I just have to return it, right?)Just before the ball makes contact with the floor, he gently kicks it up with the top of his foot. It should land just above the setter's head.“Whoa!”The setter was startled and lifted the toss.“Oh!”The captain barely reacted and returned it to the opponent's court.
A stubborn spike landed in the middle of the standing opponent team. They couldn't react to the sudden return of the ball, which they thought had been perfectly scored.Pon, pon, pon……There was a pause, and then the “piiii” sound of the whistle echoed through the gymnasium. At that moment, the shrieks turned into screams of joy.“We did itttt!”The captain raised both fists in the air and struck a fist-pump pose.“Whoa! Amazing!”“Kya! Congratulations!”The crowd cheered so loudly that the gymnasium shook. In the midst of the excitement, Nagi was the only one slightly withdrawn.(Eh….. Fist-pumping for something like this…… might be a bit…… embarrassing.)His classmates who were thrilled about winning hugged each other while dripping in sweat, and the girls hugged each other and jumped with joy.“Lucky us! It hit Nagi’s feet!”“Trapping a volleyball, that’s hilarious!”“Yeah, but the rules say it’s safe to use your feet!”Everyone thinks that the ball that hit Nagi's foot just happened to go up to the setter's position.“Damn it, so frustrating!”“You just got lucky!”He heard mumbling and complaining from the other side of the net. The opponent volleyball team was chattering their teeth in frustration, as if their pride had been hurt.(Frustrating……?)“Why?”, Nagi becomes bewildered.
(I wonder how everyone can be so happy or so frustrated……)
Nagi could not understand the feelings of his teammates expressing their joy with every fiber of their being, and also the feelings of the defeated who speak out their frustration. It’s happy to win, but it's frustrating to lose. Nagi's overwhelming potential kept him away from these feelings, which is natural for people who play sports. It is probably the same as an adult not being happy when they win a running race against a kindergartener. A definite difference between Nagi and the people around him.In the midst of the frenzy, Nagi quietly left the gymnasium. It’s hot outside, but it still feels good because of the breeze."Ah…… I'm tired…… Somebody give me a piggyback ride……"The tiny monologue fades away without being heard by anyone.(It took longer to win than expected…… Next year, I'll just stand still for real……)Chapter 7: Keeping a CactusCherry blossom season has come again. Nagi is in second year. He wants to play games and live a lazy life. Even as the school year progressed, this feeling of Nagi's never wavered. Nagi didn't change, but his surroundings did. It was as if the heat seemed to have gone up a notch.“Is that your girlfriend? She’s cute.”“Don't look at people's smartphones without permission”"Whoa! The rookie tournament is already next week!”“Let's do our best! We’ll win for sure~!”Even in high school, the second year is a particularly special year. In the third year, the focus is on entrance examinations, so they want to enjoy club activities, romance, part-time jobs, cultural festivals, and other youthful events before that. Whether they are aware of it or not, they are all doing their best to be high school students. To put it in a word, they’re gleaming. Because they are 17. Of course, Nagi is not among them and during breaks he plays games by himself. Even today, he sat down on the stairs of their school building and took out his smartphone.Bang!He aims and shoots at the enemy player coming out of the abandoned house from behind the car. He is a burly macho soldier wearing sunglasses. He aligns his sight perfectly and finishes it off with continuous fire.
“Sit!” “Kill!”
In pursuit of the enemy, he shoots, using cars, shacks, and other obstructions to his advantage. At that moment, Nagi suddenly realized that he had not spoken to anyone for a week.(It's been a week and I haven't spoken to anyone……)In real life as well as in games, Nagi does not make friends, so he hardly ever talks to anyone.

He thought he didn't see anything wrong with that, but it might be dangerous.(If I want to live in this society, I have to communicate at least at minimum, otherwise I'll be considered dangerous as a person……)In Nagi's case, it's not like he's lonely or wants to talk to someone. However, it is also a bother to forget how to speak out loud. Nope, if this society doesn't have a problem with it, it's fine. But surely it’s not.“......Ah, I’ve been shot.”The words "GAME OVER" appeared on the screen.After two weeks of not talking to anyone, Nagi made a decision. On his way home from school. He took a detour and stopped at a flower shop. As a high school student, he tries to be a little more proper. He will maintain the minimum communication skills. But he doesn't want to go through the hassle of making friends for that. He doesn't even want a girlfriend. Preferably non-human, and that means a pet. Above all, he prefers something that is not too troublesome. Dogs and cats cannot be kept in the dorms, and even if he could, it would be impossible to take care of them. Birds, hamsters, goldfish, killifish, and beetles are also not allowed. Feeding himself is a pain, what more feeding his pet. He thought about smart speakers and AI pet robots, but even if he bought them, they probably wouldn't talk to him, so there's no point.A communication partner should be at least a living thing. So he thought, and decided on plants. It would be nice to have some greenery in his room, just like a high school student. The florist in the neighborhood is not very big. When he opened the door, he saw colorful cut flowers in a steel bucket.“WelcomeHe was greeted amiably by a woman at the checkout counter, wrapping a ribbon around a bouquet of flowers. Looking around, Nagi realizes. He doesn’t know what kind to get. But it doesn't matter.
“Please give me the least troublesome one.”
“...... Huh?”“......I want to communicate with a plant that isn’t a pain to take care of."“......Ah……Uhm……if that’s the case, how about a cactus?”The clerk tilted her head, but familiarly guided Nagi to a shelf lined with potted cactus plants. There are ones that are very round. There are those with long thorns that look a little painful. There are also those that look like they belong in a desert scene in a movie.“They all require very little care. Any lazy person can raise them. Oh, how about this one?”Among several cacti, this one was recommended by the store clerk. It's the kind that kinda looks like a pet…… but maybe it's just because the name says it’s a "bunny”...... a ”Bunny Cactus”.The cactus is shaped like a flat bunny ear. It is light green with white thorns, about the size of a palm of Nagi's hand.“Place it on a window getting good sunlight, then only water when the soil is dry so it’s easy. Conversely, it's not good to overwater them or take care of them too much, so you can basically leave it alone.”“Please give me this.”He made a snap decision. He took the Bunny Cactus home and placed it by the window.(Since it’s a pet……I better give it a name.)It looks like rabbit ears, but it also looks like the scissors for rock, paper, scissors. For this simple reason, he named it "Choki”. It was a name he gave without thinking, but when you give a name to something, you get attached to it. That night, he said “Good night” to Choki.In じゃんけん/Janken or “Rock-Paper-Scissors”, パー/pa is paper, グー/gu is rock then チョキ/choki is scissorsHe keeps poking it, and no response. It's a pain to greet a human being, but a cactus will do.(Yep. This is gonna be a proper high school life……)Thus, Nagi cleared his mission(?) of “maintaining minimal communication skills”.Chapter 8: Career PathIt’s a good thing to have Choki. It wakes the weak Nagi every morning. The alarm makes a ringing noise, breaking his comfortable sleep.“Nyah……”He reaches out to stop the alarm, only to raise his upper body.“Mornin’. Choki.”He pricks Choki’s thorn as he greets it.(“Ouch…… I’m awake now.)The mild pain awakened his still half-asleep brain. The first thing he does when he wakes up is play a game. He lay down on the bed again and picked up his game console. As he’s lazing around and shooting “bang bang”, he can hear the buzz of commuters from outside. If possible, he wants to keep playing games, go to bed, wake up, then play games again. For the sake of realizing that comfortable infinite loop.“......A career path, huh……”He thinks he thought the exact same thing two years ago. Now that he’s in his second year, he has to decide whether he wants to study science or humanities, choose a course to study, and decide which university he wants to attend. A bothersome future is approaching fast. Nagi has zero desire for material things, so he doesn't want a big house or a luxury car. All he wants is a room and time to play games. Earn money without overworking and tiring himself, retire as soon as possible, and stay in his game room……Just as he envisioned such a future, he was shot dead.(I should get up soon……)He can play around as much as he wants, but he does go to school. He knows it's not good to just play games. First, breakfast. A jelly drink. He doesn’t have any idea on how to cook a meal, and eating is a pain so he has jelly drinks at home. It doesn't need to be chewed or digested, but he’s too lazy to sip it these days.(Why do I get hungry…… If I don’t feel hungry, I wouldn't have to eat.)If you don't eat, you don't have to brush your teeth and you don't have to go to the toilet. Despite those good things you don’t have to do, his stomach growls when he gets hungry, so he has no choice but to fill his empty stomach with jelly drinks.
(Taking a bath and changing clothes are also a pain…… If only I could live on water like Choki…… I wonder if I can photosynthesize……)
Because wearing a tie is a pain, he wears a hoodie inside his blazer instead of a shirt.“I’m off.”He left home with Choki to see him off.(Ahha. I wish I didn’t have school…… What a pain……)Nagi was already tired of living anymore."Nagi Seishiro, come to the staff room later."He got a red mark on his Japanese test (he fell asleep because it was boring) and was finally called in by his homeroom teacher. He wasn't last year's teacher Isshiki, but this year's teacher is a sweaty man with a protruding belly. He kinda doesn’t like him.“Nagi, you can do it, so why don't you do it? Don't you have something you want to be in the future? You have to work hard from now on, no matter which university you go to. I think if you work hard, even going to a first-class university isn't a dream. This is the time for you to do your best.”Sitting at a desk with a pile of papers, the homeroom teacher wipes the sweat from his face with a handkerchief and looks up at Nagi.It was almost like the same sermon that was given to him about two years ago?“You have to think about your future more seriously”. After being told the same thing as if it were déjà vu, Nagi was finally let go.(......Future……)Corridors with university information posters, students walking around reading workbooks, and a library full of study spaces. About three steps out of the staff room, it became a pain to think about the future.(Why does everyone try so hard……)The homeroom teacher didn't know that there are true geniuses in the world. And that Nagi is a natural-born genius. Nagi is still an unconscious genius. He can do things without trying hard. Even in studying, if he wants to remember, then he can. He does not have to study as hard as his classmates. He was not someone who could be grouped together with the other students. And if it was something that could only be obtained through working hard, Nagi would have given up on it in a heartbeat, because he had yet to encounter something that he wanted that much. So, even if someone says, “You can do it”, Nagi will just give them a “?” look, tilting his head. It is impossible for a hard-working, ordinary person to understand Nagi, who is a genius by nature. They see the world differently. The gap between them is very wide. Nagi is still unaware even of this.(Whatever. Let’s play.)At the usual staircase, he took his smartphone out of his pocket. While her classmates were busy with their studies, club activities, and romance, Nagi who’s detached, continued to play reaching over 2,000 hours of total playing time. He runs around the field and gun down enemy players. Right side, left side, shooting from a standing position and shooting in rapid succession and killing them with a bang.As he was immersed in his world of game, “Bump”, he felt an impact on his side. Nagi was sitting on the turn of a staircase, which was a blind spot from above, and bumped into someone who was coming down. Someone with purple hair. The impact made Nagi fall forward. His smartphone pops out of his hand.“Ah. Sorry…”The purple-haired one apologizes for kicking him, though it was unintentional. At the same time, Nagi leaps down the stairs after his smartphone.Chapter 9: A Chance Encounter(Oh no. My smartphone will break.)If the screen breaks, he can't play games. He doesn't want that. Suddenly, he put all the pressure to his toes.Thud!!!Chasing his smartphone, he jumped from the stairs almost motionless. He leaps down the seventeen steps in one go with his knees bent."Huh."A purple-haired guy who kicked him, fretted thinking he had fallen. but he's not. Nagi extends his right leg. He just barely reaches the smartphone just before it hits the floor. The smartphone was caught by the tip of his leather shoe, oddly with a soft touch. At the same time, his left knee and right hand absorbed the impact of the landing. Without bouncing off, the phone stopped on his toes.(Whoa! Nice trap!)Despite that display of excellent technique, Nagi only looked at his smartphone as usual."He-- hey... You're amazing! Are you from the soccer team?"Along with the sound of someone coming down the stairs, there was an excited voice. Despite being spoken to, Nagi doesn't take his eyes off the screen."Ah. I died.""Who the hell are you!? Wanna play soccer with me?"He finally looked at the owner of the voice because he died. The guy who spoke to him... he knows him. He has a face with strong-will and has almond-shaped eyes, and somehow, a hint of upbringing. Nagi isn't interested in anyone, but because he is the most conspicuous student in their school, he kind of knows him."Ah. You're that rich kid. Gimme some money."But that was the only information he had.Reo is bewildered.Mikage Reo, total assets of 758 billion yen, heir of the Mikage Corporation. A born super celebrity, he is good looking, intelligent, athletic, a superman in his own right. Even though he has been spoiled, he has never experienced this kind of reaction before."I don't play soccer. I never even played sports. I just wanna live lazily for the rest of my life. So gimme some money."Nagi thinks he might give it to him if he just asks, so he offers his hand.The reaction was also a shock to Reo.(What's with this guy!? He's never played soccer...?)His emotion was shaken like crazy. Even a pro with advanced trapping skills wouldn't be able to trap a smartphone while jumping down the stairs."Wait, wait. That trap and the form, you definitely have the talent!".... he suddenly came rushing, Nagi backed off a bit."Let's play soccer together! If you work hard, even becoming a pro isn't a dream!"If you work hard, XXX isn't a dream.If you work hard, even going to an elite school isn't a dream. If you work hard, even becoming a regular isn't a dream. If you work hard, even going to a first-class university isn't a dream...He has heard those inexplicable words many times. That's why he still thinks of it this way."If I have to work hard, then soccer sounds like a pain."Reo's eyes widened. This expression of incomprehension is something Nagi has seen many times before."I hate annoying stuff. I don't wanna work."He turns his head away then resumes playing. Sitting at the bottom of the stairs, he was immersed in his own world again. After freezing for a while, Reo could hardly suppress the excitement welling up inside him.(He has talent, but he doesn't even realize it......!?)For Nagi, it was nothing. If he wants to remember, he can remember, if he wants to move so, he can move so. There's no reason, that's just how it is.Reo was the first person in Nagi's life to realize his amazing potential.Chapter 10: The Chosen OneMikage Reo has always been craving for his "one and only treasure". With the power as the heir of the Mikage Corporation, he can get everything that he wants. However, things that can easily be obtained are boring. The first thing Reo ever wanted in his life was the gold trophy from the World Cup. Soccer fans all over the world are in a frenzy for the World Cup. He wants to become a pro soccer player and win the World Cup. It wasn't until he became a high school student that he finally found a dream that he would be passionate about. But his parents wanted to crush his dream. They had given him everything, but they wanted to take away Reo's dream."Forget about it. You're my successor. Besides, only a chosen few can become soccer players. There's no way you can make it if you're just starting now.""That's right, Reo. You'll go to a top tier university and become a top tier businessman.""We're saying this all for your sake."He didn't mean to give up just because of those words. He'll silence his parents. To do so, he will lead his high school to the Nationals Championship with his own hands... However, Their soccer team is very weak because Hakuho High School is an elite preparatory school. No matter how good Reo is, he cannot play soccer by himself. The weak soccer team is far from enough pieces to win the National Championship."Ah, damn it!"As he was wandering aimlessly around the school, pondering, he happened to bump into Nagi. Reo saw a glimpse of talent right before his eyes. As his father said, "Only a chosen few can become soccer players."(There's one right here... A chosen one...)What Reo was looking for suddenly appeared in front of him like a gift from God. A partner to help him win the National Soccer Championship. Beneath the expressionlessness, indifference, and apathy, is exactly the talent Reo was looking for.(I want this guy......!!!)He's kind of an oddball, but that doesn't matter. No, rather..."You're interesting! We'll do things your way then!"The rich kid suddenly clinged to him. He forcefully put his arm around Nagi's shoulder.Even if people don't interest him, if they've gone this far, even someone Nagi will look at Reo. Something's making him so happy that his eyes are sparkling. Something's making him fired up... is it me?All his life, others have never been interested in him, but he's also never been interested in others. Even his cactus, Choki, doesn't talk to him either."Let's play soccer!"Nope, don't wanna. It's a pain.Nagi Seishiro, his dream for the future is to live a lazy life. That day that he would be fired up will never come. Not until he met Mikage Reo.

BROTHERChapter 1: The Last Ice CreamRin likes ice cream. That’s why Sae always buys Rin a cheap popsicle that he can buy with his allowance at the penny candy store. No, on the contrary, Rin might have liked anything, be it ice cream or chocolate, as long as Sae bought it for him.The older brother, Itoshi Sae, 13 years old. The younger brother, Itoshi Rin, 11 years old.They’re on the way home from a practice match. While gazing at the afterglow at the sea, the two of them sat on the embankment, and had popsicles again today.“Rin, what are you thinking about when you play soccer?”Rin scored two goals in today’s match. Meanwhile, Sae scored three points with a hat trick. His Nii-chan is great after all.“Hm? Nothing. I guess it's just about goals. I just run to the bad area and then Nii-chan pass to me.”“What do you mean by bad area?”Sae asks, while playing with the stick in his mouth.“Hm. The area where the enemy panics and falls through.”The area the enemy falls through. Sae let his younger brother's words quietly seep into his mind.“You rely too much on your intuition, you know.”“But Nii-chan always passes to me, so why not? Nobody else is good enough for me.”That’s why it’s okay to move on impulse without thinking.“......What will you do when I’m not around?”“I don’t know but, I guess I’ll look for a replacement.” Rin says nonchalantly.“Who would that be? Who the hell do you think I am, huh?”Sae jokingly kicks Rin.“Ow! Yeah, yeah, You’re “the world’s best”, Itoshi Sae-sama.”Their faces are red, bathed by the sunset. It’s interesting to see the sea changing colors rapidly, they never get tired of watching it. However, this is the last time they’re going to spend time like this.“Rin……”Tomorrow, Sae and Rin will be parting ways. So the usual popsicles and the usual pranks will end today.“I’m going to Spain tomorrow. I’m gonna play soccer in the youth team for the best club in the world, Real Madrid.”“I already know. What’s this about? Nii-chan’s gonna be the world’s best striker, so that’s obvious.”The Kamakura United Youth, which the Itoshi brothers belong to, won the Japan Club Youth Championship (U-15). Competed as the ace despite being a first-year junior high school student, Sae was the key player in winning the championship. He was highly regarded for his potential, and was finally approached by Real Madrid. When it was decided that Sae would be joining them, the media went wild.……Japan's Treasure takes on the World, the challenge of Itoshi Sae……
……The genius Sae Itoshi joins Real Madrid! The beginning of a legend……
Being a treasure, a genius and a legend, his Nii-chan is just amazing.“I’m just going first. Come after me. Don't give up while I'm gone.”At Sae’s words, Rin nodded reassuringly.“Okay. My goal is to become the best in Japan and get scouted like Nii-chan!”“Yeah. and then the world, we will become the world’s best together.”Sae's words made him very happy. With a clap, their hands overlapped.“Let’s go home.”“Okay!”Sae stood up and Rin followed him.(......Nii-chan keeps getting ahead, leaving me behind. ……Once Nii-chan’s gone, how am I supposed to fight?)The truth is, he’s a little anxious. As Rin watches the sea of orange gradually darken, he suddenly remembers a match in the junior youth category of his club team. In combination with Sae, he cut through the enemies and received a perfectly timed last pass in front of the goal. Rin's shot drew a parabolic line and was sucked into the goal. It was a great feeling.“......Just now, that shot was naive, Rin.”However, his Nii-chan is strict.“Really, Nii-chan? I’ll be careful next time.”“Now, one tempo faster……can you do it?”“Sure. I’ll try.”Again, they’re playing with their opponents with their combination, then a strong shoot from a sharp last pass.Twack!“Hell yeah!”This time, it was perfect.Sae and Rin are invincible.(......Playing soccer with Nii-chan is fun. When I’m with Nii-chan, I’m invincible. Me and Nii-chan are gonna be the world’s best.)So he has to be patient even if he’s lonely. Rin tightly closed his lips in a straight line.The next day. At the airport, they saw off Sae who was leaving for Spain.“Take care, Sae!”“Take care of your health!”Their mother and father waved their hands.“Nii-chan, take care!”At the sound of Rin’s voice echoing through the airport lobby, Sae turned around. A smile is on his lips. It was the kind of smile that Sae only shows to his younger brother Rin.“I’m off. To be the “world’s best striker”.(Nii-chan’s really cool. Next time we meet, I want to be someone who can fight on the world stage. One day……I’ll catch up to you!)Sae’s eyes are set on the world. Then, just like Sae, he will become their team’s ace and win the National Youth Competition.Watching his older brother’s back, Rin made up his mind.Chapter 2: StoicRin began playing soccer alone.(I will catch up with Nii-chan! I'm gonna be the best in Japan, too!)After Sae was gone, the room seemed a bit larger. Itoshi Sae lived up to his name as a boy genius. This room, which was their place until yesterday, is decorated with many certificates and trophies that Sae has won, and just looking at them makes him feel proud. His favorite photo is the one taken when they won the junior competition. Rin is in the third grade and Sae is in the fifth grade. Sae is in the middle of their team, with a bored look in his face like it’s just natural to win. Next to him is Rin holding the trophy high in the air because Sae, the ace who was supposed to hold it, let Rin do so.(I'm sure Nii-chan is doing well in Spain. So, I will do my best in morning practice too!)From that day on, Rin decided to practice on the grounds in the morning before anyone else. Even during school classes, he reads books about soccer, reads articles about Sae's success, and thinks about soccer all the time. That's why his test scores are bad, but he doesn't care about that. Besides, because he’s only doing well in English to succeed in the world, even if his other grades are bad, there is no problem from Rin’s perspective. After school, he goes to club team practice every day.“Obachan, ice cream please.”おばちゃーん/Obachan means “auntie”On the way there, his usual routine is to go to the penny candy store and eat a popsicle.“Yes, here you go. Speaking of which, what happened with your brother lately? I haven't seen him at all. Did he quit soccer?”He buys popsicles with his own allowance now.“It’s not like that. When he becomes the best in the world, he'll come back to buy ice cream.”The auntie at the penny candy store didn't know much about soccer.After he practiced with the team, he always practiced on his own every day until he was the last one to leave. On the empty practice field, he earnestly kicked a soccer ball.Twack!He shoots at the point he aimed. He keeps shooting.(......That shot’s still naive……)He shoots until he is satisfied. Even after returning home, he continued muscle training and stretching in front of Sae’s trophies. It’s tough, but it will pay off on his muscles, and stretching is important to prevent injury. When he’s done, he watches a horror movie and then goes to bed. This is his daily routine.For some reason, since Sae has been gone, he only watches horror movies. Movies, videos, and even games, should be chilling and scary. Playing horror games alone at night is quite thrilling. Just like this, Rin's stoic days passed.(I’ll……get stronger. My aim is to be like Nii-chan.)However no matter how hard he tried, reality didn't go as expected. Rin hit a wall early on.(Something’s not right……)For some reason, he couldn’t make shots like he used to. When it came to matches and simulated practice, he just couldn't seem to get a good combination with his teammates.“What’s wrong? Feeling under the weather?”“You gotta properly look at the whole thing and play~”The coach would worry about him, and his teammates would warn him. The harder he tries, the more he feels like he’s going nowhere. In agony, he heads to the club practice today as well.“Obachan, ice cream please.”“For a moment.”He’s eating a popsicle at the penny candy store. As he was munching on it, the word "lost" appeared on the stick.“Alright.”“Oh, did you win?”When he pumped his fist, the auntie at the penny candy store called out to him.“Nope. I lost.”“You're happy because you lost? You're a strange kid, aren't you?”The auntie tilted her head in puzzlement.“It’s fine. I don’t want to use my luck.”The reason he’s happy with that loss is because long ago, Sae said, "Those who use their luck on things like this can't be the best in the world." Now that he thinks of it, maybe he was trying to cover up the fact that his younger brother Rin was the winner and he’s the loser. Sae hates to lose. Even so, not jinxing it but Rin's a bit happy when he loses. In fact, even if he wins, he won't eat the second one. He just throws it in the trash to destroy the evidence. Because that's what Sae did. Like this, Rin does nothing but imitate Sae. But why does he feel like he can't catch up? Of course, he knows that he can't always win just because of hard work. Even so, it was hard not to get any results despite his stoic efforts. He’s been practicing the same as Sae, and if anything, Rin's physique is better. But he can't score goals. He can't win matches.(......But I’ll do it. I'm going to be like Nii-chan.)After finishing his ice cream, Rin headed back to practice.Chapter 3: Nii-chan's PassIt has been six months since Sae has gone. At last, he understood why things were not going well. Neither their coach nor his other teammates have the slightest idea of Rin’s image of play in his head.(If it was Nii-chan, he would have made a pass here……) he thought so many times during today's practice. He jumped out in front of the goal to a position where I said, “Here!” but his teammates were like, “Huh?” “There?”. Also, Their coach would scold him when he needed to, saying “Rin! What are you doing! Watch the ball properly!”(I could have just scored directly now,,,!)Even when he gets a pass, his timing is a step or two behind. He didn't realize it because he was doing combination plays with Sae for so long, but it is because Sae is a genius that Rin can share his image with him. Even in a high-level club team, no one could handle Rin’s moves. That’s why Rin’s the only one that feels left out. He recalls a conversation with Sae.“......What will you do when I’m not around?”“I don’t know but, I guess I’ll look for a replacement.”At that time, he said it without thinking, but now he understands. No one can replace Sae. That’s why as soon as there were no last passes from Sae, Rin couldn't score a goal anymore.(What should I do…….)On the way home from practice. As he walks along the road by the sea, he lets out a sigh. He sits down by himself at the embankment where Sae and him used to eat popsicles. The sun has set so early that the sky is already turning dark blue. The monotonous sound of the waves makes him feel sad and depressed.
(Ah, if only Niichan was here……I could have scored as many goals as I want……)
The Itoshi Brothers are invincible. With Sae gone, he doesn’t think he would be able to play so well. No matter how much he practices and improves his shooting accuracy, it is meaningless if he can't score in a game. A striker who can't score is not a striker.(Come to think of it, my first goal was also a pass from Niichan……)He remembers being taken to a game by Sae a long time ago. Rin was still small, playing monsters and hero toys all the time, but Sae was already famous as an “8-year-old soccer prodigy”. On the field, Sae did a great job.“Stop him! What the hell’s with this guy!?”“Get everyone over there!”Opposing players who are much bigger than Sae try to stop him from dribbling. Then, he quickly overtakes them then Twack! he shoots. His opponents were like “He got us!” while his allies are “You’re amazing, Sae!”. After watching Sae's games several times, Rin became fascinated with soccer, or rather of Sae's play.That day. Rin was waiting for the game to end while playing with monsters and hero toys on the side of the field, but before he knew it, he was glued to Sae's play. The whole opposing team was trying to stop Sae, but they couldn't, they were so busy to properly deal with him.(Me too…… I wonder if I could be like him……)He wants to be strong and cool like his Niichan. He clearly remembers thinking that. In the second half of the match, Sae, who was being marked by two opponents,slipped out to the side with his splendid dribbling. From there, he made a high pass to his teammate in front of the goal. It was a brilliant side attack.“You’re in front of the goal! Burst in!”, the coach shouted.“Can’t reach……”“I can’t do it, Coach……!”However, his teammates couldn't keep up with him at all, and they could only look away at the ball. Into a space where no one else is, just before it falls. This ball…… It’s a pass. It went into the goal. It was Rin who kicked it. That was his first ever goal.(......It went in.)He didn't know what happened, but the next thing he knew, he was jumping into the field and taking a direct shot. Suddenly, a little kid broke into the game and kicked the ball, causing a commotion among the players.“Hey, who’s this little prick!”“Damn prick! Don't come in here on your own!!”Rin knew that he was not allowed to enter the field during the game. But his body reacted on its own. To the pass of his Niichan. His Niichan came to him with a frightening look on his face.“I’m sorry…… Niichan, I…….”This is bad. He’s gonna be mad because I interfered with the game. That’s what he thought, but……“You’re amazing, Rin.”“Fuu.”With a grim face, Sae patted his head.“Play soccer with me. You can be the best, next to me.”Rustle rustle.“......Okay.”He was so happy to be praised by his super cool Niichan. From that day on, Sae and Rin's dreams were set. Sae is the best striker in the world and Rin is the second best striker in the world. Then, to win the World Cup. Sae has already taken a big step towards that dream.(And yet, I am……)He feels he is regressing rather than stepping back.……Don't give up while I'm gone.He thought he heard Sae’s voice.“I won’t give up,” he says to Sae, who is far away across the sea. But, what should he do? Rin, who is still eleven years old, doesn’t know. Looking at the night sea, Rin let out another big sigh.Chapter 4: AceIt has been two years since Sae left for Spain. Never misses morning training, self-training, and muscle training, Rin continues to work hard. His daily routine remains the same, and watching horror movies before going to bed has become a completely regular habit. Lately, he's been into splatter films. The one where a killer comes out with an electric saw and a big-ass ax, then blood splatters all over the place. The one where a killer chases you no matter how hard you try to escape, and if you get caught, you end up being dismembered. His heart is pounding, but he’s not the type to show on his face, so Rin watching the slaughter scene without any expression on his face is much more horrifying.Around this time, Rin had reached a major turning point in his life. In his first year of junior high school, he was selected as a key player in the youth team of his club. It was no surprise, considering his ability. Because of his talent and hard work, Rin has already acquired extraordinary abilities. However, unlike Sae, who was an absolute ace, Rin's reputation as a striker was incomparably lower.It was only at first that they said he's "the next best thing to Sae." Now they said that even though he is his younger brother, he is a disappointment and their decision-making ability are worlds apart.“A-ah, We’re not winning at all.”“Damn it, we’re done for.”

On the practice match that day, with their attack being inconsistent, it ended in a 1-1 draw. The atmosphere in the locker room after the game is the worst. The team used to be a top-level club team, but since the pillar of their team, Sae, had gone, their level had been declining. Today's opponent was a team that they could have won overwhelmingly in the past.(We’re not at a level where we can aim to be the best in Japan right now.)Rin is also worried inside, although he doesn't show it on his face.“A-ah, If only Sae’s here, we could have won.”Someone said it. Triggered by this comment, the team’s frustration turns to their quiet ace, Rin.“Without his brother, he’s just an ordinary guy.”“He’s just been blessed up until now. His brother could have won for the team by himself.”They deliberately let him hear all those backbiting.
“......Hey.” Rin calmly lost his temper.
Then give me the pass I want, Rin wants to shout at him. Even in today's game, in Rin’s image, there were many chances to score. But whose fault is it that they don't live up to his image? At this rate, he thought he’d give him a beating, he clenched his fist. It doesn’t matter if he’s a senior. Rin's bloodlust scared his teammates and they backed away.“Wh– what… Isn’t that the truth!”“Because you can’t score like Sae, so we aren’t winning.”He's at a loss for words. What these guys are saying are frustrating, but it’s true. Without Sae's passes, he can't play the way he wants to play. And it's also true that Rin, the ace, is largely responsible for their team's inability to win.“You can't score a goal by yourself!”Rin, who has been silent, was subjected to a barrage of ruthless words.(“Damn it……”)Unable to say anything back, Rin left the locker room.He's frustrated, but he doesn't miss his daily routine. When he gets home, it’s training, stretching, and horror movies. And tonight, another splatter film. A killer with an electric saw is persistently chasing someone, and just when they’re relieved that they have escaped, the killer comes up behind them!(......Whoa……That’s sick.)As he watches the scene of the killer chopping up the young campers to pieces, little by little, he starts to calm down.. After watching the movie, he lay down on his bed. It was interesting, so he'll watch the sequel tomorrow.(Niichan got scouted when he was my age……What the hell am I doing.)In their room, there are only Sae's trophies, and none of Rin's trophies have been added. Suddenly, his eyes met Sae's in the photo.(Niichan, I wonder what you are doing……)When he searched for news about "Real Madrid" on his phone, an article about Sae came up. It was in English, but he desperately read the news on Sae, and managed to read the soccer article in its original text.SAE ITOSHI! MADE HIS WAY ON THE BENCH…that being said. In the youth team’s matches, it seems that Sae was chosen as a bench member.下部組織 is also referred as “youth team”. bench member means he is a reserved player“Niichan is really awesome……”It’s awesome but he's anxious. He can’t go on like this. He can't fulfill his promise.(It’s frustrating, but it's true that I can't score goals by myself. If Niichan’s not here…… What kind of soccer can I play?)He thinks back to today's game. He felt as if he was fighting alone. No one on his team can keep up with his movements, and his line of attack breaks before reaching the goal. Rin can see the route to the goal. Regardless of theories and tactics, only Rin has the sense to smell a goal. Only Sae understands this talent. Even if he gets out of the way with a move that no one can read, it's okay to move on impulse because of Sae’s pass. However, in a match without Sae, even if he gets out to the position he thinks is the best, no pass will come to him. He was an irreplaceable talent, but because of his talent, he is unable to play as a team player.(I can't play the way I used to play with my Niichan anymore.)He’s not going to play the "I score the goals" style anymore.(I…… have to change my mindset. To make this team the best in Japan. To fulfill my responsibility as an ace. Also……. To fulfill the promise I made to Niichan.)Until now, he’s been playing, aiming for the goal. From now on, he will play so that the team can reach the goal.(Draw an image of the finisher, then work backwards. Build up that image using my teammates. Let's try to play that way……I can’t score goals by myself.)That was the conclusion Rin came to. The team keeps going because of Sae. With Sae gone, the team suddenly ceased to function.(......Then, I would be the replacement for Niichan!)The next day, Rin drastically changed his playstyle.Chapter 5: Even if I hold myself backjust a brief explanation on the title. It is 自分を殺してでも in Japanese. Most of us know that 殺して is means “kill” but it can also mean “holding back” which is the context of this part. Rin is holding back his striker abilities to help his teamThe next practice match.“Nice one, Rin!”“Go up the side!”At the end of the second half, it’s 3-0, a crushing victory.(I can easily back it up, but… from there on, no pass will ever come.)Rin erases his best image and then captures the whole picture. In his head, he sees the movements of all the players, as if filmed from a drone.(An image leading up to a shot. It’s not about me getting a goal, the only option that could get us to the score is……)Rin intentionally didn’t get out of that space, and got a pass. The defenders gather to stop Rin. He could dribble and force his way through, but he doesn't do that either. He draws the enemy to the very edge. On the opposite side, his teammate comes up. He makes a sharp pass on the route between him and the goal.(Now run!)Chasing the ball from Rin, he runs. One-two. The goalkeeper is so focused on Rin that it slowed down his reaction.Twack!With Rin’s last pass, they score a shot. His teammate said, “Alright!” and made a victory pose.
If his Nii-chan had been there, he would have passed the ball to him in front of the goal and he would have scored it directly….. He stopped thinking.No pass is coming. That is now the reality. Anyway, the team won for the first time in a long time.“Good job!”“That shot you made was great!”The more the coach and teammates rejoice, the colder Rin's feelings become. But this made it clear. In order for this team to win, he would have to adapt himself to the team's abilities, rather than seeking someone who could match his abilities. In this way, I would pull the whole team up. In this way, he would pull the whole team up. It is as if a child prodigy who can understand high school math has to do addition and subtraction in grade school.(Still, we have to win. I made a promise to Nii-chan. I'll use my new weapon and make my team win……!)In order to catch up with his Nii-chan he saw off at the airport, he has to make the team’s victory his top priority. To do so, he must hold himself back.Hold back the you who was trying to steal the goal with everything you have using that sense of smell for the goal and assemble an attack as a team play. This decision by Rin was the best choice for his goal of “making the team the best in Japan”. As evidence of that, the team has been reborn since Rin changed his style. The team became a winning team, just as it had been when Sae was with them. The team's atmosphere improved, and with regards to Rin, even his reputation shoots up.“Rin, as expected of an ace!”“You are Sae’s younger bro after all!!”Even their manager and coach entirely changes their attitude towards him.“You scored another shot! You’re a genius!”“Whoa! We’re so strong!”When it comes to his teammates, he wonders what they are talking about. No one understands Rin's frustration. But they can win, so that's fine. It's as if there are marionette strings attached to his teammates, controlling and moving the team…… That is Rin's new weapon. It is a play that can only be made with Rin's combination of technical, physical, and tactical skills. It has also led him to bring out the best in his teammates.His teammates give their all without even realizing that they are being played by Rin. By getting a pass at the best time, they can play beyond their capabilities. Ironically, when Rin abandoned his growth as a striker, the level of the team was raised as a whole, making them more capable of winning. Rin successfully took Sae's place.That's why there were more trophies for Rin to receive. The team won the tournament and he received the most valuable player award. He put his trophy next to Sae's.(......With this, I can catch up with Nii-chan.)He’s relieved to finally see the results of his efforts. However, the soccer he’s been playing freely up until now, was turning into something feeling terribly crippling that follows him around. It is suffocating and boring. Perhaps because of this stress, he has recently been watching shark movies at night, where sharks attack humans. It’s refreshing to see a giant man-eating shark attack and munch on humans. Sharks are sensitive to the smell of blood, and their sharp, jagged teeth can grow back many times. He got to know more about sharks for nothing. He looked at Sae's picture next to the trophy.(I wonder if Nii-chan felt this way too.)Sae in the picture looked grumpy and didn't say anything to him.(I’m sure even Nii-chan played in Japan with such a burden. That's why he went abroad, to Spain…… in search of playing soccer freely.)Sae, who has been leading the team, may have been holding himself back as a striker. He finally understood Sae's feelings. If that’s the case, he will do the same. He felt that Sae in the picture smiled a little.Chapter 6: The Reason Why HorrorRin, a full-on striker, became a ruler on the field. His teammates are his pawns. Move them well, and if they get to the goal, you win. Rin lures the enemies away and takes them down. He let them get caught in his fake shots. He pretends to go by himself then outwits them with his pass. By letting them misread him, he always gets ahead of them. It also meant that the dimension of his thinking was getting higher and higher. He carried out the game according to the plot he had drawn up. Not impulse, but thinking. His playstyle has changed, but not what’s in his mind.(Ah, if only Nii-chan was here……)He still thinks the same as when he was in grade school.Sae was not only cool, but also kind. He taught him how fun soccer is and bought him ice cream. It was Sae who trained and made Rin a striker.(I want to play soccer with him again. I want to shoot with Nii-chan's pass.)This thought is always in Rin's mind. That is why it is necessary to completely seal off his impulse now. The obsession with scoring goals and the ego as a striker are not needed in this team. Besides, this style of play was very well received by adults, including their manager.“Rin finally understands how to be a team player! Making the most of your teammates and contributing to the team! That's what Japanese soccer is all about!”That's what the Japanese like to see. Team play, rather than individual skill, is praised more often than individual performance. Even for his teammates, Rin is now a “dependable ace”.One day after practice.“Recently, Rin has changed. He's properly paying attention to his surroundings while playing”, said a guy who’s a forward while munching on a piece of a convenience store bought chicken.While Rin stays out late for his routine free practice, the rest of his teammates go to a convenience store to buy something to eat before going home.“He really did change. He’s indeed Sae’s younger bro. He's really talented, isn't he?” said the guy who was eating a frankfurter.“But, you don’t really know what he’s thinking, right?” asked the guy who had bought tuna mayo onigiri while peeling off the film from the package.“Well, he doesn't talk much. It’s kinda scary." the guy who had been eating potato chips sneered.Rin's attitude toward soccer is so stoic that it is very intimidating to be around him. If they try to frolic around during practice, he’ll give them a death stare.“You know what……. I……”, the guy who was eating melon bread mumbled.“The other day… I saw Rin at a station in Enoden……”江ノ電/Enoden stands for Enoshima Electric Railway (Enoden is shortcut for Eno Densetsu) is private railway in Japan which connects Kamakura Station in Kamakura with Fujisawa Station in Fujisawa, Kanagawa. (Source: Wikipedia) The last station is Kamakura (probably the location of Rin’s soccer club coz Kamakura Youth Club)“Is that because he gets on Enoden?”“Rin…… was being spoken to in English by some foreign tourists. They seemed to be asking about the station they were going to get off at.”“Yikes. I'm sure that's tough for him. He can't study at all, right?”“Yeah, yeah. He’s a total idiot!”But he clutched the melon bread tightly and said with a pale face as if he had seen a ghost.“He…answered in English without any difficulty, then the tourist said something like “Thank you! Thank you!”...... He actually…… speaks fluent English……!”“You’re kidding, right?”Everyone stops and stares in wonder. So that’s why. The school test is so hard that they want to shut their eyes, but Rin actually speaks English like a native. He wanted to understand live soccer commentary in English, so he did his best.“He’s really amazing……”His teammates were astonished by Rin's unfathomable talent.Thus, he entered the third year of junior high school. Finally, the Japan Club Youth Championship (U-15) began, a battle that Rin absolutely could not lose. Because of this, he's into Japanese horror these days. It's not showy, but it's slowly getting scarier and scarier. He thought he was going to scream when he saw a female ghost peeking through a gap in the fusuma. He’s so glad he doesn’t have a fusuma in his room.ふすま/Fusuma is a Japanese sliding screen(......Come to think of it, I haven't liked horror movies since Nii-chan went to Spain……)In bed, he dozes off and ponders. Perhaps it’s because those feel-good shots that had been made with Sae's passes were gone, that he sought a stimulating alternative. Back then, soccer gave Rin agitation and immersion. He was so absorbed that he forgot about himself and just gave in to his impulses, wildly and almost maniacally aiming at the goal. Every day was exciting enough to make him quiver. When you get chills from a horror movie, you release a hormone called adrenaline. Adrenaline increases heart rate, blood pressure, and blood glucose levels, and you become less agitated and less likely to feel pain or fatigue. In other words, it puts you in fight-or-flight mode. For Rin, perhaps the adrenaline from watching horror movies replaced the agitation and tension of playing soccer for impulse. For whatever reason, he is now a horror movie fanatic.(Tomorrow is the tournament’s first game…… We’ll definitely win.)With determination, he closed his eyelids.Rin and his team, Kamakura United Youth, were doing well, winning in the tournament. They won the semi-finals by a score of 2-0, taking back the power of their heydays, and returned to the locker room with bright smiles on their faces.“We did it! Rin, we’re counting on you for the finals! Pass me a good one!”, the teammate who scored the second goal tapped him on the shoulder.“Sure.”This is fine. Even in the next one, he just has to control the game thoroughly. Rin clenched his fist.And then at last, the Finals. Kamakura United Youth vs. Kashima Angolmois Youth.“We’re gonna win for sure!”“Alright! I'm gonna score another goal today!”While his teammates were fired up, Rin was alone on his phone.(Nii-chan’s trending on Twitter……!)#レ・アール糸師冴 (#RealItoshiSae)He scored a hat trick at Real Madrid’s youth team match. How amazing that is for a Japanese. Soccer fans on Twitter are so excited that they've lost their vocabulary saying how insane, awesome, and strong he is. Jumping from trends to articles, he found a feature on Itoshi Sae as "the player who will be the future of Japanese soccer”.(Nii-chan’s on his way to becoming the best striker in the world!)

He won’t lose to those top players overseas. If he wins this match, he too……!
He feels even more excited.
“Let’s go, Rin. It’s time.”When the manager called him out, Rin stood up.“...Yes.”On the passage leading to the field, Rin squinted his eyes as the light coming in from the outside was too bright. Beyond the light is the battlefield of the decisive battle.(It’s the first waypoint of my promise to Nii-chan. Win this match and I’ll go after Nii-chan……!)Chapter 7: FinalsTheir final opponents, Kashima Angolmois Youth, was an offensive soccer team. Their forwards are of high quality. Their offense is polished, and they connect one chance after another. Rin's team, Kamakura United Youth were on the defensive. Rin, who has a good grasp of the entire field, was able to read the opponent's attack and just barely hold them off.“......Damn it.”Thud!He stops the opponent's shot with his body. He keeps the loose ball quickly, and makes a long pass to his teammate.(We’ll counter from here!)Rin makes a pass to the perfect position, but just one step away, it was cleared by the opponent.(Shit!......Run more!)In the attack right after that, Rin made a decisive pass, but the ball was stolen by the opposing team.(......We can’t win this!)No matter how much Rin manipulates the team and passes the ball to the best point, the opponent's ability level is still higher than theirs to begin with. Bringing out the best performances from his teammates doesn't lead to goals.
(We can't…… keep going like this.)
Their back-and-forth battle continues, and their stamina is steadily running out. It’s still 0-0, with 3 minutes remaining in the second half.(These guys can't score……with my pass. If it’s me and Nii-chan, we could have won… Dammit!)His memories reel back.Combining with Sae to cut through the enemies, the heat at the moment of scoring a goal from Sae’s last pass. The most feel-good and hottest soccer. It brings back that impulse to pursue only the goal. An aura of ego dwells in Rin's eyes. His Nii-chan scored a goal for Real Madrid. He just wants to score a goal too. The impulse, which he had been suppressing for a long time, pushed Rin forward.(I can't afford to lose in a place like this!)With a snap, the strings controlling his teammates break, and at the same time, Rin's striker switch is flipped.“Take this!”With a fierce tackle, he steals the ball from the enemy.“Nice! Rin, counter! Counter!”his teammates shout, but Rin dribbles and tries to force his way through. However, there are enemies blocking his direction.“Rin! Don’t keep it to yourself!”The coach instructs. But he ignores it. The enemy is coming closer and closer.“Hey! What are you doing, Rin! Pass it!”The coach’s angry voice went out.(......Shut up…… don't fetter on the caliber you can see!)Rin isn't doing anything reckless. Even though he was driven by his ego, in his mind he was watching the match more calmly than anyone else. The players' stamina was running out as the game unfolded in a deadly struggle. With their concentration declining, sloppy play and petty mistakes are born. Soon, the performance of both teams will hit bottom. Rin has it all figured out. And then……(At this timing, I can see the route I should destroy!)Rin dribbles, slipping through the enemy line. Beating one, then two in a row, he rushes toward the goal.“Whoa, that guy’s amazing!”“Huh, That No.10 can actually play like that?”A roar arises from the audience. It was the kind of play that was supposed to be sealed, a play that was only meant to get you a goal.(I can score a goal…… all by myself!)He runs up the field.“Shit! Stop him!”“Rin! Pass here! I’m free!”His unexpected movements, completely different from anything they had ever seen before, are both messing with his teammates and opponents.“Crush that No.10!”The players of the opposing team attacked at once.(Too slow.)At the timing when the enemy rushed into Rin, he made a trifling pass. As if taunting them, the ball goes through a small gap in the enemy team and connects with his teammate.“Huh?”“You’re passing now!”Slide!Enemies who gather around the ball fall over at once. Rin runs forward to the goal as fast as he can. The teammate who gets the pass looks at Rin.“Eek!”Rin's eyes were filled with bloodlust that he has never seen before. He was overwhelmed by the heat that burned him, which he could not imagine from the usually cool Rin. If he doesn't pass now, he’ll get beaten up. No, he would get killed for real! With such a feeling similar to fear, he made a pass as if he was being pressured. At the moment the ball came to him, Rin put his tongue out. Concentration. Impulse. Rin's foot catches the ball.Twack!A superb shot flashed past the goal.“It’s in!”“That No. 10 is awesome!”The crowd cheered wildly. It was the first time in a long time that he felt like he was on his own route to the goal, and it was a great feeling to have scored a goal by himself.“Whoaaaaa!”Rin's teammates gathered around him as they screamed. 1-0, and it was the final goal.Piii! Time’s up!Four years of holding himself back, and three minutes of releasing his ego.(I did it……! I did it, Nii-chan……!)With Rin's goal, their team became the best in Japan.Part 8: Night SnowThump.The ball arches its trajectory, and is sucked into the corner of the goal. The season has turned to winter. Even after becoming the best in Japan, Rin's days are still the same. After practicing at the club, he works on his shooting by himself.Thump."Good work. Are you staying today too?""It's freezing. We’re heading out first, Rin.”“Yeah.”His teammates are leaving one after another. He can see his breath from the cold.“Fu……”He won the Japan Club Youth Championship, clearing one of his goals. In those three minutes, he felt like he was one step closer to Sae. Manipulating others, putting them to good use, furthermore, making them obey you…… Those were Rin’s new weapons.Thump.“Looking good!”Once he had settled on a shot that satisfies him, he looked at his phone to check the time then, the online news headline popped out.……ITOSHI SAE, TEMPORARILY RETURNED TO JAPAN. A FULL OFF-SEASON, WHAT WILL HE BE DOING IN JAPAN IN A LONG WHILE?......“Hehe.”Involuntarily, he laughed without knowing it.(......It’s been four years. Tomorrow, Nii-chan’s coming home. It's been a long time since I've seen him.)When he thinks of his Nii-chan, Rin goes back to being a little kid who thought, "Nii-chan is so cool!". For the past four years, he has almost no contact with Sae in Spain. Sae didn't come back either, and he felt it was not right to talk about his troubles to him, who was working hard to become the best striker in the world.(What should I tell you when we meet......? I always watch the news. You’re awesome, Nii-chan. I also worked hard and became the best in Japan. I'm coming over there, too. What kind of guys are there overseas? I… can now make passes like you. I wonder if you can praise me a little just like back then.)He’s been fantasizing about a lot of things, and the last one came out from his voice.“Nii-chan will be the world’s No. 1, then I’ll be the No.2 Best Striker in the world, I want us to win the World Cup.”That reminds him, he thinks he said the same thing now in the essay he read out at Parent’s Day when he was in grade school.“Okay, next is Itoshi Rin-kun!”The teacher asked him to stand up and read.“My dream for the future is to become a soccer player like my Nii-chan. Then he will become the best striker in the world and I will be the second best striker in the world and win the World Cup.”He laughed again, finding it funny that he hadn't changed since then.“......Okay, let's do it!”For the sake of his dream, he resumes his shooting practice.Fwosh.(It was a bit off……)The accuracy of Rin's shots is the result of his uncompromising image and strict practice. His hands and feet are freezing from the cold, and his nose is already red, but he won't allow his shot to be off. However, it will be much colder tonight.“Ah…… Snow.”If you feel cold, it’s the snow. White snow is falling from the night sky. Rin, who grew up in Kamakura, rarely sees snow, so he couldn’t help but look at it.“Wasn’t that shot naive?”While he was entranced by the fluttering snow, he heard a familiar voice from behind him.“Ah.” When he turned around, Sae was there. The falling snow reflects the lights on the ground and sparkles. In the snow that shimmered beautifully, as if like an illusion, Sae was standing. His heart leaps. It wasn’t an illusion. He was carrying a large suitcase, and he could tell he had come here straight from the airport.“Nii-chan……”He thought he would just shout out loud “I'm the best in Japan!” and hug him, but in reality, that didn't work out that way. Sae's expression was grim and looked terribly worn out. He wasn't the kind of person to smile, but even so, he had never shown this kind of face to Rin.“Welcome… back…”“Yeah… I’m back.”He wonders what's wrong. Is he tired from the plane ride? Or is he not feeling well?“It’s been four years, huh… but weren’t you supposed to return tomorrow?”…….He wonders if he isn’t glad to see him after so long.“Yeah. I came ahead of schedule.”The snow continues to fall. He doesn't know why, but his brother seems so far away. It’s sad and scary.…The story of Rin, who longed for and only chased after Itoshi Sae, ends here.

BLACK CATChapter 1: Pretty Boy300 strikers under eighteen were summoned to Blue Lock. The hall of the meeting venue was crowded with highschool boys with excellent physiques. Senno’s ace, Ookawa. The tallest high schooler, Ishikari. Aomori’s Messi, Nishioka. Just look around and you’ll see players “who you have seen in soccer magazine” levels. They are real soccer elites who have been selected for a special player training by Japan Football Union (or so they say). They are conscious of each other, their fighting and belligerent gazes collide with each other. The tension is so high that even bumping one on the shoulder could start a fight. Among those glaring boys, there was one who was clearly out of place. A boy standing quietly by the wall.Despite his slender figure for an athlete, he has attracted the attention of those around him. He has beautiful shoulder-length red hair and large eyes framed by long lashes. Because he has such a beautiful face, you can mistook him for a girl for a moment.“......What’s that girly looking guy doing here?”, someone snickered.“He must have mistaken this for an idol audition?”“Can he even play soccer? Looks ain’t got nothing to do with it.”They are making shady remarks and petty taunts, grinning and laughing.However…… those who underestimated this pretty boy would later be kicked around altogether in Blue Lock. Indeed, looks have nothing to do with soccer. This good looking boy is beautiful only on the outside, but a true egoist on the inside. He is a natural-born striker who is more aggressive than anyone else on the pitch. Moreover, he’s got a very impertinent personality.生意気/namaiki can mean “impertinent, cocky, cheeky or even sassy”The Speedster, Chigiri Hyoma.From his peak to despair, then from rock bottom, going up to be the fastest runner in Blue Lock, this is Chigiri’s story.Chapter 2: ImpertinentApril. On the grounds of Lacosute Tech, a scene typical of sports clubs was unfolding.The complete name of Chigiri’s school is 羅古捨実業高等学校/Rakosute Jitsugyo Koutougakkou (yeah that long). On the Vol. 16 omake, 羅古捨/Rakosute is “Lacosute” in Chigiri’s gold gakuran buttons. 実業/Jitsugyo can mean a vocational, technical or business school, while 高等学校/Koutougakkou means senior high school“‘Listen up, newbies. Lacosute Tech is a regular at the Nationals and we’re its double ace! We’re the Wanima Brothers! You’d better respect your amazing seniors!’, that’s what my big bro says!”The one who is acting like a senior to the new first-year students lined up is Wanima Keisuke (younger brother). The one nodding his head in agreement next to him is Wanima Junichi (older brother). They’re twins, and the one who always has a grinning face is the younger Wanima. As if striking a Kabuki pose, the one with a crooked mouth and looking towards them is the older Wanima. The older Wanima is extremely quiet, and the younger Wanima reads and interprets his facial expressions, which is a strange way of communication.Although they are eccentric brothers, their perfect sense of distance, timing of movements and pass-and-go are the power weapons of Lacosute Tech’s double ace. The new members of the club are standing stiffly upright as they listen to the Wanima Brother’s scolding. They are the aces and they are second year students. It’s no wonder they are bossing around……that is the atmosphere.“Excuse me.”A first year in the front row raised his hand, cutting off the younger Wanima’s talk.“I came to Lacosute to win the Nationals and make a name for myself. Can we get rid of this unproductive hierarchy thing?”The one who suddenly stood up to the Wanima brothers on his first day in the club was Chigiri. To their surprise, the other first years were like “What the heck is this guy talking about?” and froze.“Huh!? Who the hell are you even?”Naturally, the younger Wanima got angry. The older Wanima “grrr”-ed at him in anger. However, Chigiri isn’t rebelling against this sports club vibe, nor is he trying to pick a fight, he is just telling them what he thinks. He’s not here to endure the unreasonableness of his seniors. He came to stand at the top of the Nationals. That is why he came to the local powerhouse.“You, fuck……”The younger Wanima’s cheeks twitched with anger.“It’s Chigiri Hyoma.”While the rest of the club members froze in place, Chigiri casually introduced himself.“‘We are the aces of Lacosute! You know what will happen if you go against us!’, my big bro says!”“I know. Then, let’s fight with our abilities.”A fight!? There’s a commotion in the crowd. He’s got a cute face, but now he’s talking like some dojo breaker.“......If I win, please shut your trap.”For a first year, he sounds awfully impertinent but he’s not being full of himself. He just got that much self-confidence. So, with all the members watching, the game between the Wanima brothers versus Chigiri began. If they can stop the attacking Chigiri, it’s the Wanima Brothers’ win. It’s a simple two-on-one.“Grrr!”“‘Don’t make any excuses if you lose!’, that’s what my big bro says!”The twin’s eye contact is mainly powerful on their attacks but they are also confident in their defensive coordination. There is no reason why the two of them can't stop him. They are going to humiliate him by knocking him out of the game, but……“Here I go.”Whoosh!In a split second, the game’s over. By the time they realize it, Chigiri was already behind the Wanima Brothers who couldn’t even react properly, let alone stop him. They have never seen such explosiveness and acceleration. Chigiri won hands down.“What the hell……He’s so fast!”With that otherworldly speed, the grin at the younger Wanima’s face faded and his expression turned startled, while the older Wanima’s eyes widened as if his eyeballs were about to fall off.(......So this is the level of the aces here, huh. It’s not much.)It doesn’t matter if you’re a senior or not, it’s all about abilities. That’s what Chigiri is thinking. Chigiri is naturally a fast runner, the speed of his legs is second to none. Moreover, he’s got sufficient soccer skills. The coach highly valued Chigiri's talent.“For the next match, we’ll use the one-top formation to make use of Chigiri's speed! With this, we might actually get a solid chance at winning the Nationals!”Becoming a regular as soon as he joined the club, the coach announced that he would build a team centered on Chigiri. It was the Wanima brothers who got greatly offended by this. They badly lost in front of their teammates, and were even robbed of their ace position. Both of them were so stubborn that they felt compelled to say a few words to him.“Grrr!”“‘Don’t get carried away just because the coach immediately likes you’, that’s what my big bro says!”After school, they ambush Chigiri and threaten him. He should be scared if he got yelled at by his seniors, but Chigiri answered without changing his expression.“It’s really just a matter whether you have talent or not……That’s all there is to it.”It sounds arrogant, but it's actually true. It was not that the coach liked him, or even that he favored him. The coach recognized Chigiri's talent, and when he set up a winning lineup, it was a one-top. That was all.“Huh, is that so, Prodigy-kun……”Despite being fast, he has to admit that his talent is outstanding. The younger Wanima gritted his teeth in frustration. The older Wanima is also pissed off, you can see all the whites of his eyes.“Good work today.”Just like that, Chigiri quickly leaves.(......There’s nothing equal about talent. I’m a chosen one, I was born to prove that.)He started playing soccer seriously when he was six years old. It was at a local soccer school. He always loved running, but he will never forget the first time he dribbled past someone. While kicking the soccer ball, Chigiri’s body accelerated. From that moment on, dribbling past one opponent after another, soccer became everything to him.(I will make it to the Nationals, represent Japan and go to the World Cup…… then, I will be the best striker in the world.)In this world, there are those who are talented and those who are not. It is because of his strong pride that he is able to carry himself without wavering, no matter what anyone says. Chigiri believed in his own talent more than anyone else.Chapter 3: Karinto ManjuKarinto Manju is a wagashi (Japanese confectionery) that are crunchy buns filled with red bean paste. Perfect with tea. This is also Chigiri’s favorite food“......Hn?”On the way home after getting into a scuffle with the Wanima brothers. He stopped when he felt someone calling him. He looked over and saw a rundown, empty house that looked abandoned. It was a one-story house, the walls are planked up with wood, covered with green ivy. The gutter was broken, and the rusted, browning, tin roof was peeling off in places. No one lives there obviously, only the weeds are sprouting lively.“Meow.”“Ah.”On the sliding door entrance, there was a cat. It was sprawled on the cracked concrete. It had pitch black fur and golden eyes.(What a beautiful cat……)It stared at Chigiri and meowed again.“......What’s this, are you hungry?”I fumbled his pockets for something to eat and found a karinto manju. The reason why he has that is because it is his favorite food. The manju is deep-fried, so its shell is crispy and delicious. It is the only snack he buys at the convenience store on his way home from club activities.“I wonder if it will eat this……”
On the grounds of the dilapidated empty house, he takes a step in.
“Over here. Come.”He crouched down in front of the black cat and gently held out a karinto manju in front of it.“Meow.”Perhaps it realized it was food, so it put up its upper body with its front paws up. It wasn't that big, but it wasn't a kitten either. It was probably a stray cat that had made this place its territory, since it wasn't wearing a collar. It is as pitch black as it looks and its golden eyes are mystical. It is staring at the karinto manju with those eyes.“Don’t be shy. You can eat it.”Those perfectly round black pupils are so cute…… that’s what he thought.Scratch.“Ouch!”The black cat suddenly scratched him. He was so startled that he dropped the karinto manju. The black cat snatched it up with its mouth and cleverly climbed up onto the tin roof of the vacant house. Looking down at Chigiri from the roof, he began to eat the karinto manju. He was taken aback by its audacity.“Haha…… you got me.”As if it is entitled to it, there’s the black cat eating the karinto manju.“If you act like such a snob, you’ll be hated. You’re only good at being cute.”“Meow.”He tried calling out to the roof, but it just meowed like it was annoyed. It was as if it was saying, “Shut up”...... It’s cheeky, but somewhat curious.“......You’d better remember me. I’ll be back tomorrow.”While lightly stroking his scratches, Chigiri left.Chapter 4: Soccer and Black Cat“Grrr!”Today, the older Wanima is in a very bad mood. With his peculiar aesthetic sense, the older Wanima has eyebrows shaped like a crocodile (while his younger Wanima has crocodile-shaped shaved on the sides), but its tail is almost pointing straight up. In other words, his eyebrows are raised to the limit in anger. The reason is because Chigiri is disrespecting his seniors. In Lacosute Tech, it is customary for the first years to assemble before practice and bow to their seniors.In Wanima’s surname, (鰐間) the kanji 鰐/wani actually means “crocodile” (or alligator)“Please take care of us today!”Other first years bend over to greet their seniors, but Chigiri simply says, "Yo.” He didn’t even bow his head.What Chigiri said here is ちわっす, which is a contraction of こんにちはっす/konnichiwassu. It was rather informal and very casual so it’s considered rude to say it to your senpais (seniors)Also lastly, today they started practicing on their own without lining up……with that, the older Wanima snapped.“‘If you all keep acting up, you’ll bring discredit upon yourselves! Chigiri! Respect your seniors! You’re only good for being fast!’, that’s what my big bro says.”The interpreter, the younger Wanima, is also furious, but Chigiri is not at all bothered by it.“Yeah, right. It’s not that I don’t respect you. It's just that I'm the one who's scoring goals, and I'm the one who's boosting up this team's results, right?”He is right. Ever since Chigiri joined the club, Lacosute Tech has won a series of consecutive victories, and Chigiri has scored most of the points. If they play a match, the opponents have no choice but to watch as Chigiri cuts through his way in the field at 50 meters in 5.77 seconds.“The only famous forward in high school soccer in this prefecture is Kagoshima’s Titan God Warrior, Shiguma, right. I'm getting better results than him.”“Kuh……’Don’t get too cocky!’, my big bro said!”The Wanima brothers are heating up, but it’s also true that without Chigiri, they can’t beat Ryuunosu Academy where Shikuma is. In other words, whether or not Lacosute Tech can make it to the Nationals depends on Chigiri. No matter how much the Wanima brothers bark at him, Chigiri is the better player in soccer.(......Senior or not, it doesn’t matter. I'm just playing my own soccer.)
It’s not that he’s not trying to be nice. He just thinks politeness and greetings are unnecessary. It’s simply that he just wants to practice as much as possible if he has time for such things.
“You’re here.”On the way home from club activities, I passed by an abandoned house again. Today, the black cat yawns loudly on a block wall.“I brought you a karinto manju.”“.........”When he tried to talk to it, it looked at him as if it’s saying “Who are you?”. But when he took out the karinto manju from his pocket……“Meow!”It's as if he’s giving it money. As if to urge him, it stretched its front paw towards the deep brown manju.“Hey, hear me up black cat.”The black cat was only looking at the karinto manju, but Chigiri didn't care and kept talking.“In this world, there are those who are talented and those who are not.”He knows that the cat doesn't understand him when he talks to it, but he feels that it’s better than talking to the Wanima Brothers.He has the talent. To use one's talents to the fullest is what life is all about, and for him, that means running and winning.“I was born to prove this gift. That’s why, …Ouch!”As he tried to stroke it while talking, it sank its teeth and bit his finger.“That hurts! What the hell, I’m not gonna give it to you!”When Chigiri got mad, it quickly ran away over the block wall. It was watching Chigiri from a distance. It doesn’t allow him to touch it, it only wants to be fed.“Geez…Fine, come on, I'll give you a karinto manju if you come here.”“Meow.”When he showed him the karinto manju, it came back waltzing.“How selfish……”He tore off a small piece of the manju and tried to give it. But it didn't seem to want to get it from his hand, with a whoosh, it swiped its claws.“Oops.”He quickly pulled his hand away.“Here.”When I offered him the manju again, it swiped its claws again. He pulled his hand back quickly and the cat’s punch ended in vain attempt.“Hahaha .... Don't think the same move will work again and again, you idiot.”He repeatedly teased it and finally, the black cat growls and gets angry.“Don't be so angry. Here, eat up.”He put a karinto manju on the block wall, and the black cat began to eat it. The way it licked the red bean paste was cute.“......You’re really. I’m gonna be the best striker in the world. You can brag that you got a manju from someone like that. Well then, see ya!”After that, it became a routine for him to stop by the convenience store after club activities to buy Karinto manju and meet the black cat. If the black cat was there, he would give it a karinto manju. If not, he’ll eat it himself.……Considering all that, the black cat doesn’t seem to be tamed at all.Chapter 5: GloryThe days went by, until comes Fall and the qualifying rounds for the Prefecturals began. Even though he’s a first year, Chigiri as the ace continuously performs at the matches.
“Dammit… he’s fast!”
“What’s with him!”

“He can’t be stopped!”Now, there is no match for Lacosute Tech, or rather Chigiri. Instead of teamplay, they were winning almost exclusively through individual play. With Chigiri's overwhelming speed, there was no need for unnecessary strategy. With a single vertical pass, he can cut through the middle of the field and leave the opposing defense behind. He simply kicks the ball into a space and plays at top speed.“Chigiri……You’re just a show-off……!”No matter how the Wanima Brothers stamp on the ground with frustration, it’s Chigiri who is scoring the points. His great efforts made its way to the sports pages of the newspapers.……This tournament’s Dark Horse! Laco Tech’s MVP, Chigiri…………Laco Tech’s Undefeated Hat trick Chigiri Hyoma……Even the local media, closely marked this new high school soccer star.“If this keeps up, you’ll be a super speed rookie even on the Nationals. Please say a few words of your enthusiasm!”After the game, he was surrounded by TV and newspaper reporters.“Not really. I mean, I can do more. I’ll keep doing my best.”In an interview after scoring a hat trick, Chigiri answered in his usual detached manner. I can do more. I can run more. He doesn't have time to stand still in the prefectural qualifying rounds. What he is aiming for is the Nationals, and after that, even further, the World Cup.“Kyahhh, Chigiri-kun!”“He’s a genius!”His good looks also attract female fans. These are truly days of glory and being at the top. However, no matter how much clamor was made, Chigiri never got carried away. Whether they envy him or praise him extravagantly, he’s not interested. He was not playing soccer for the sake of his team or his friends, much less to be the center of attention. He truly believes that his future self will become the “world’s best striker”. That’s why he’s running. And that future was definitely coming……as should have been.Chapter 6: SetbackQuarterfinals of the preliminary round of the Kagoshima Prefectural Tournament. The match was especially dominated by Chigiri.When the ball came to him, he did not pass it to the Wanima brothers or to anyone else. He ran straight through the field and overtook his opponents.(Now, let’s go! To the Nationals! And win! To represent Japan! Then……to the World Cup!)Firmly pressing his feet on the ground, he’s going faster and faster. Each time he overtakes someone, he feels more and more excited.ーTo be able to surpass them with these legs of mine, only I have been bestowed with such euphoria.ーI have the talent to be the best striker in the world……ーI am Chigiri Hyoma!Adrenaline rushes through his brain, and he lets himself be carried away by the pleasure of running. No one can keep up. There is nothing but the goal in front of him. He loves this view above all else. It's the best feeling he has ever had. He’ll shoot……but the moment he plants his feet on the ground.Snap!There’s a sound as if a hard rubber snaps, then follows an intense pain and discomfort in his right knee.Falls!He suddenly lost all his strength and fell down, not knowing what happened. Whistling, screaming from the audience. The referees and his teammates gathered around……his right leg was bent to an unbelievable extent.It was obvious to everyone that something had gone wrong.The world turned upside down like in Othello. He was immediately rushed to the hospital, but his diagnosis was cruel.Othello/オセロ, one of Shakepeare’s Four Great Tragedies. Othello is the story of a noble military general who has enjoyed many successes on the battlefield, but because of mistakes of judgment and his outsider status in his society, sabotages his most intimate relationship and himself. (Source:, also the board game of turning over white and black stones idk lol.“About the medical exam results……The ACL in your right knee is torn.”The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) of the knee connects the femur (thighbone) to the tibia (shinbone), it’s the rubbery part in the knee. The ligament was torn due to the fatigue from the daily games and the force applied to it was so strong that it exceeded its limit.“This time we managed it, however……in your case, it is attached to your muscles in a particular way, which is why you have such high sprinting ability, but if it ends up being torn again……”The doctor paused for a moment, then continued.“We believe it will be very difficult for you to continue to live as a soccer player.”Everything went black. As a player, it was a fatal injury.“First of all, you need to be able to walk.”The doctor encouraged him, and his mother nodded beside him, holding back her tears. The torn ACL on his right knee itself can be repaired by surgery. It takes time, but in most cases, it can be repaired to the point where the patient can go about their daily life without difficulty. However, when it comes to extremely taxing sports, it is a completely different story. If it gets torn again, their life as an athlete is over. …If that happens…he will never become the best striker in the world.Surgery then bed rest for several weeks, he was bedridden. When he went to school for the first time in a long time, he fully realized that his world had completely changed. The media and fans who were praising Chigiri extravagantly until now had gone like a receding tide. All that remained was a large scar on his right knee due to the surgery. Without Chigiri, Lacosute Tech lost that game and did not make it to the Nationals, and their soccer team had already begun practicing under a new system. Instead of the one-top formation with Chigiri, it was the two-top formation with the Wanima brothers. Now, Chigiri cannot even walk, let alone run. His leg is wrapped tightly in knee-protecting braces. He had no choice but to move around with crutches which he is not used to. Of course, he has to observe club activities. Not so long ago, the ground was the place where he belonged, his very own world. While in the corner, he watched everyone practicing in their uniforms. Seeing Chigiri like that, the Wanima brothers were overjoyed.“Oh? Long time no see, Prodigy-kun (lol) What are you doing here?”The Wanima Bros are mockingly calling Chigiri, 天才(笑)くん/Tensai-kun, and 笑 kinda means LOLThe Wanima Brothers took this opportunity to make fun of him.“Gaaah ♪”As if he vents out all his frustrations up until now, the older Wanima is also in a good mood. The younger Wanima talks with gusto.“Since you have your talent ruined and can’t run anymore, do you still have any value left? Whether you have talent or not……That’s all there is to it right, Prodigy-kun? (lol)”Mercilessly, he broke Chigiri’s heart. But what the younger Wanima was saying was what he used to say. Talent for Chigiri means his legs, and literally, Chigiri's leg was broken. It’s frustrating. But, he couldn’t say anything back. The next day, he stopped showing up for club activities. If we can't keep running just like this, then he’s “someone who used to be a prodigy” and has no value.(......If only my leg would heal……)After that, he went into a long rehabilitation period. His torn ACL is said to take about eight months to return to normal. Because he lost muscle strength due to living with his knee protected, he must also undergo rigorous muscle training before he can resume playing sports. Chigiri's days of running around freely have been replaced by days of dull muscle training. But no matter how hard it was, he worked hard. He wanted to regain the pleasure of dashing up as if cutting through a straight line. Eventually, he was able to stand and walk without crutches. Little by little, he was able to run, and his muscles regained enough strength.When the doctor finally gave him permission to return to the soccer club, he was in second year. It had been a long time since he had been on the field, and a long time since he had worn soccer cleats.“Everyone, Chigiri is back. You did a great job in your rehabilitation, Chigiri. Let's take your time to get you back in play.”, said the coach. The Wanima Brothers were trembling with fear. They had just returned to the ace position and their time had come, but Chigiri might take it away from them again. But that was needless fear. Everyone thought they start with light footwork then move to match-style practice. The effects of the injury were more serious than they had imagined. Chigiri's play had completely lost its former shine. That explosive acceleration was gone. When Chigiri had the ball, he was quickly surrounded by the Wanima Brothers. He can’t smash through them like he used to.“Hey, hey, what’s this Prodigy-kun? (lol) Is that all you’ve got? What happened to those legs you were proud of?”The younger Wanima ridicules him without hesitation. As if to say that the slow-footed Chigiri is nothing to be afraid of.(Buzz off. Shut up.)It’s frustrating. It’s frustrating but he can’t run. He can't run as fast as he can. A heavy chain is wrapped around his knee, and he can't move it as if it was locked. His wound has completely healed. He also has the doctor's permission. And yet, he couldn't run like he used to.(Damn…… Damn it…… Damn all of it……)Playing soccer after a long time overwhelmed Chigiri more than his rehabilitation.Chapter 7: AnguishThe next day, Chigiri again stopped showing up in club activities. After school, he would go straight home. Although he had not handed in his withdrawal from the club, it was as if he had quit. Neither the coach nor his teammates said anything. No, there were only those two guys relentlessly pestering him.“Hey, Prodigy-kun! (lol)”Those who found Chigiri passing through the grounds as he is about to go home are the Wanima Brothers again.“You're not coming to the club today either? Are you scared of running full speed and breaking it again?”The younger Wanima, with that edge peculiar to his persistent personality, hits you where you hate it the most. The older Wanima is all smiles too.
(Damn you……!)
No matter how much he is mocked, Chigiri cannot say anything back now. The girls who used to surround him and his classmates who used to flatter him, everyone has all gone away. Alone, he walks with his head down on the way home.“Meow.”“Ah……”He looked up and he was in front of that empty house before he knew it.How long has it been since the last time he met the black cat?Just like the first time they met, it was sitting quietly in the entrance, calling out to Chigiri.“......I’m sorry. I don’t have any food for you today.”He no longer stops by at the convenience store on the way home from club activities anymore, so he no longer buys karinto manju.“Meow.”Then, I’m not interested… just as if to say that, it turned away to the side.“......Haha. I don't have any food, so I'm of no use to you…. Well, I guess you're right."The black cat kept looking sideways even as he crouched down beside it.“......I got injured. I've been absent from club activities for a long time."When he spoke, the black cat's ears fluttered.“My broken leg is healed. I worked really hard on my rehab. But you know what.”It was hard to put the rest of the story into words.“I have never yet been able to run for real.”He had lived his whole life thinking that talent was everything. And now everything was about to be destroyed.“I'm not scared of breaking my leg.”What the younger Wanima said may be true, but it is not.“If it breaks again, I won't be able to play soccer. I'm afraid that soccer will be taken away from me…… that I won't be myself anymore.”If he can’t run, he’s worthless. Because he knows that, and that's why he’s afraid of running. That thought keeps his right leg in a chain.“I've lived my whole life thinking that talent is everything to me……”Those feelings he couldn’t tell anyone for some reason, he could only tell them to the black cat. He looked down and closed his eyelids, then tears fell to the ground. Before he knew it, he was crying.“Meow.”When he opened his eyelids, he met with the black cat's golden eyes."Haha, what's with you……I don't have any food for you.”As if it knew, it meowed again. It may be a whim of the lofty, wilful cat. But still, he’s happy. He gently pets the black cat's head. It neither bites or scratches him. The black cat wriggles comfortably, closes its eyes and stays by Chigiri’s side.“......This is the first time I’ve touched you, but you’re so soft.”It has shiny fur, and a soft and warm back. He feels calmer. The black cat quietly let Chigiri pet it until he was satisfied.Chapter 8: InvitationWhen he was petting the black cat, it was already late.“I’m home.”When he got home, his mother greeted him with relief on her face. With Chigiri suffering from the bomb in his right knee, his mother is always worried about him.“Welcome back, Hyoma. ……by the way.”Hesitantly, she holds out a white envelope.“......A special training program?”It was an invitation from the Japan Football Union.(Why me?)Chigiri had not played a single game since last year's prefectural qualifiers. In fact, he’s not playing soccer decently. What in the world were the criteria for his selection in the special training program? Do they know about his injuries?“You don't have to force yourself. If you’re not ready yet.”, Chigiri’s mother said to him, clutching the invitation letter. She doesn’t want him to have to go through any more suffering by playing soccer. ……As his mother said, he wasn’t ready for it. But, he wonders if it’s because of the black cat.“No……I’m going.”If he’s gonna give up, this is a good chance. That's how much the thoughts of moving on come to him.Finally, the day of his departure. It was a solo trip from Kagoshima to Tokyo. His shoulder-length red hair was fluttering in the morning breeze. He hadn't cut it ever since he stopped going to club activities. He left a little early and headed for that empty house. He wasn't sure if he would see it, but the black cat was there. Today, it was on the concrete-block wall, wagging its black tail tardily.“Yo.”, he called out to it but it didn’t come near him like it did that day. But this distance is just right.“I’ll be gone for a while. After a long time…….I’ll play soccer. I still……haven’t found a reason to fight on yet, but I feel like I’ll regret it if I don’t go here.”The black cat's tail wagged in curiosity.“If I told you I was going to look for a reason to give up on my dream, would you be disappointed?”Instead of a reply, it yawned loudly in return.“......Haha…it doesn’t matter, huh.”He’s afraid that he will not be able to play the soccer that feels so good, that he will completely lose my dream of becoming the best striker in the world. It’s unbearably frightening. Finally, he’s ready to face these feelings. Even if he goes to Tokyo, he won't be able to play like he used to. But still, if he runs away, he will regret it. To give up, he has to move forward.“Hey, look over here.”He took out the karinto manju he had bought yesterday. Seeing this, the black cat quickly gets up.“......As I thought, I’m not worth anything if I don’t have this……”The black cat stretches its neck and quickly glances at Chigiri.Munch.“Oh……”He thought he was going to get scratched, but for the first time, the black cat ate directly from his hand.“Haha……”He’s glad that he seems to be recognized.“......I’m still scared but, I’m really gonna try playing soccer one more time!”He called out to it but the black cat on the roof was already preoccupied by the karinto manju, still indifferent.“Then, see you around!”Chigiri lightly waved his hand and started walking forward. In his chest, he can feel a faint heat rising. The black cat, with its eyes half-closed, saw him off. Then, it let out a small purr.“Meow.”(Good luck, future striker.)

Chapter 9: ResolveShortly before the letter from the JFU will be delivered to Chigiri’s home.
In Blue Lock’s Monitor Room, Jinpachi Ego and Teieri Anri were selecting the 300 players to be summoned. The walls are filled with a number of displays, showing footage of the players' games. The selection of the players was based on his own judgment and biases of Ego, while the data management was Anri's job.
“Uhm, the next player's match video may be useless to watch. Actually.... ““Just show it to me, Anri-chan.”, Ego says while slurping his cup noodles.“He doesn’t have any data for this year. He hasn’t played in any games, only the Prefectural Qualifiers from last year's tournament. Then, in the middle of that match……”“Quick.”...... As usual, he's not listening to anyone. Anri had no choice but to play the footage of the next player…… Chigiri Hyoma's match from last year's Prefectural Qualifiers. From the very beginning, it was Chigiri's stage by himself. He was just so fast. And egoistic. Once he had the ball, he didn't pass it to anyone and accelerated all the way to the goal. He was the leading actor, and everyone else was a supporting character. His ego-driven, selfish style of play seemed more suitable for Blue Lock than any other player he had ever seen. However……the moment when he was about to shoot after overtaking the defenders one after the other. Chigiri falls down and the match is interrupted. Something strange happened to his right knee…… probably an injury to his ACL. As he was being carried away by a stretcher, Anri stopped the video.“A-ah. He screwed up.”Ego slurps his noodles.“Yes……I don't know the details, but he hasn't played in any practice matches since then. I think his rehabilitation period is over…In other words……”It was a fatal injury.“It’s something psychological then.”“Huh……”“No matter how much you take care of it, when the body breaks, it breaks. But the mind is different. There are moments when you have to put the final nail in your own coffin.”“Is that sports psychology?”“No. My own pet theory.”
“What is that?”
“Anri-chan, call this guy in.”“Huh……”Did I hear him right?, she thought then Anri’s eyes widened.“Win or lose, live or die…… Only in extreme conditions can ego be nurtured, Anri-chan. If he comes to Blue Lock, it means he accepts it.”Live or die. What if he doesn't make it past the verge of death? Perhaps, this kid……Chigiri Hyoma, will be unable to play soccer for the rest of his life. No, perhaps he will have to give up on sports itself.(However……he knows that better than anyone else. If he comes to Blue Lock, that means he has that resolve……)“Well, if only he still had some ‘heat’ left in him.”Next to the coldly laughing Ego, Anri ticked the "Invite" box.

TREASUREChapter 1: Baaya"You wanted to see me, young master Reo?"An elderly woman dressed in a black butler's outfit. with her long hair tied up into two buns on the top of her head.A face etched with deep wrinkles, abnormally sharp--eyed, and a distinctive Roman nose that attracts attention.A little under two meters tall.Her appearance was one that, if in medieval Europe, would have certainly made her the victim of a witch-hunt. but the muscles visible even underneath her black jacket asserted that it wouldn't be easy to kill her."Baaya. I want to start this plan."The purple haired boy... Mikage Reo hands white-colored documents to the elderly woman with a Roman nose.Her long and narrow eyes silently open wide in between her wrinkles."...I understand, young master."She bows her head at a perfect 30 degree angle, and then leaves the room without making a single noise.This elderly woman who calls Reo 'young master' is Reo's personal butler.As Reo's caretaker from birth, her duty is to respect Ree's wills and respond to all of Reo's requests.But, even so.This one might be a little tricky.(...Hmph. Perhaps this means that the young master is now an adult...)On the documents Reo had handed her were the words "Mikage Reo World Cup Victory Plan"."...Anyhow, I shall fulfill my duties as a butler."Her face, smiling with the corners of her mouth raised... was, no matter how you saw it, that of a witch's.Chapter 2: The Bored OnzoushiMikage Reo-the young heir of the Mikage Corporation, total assets valued at 705.8 million yen.His life was filled with boredom.Right in the middle of a big city, on the top floor of his own company's residential tower.He grew up in the most expensive land in Japan, surrounded only by the "finest" and "most luxurious" things.His father was a gentle, friendly, and strongly arrogant man."Reo, you were born to surpass me. You must think that everything in this world is for you."His mother was gentle, elegant, deeply affectionate, and greedy."Oh, dear, are you talking about that again? Reo has his own life to live. Right? What do you want? If there's anything you don't like, tell me."He had everything he wanted.But Reo's heart was unable to be fulfilled no matter what they bought; expensive toys, a hard-to­ get video game console, an extremely popular video game, manga, smartphone, drone.'I'm bored. This isn't exciting."In the end, that's what he ends up thinking.It wasn't just materialistic stuff. From the beginning, Reo had everything that everyone wanted.Firstly, his face was outstandingly well-proportioned. Big eyes that exude his strength of will and a thin chin. Good-looking like a prince, slender and tall.Intelligent and top of the class in grades. On top of that, well-versed in stock investment and the world economy.Extremely athletic as well and exceptionally good at everything he did such as basketball, soccer, tennis, and baseball.Although he was raised without any inconveniences, he was neither spoiled nor naive, and was a popular person in class with a bright personality and high communication skills.Of course he was extremely popular with girls, and he spent his days smiling at the girls who crowded around him.But behind his smile,the feeling of "boredom" increased as he grew older. He was sick of the things bought for him by his parents.
Things that were easy to obtain were boring.
Even though he was blessed with everything, the only thing he couldn't find was something he wanted.Even though he was good-looking, clear headed, athletic and his family was the wealthiest in Japan, he was unable to get rid of his boredom.The summer of his first year of highschool, when he was starting to feel this way-Rea had an encounter.It was footage of the soccer World Cup being broadcasted on TV. For the first time, his heart was moved.
This was something that his parents couldn't provide for him no matter how much power or money they used.
...The one and only gold cup of victory and glory that the world goes wild for.Although Rea had thoroughly played all of the popular sports, he got goosebumps the first time he watched the World Cup final.Players exploding with joy, spectators standing up in excitement and rapture.On the other side of the screen was a storm of passion and infatuation that was the contrary of boredom.(This is it...!)The thing that he himself had found for the first time in his life: a gold cup. The World Cup. (I want to make this my ownpersonal treasure!)However, the day he declared to his parents that he wanted to "aim for the top with soccer". For the first time, Reo would find out about his parents' real intentions."No, you can't. You should give up."His father kept a gentle expression on his face, but the tone of his voice as he said so was unwavering."Why? Acquire everything you were the one that taught me that!"I finally found it."You are my successor. Besides, only the chosen few can be soccer players. There's no way you, someone who's starting now. can become one."His father debunks him with a sound argument."That's right, Reo. Go to an elite university and become an elite businessman." His mother gently nestles close to Reo.''I'm saying this for your own good."That's why you must do what we tell you to do; that was the message both of their eyes communicated.His parents don't know.That if he's given something other than what he wants, his craving becomes worse.''Yes..."On this day, Reo silently suppressed his intent to kill that had been conceived for the first time in his life.(What these people have given me isn't the thing I want...)His parents' opposition fueled Rea's desire and thoughts even more.(I'll acquire that gold cup with my own power no matter what!)Immediately, he started drawing up a plan to win the World Cup.As a natural-born emperor, Reo didn't have a flimsy train of thought.He isn't so weak as to give up on his dreams because his parents are opposed to it, and he isn't so emotional as to rebel against his parents and go on a rampage.Rational and positive.He thinks about the shortest route to achieve his goal.(Thinking backwards, in order to win the World Cup, I need to be selected into the Japanese national team. Which means that playing and flourishing as a professional player is an absolute requirement...)In order to become a professional player, it's necessary to have enough prominence to be selected into the national "under category" youth team, and the shortest route to accomplish that is to win the All Japan High School Soccer Tournament.In other words, I first need to make the high school soccer club win the national tournament.(Play in the national tournament... No, I'll create a winning track record and make them - my parents - recognize me. ...And the basic premise of this is my own ability. It should be fine if I become so good at soccer that others can't complain.)In order to make this happen, what should I do?He faces the computer and types on the keyboard with a click-clack.The finished product was the "Mikage Reo World Cup Victory Plan".He immediately summons Baaya, who arrives at Rea's room a minute later.''You wanted to see me, young master Reo?""Baaya. I want to start this plan."The next morning."Good morning, young master."Baaya came over to him as he was eating breakfast by himself in the spacious dining room. She places her left hand over her chest and gently lowers her head."Although this isn't everyone, these are the members of ''Team R"... "Mikage Reo's World Cup Victory Plan"."Men and women of various ages enter the dining room in droves.A macho in a tank top.A beautiful woman in nurse's clothing and a doctor with a stethoscope hanging around his neck.A dude wearing a soccer uniform.A monk wearing a kasaya.A woman in a white coat with her hair tightly tied up briskly steps forward. She peers into Reo's hotel-made breakfast consisting of salad, yogurt, and bread.''This is quite a modest meal. There is not enough sugars and protein at all. What is necessary for an athlete's muscles is good quality protein, and the source of a player's best performance is carbohydrates! Let me remake your breakfast instantly!"She leaves in a flurry.Gazing after the retreating figure, Baaya smiles."She's the leading figure of soccer nutrition science and was selected from the Athlete Dietetic Association. She will completely manage the young master's meals."Yes. Yesterday, what Reo asked Baaya for.It was to completely copy what an elite professional soccer player does.Meals, physical, health administration,techniques, mental state, tactics.If I want to become elite, what I need to do is copy what the elite are doing.In order to accomplish this, he forcefully selected professionals from such fields.The tank top macho was a top level J-League physical coach.The beautiful nurse and doctor were the team doctors of the former Japanese Olympic soccer team. They're in charge of Ree's health management in general.The one who would coach his soccer techniques was a former national team player who holds coaching qualifications.The monk was the chief priest of a top-grade Zen temple, and was an athlete mental trainer who fuses sports psychology and zen.On top of that, the one who would teach him soccer tactics online was the renowned former coach of the Italian national team called "Mister Tactics", Mr. Bastico.Surprisingly, Baaya was able to summon a legendary Italian soccer mentor as a private teacher for a highschooler.Everything was extraordinary."Thank you, Baaya!""Hohoho... As a butler, this is a natural duty."Since they were able to assemble all of this talent to the Mikage house in just one night, that is why they're faster than Amazon.(It cost around 100 million yen for expenses, but that's no problem as it can easily be covered using young master Reo's education fees... Now, the rest is up to the young master...)This is how Reo took his first step towards his dream.Chapter 3: Reo's talentTeam R immediately begins.Firstly, Reo's physical check.Fully putting to use the latest high-tech equipment of the Mikage Corporation, which also manages a sports gym, his physical abilities were measured."Wonderful ! You are not inferior to the youth team players I've coached!"The tank top macho & personal coach, Sujita Chikara, looks at the numbers, speechless with admiration.Although Rea's strength was a modest number, his speed, stamina, agility, and jumping ability already surpassed the youth team's average.However, Reo was greatly unsatisfied, thinking, "I'm so lame".For Reo, who had been unparalleled in everything, being average was unimaginable.'The point is that I'm average as a soccer player, right? I want to become a top-level player immediately. Make it so that I can get results as fast as possible."······'"Later on,in an interview with a sports newspaper, Sujida would say this about Reo."As a professional, I coached him in a training method that would transform his muscles into the most suitable ones for a soccer player as fast as possible a plan that Reo-kun demanded. Well, of course, the training was so hard that even a masochistic athlete would let out a noise. He completed it indifferently, so he was quite something. He was blessed with his talent and his environment, but,more than anything, he's a hardworking person. Also, he was someone who considerably didn't like losing. And, he was super cheeky."And then, practicing the basics of soccer.The one coaching him was a former national team player and charismatic soccer coach Kiso Daichi.Hearing that Reo was a beginner Kiso taught him lifting, but he was astounded when Reo was able to do everything in one-shot.The basics of soccer are the movements of kicking, trapping, and dribbling the ball. From the start,Reo's ball control was outstandingly good.His passes were good and his shooting was good, and on top of that his spatial awareness was wide and his tactics were also good.Above all, he was fast at learning and absorbed everything like a sponge.Later on, in an interview with an online soccer information website, Kiso would say this about Reo."I taught him for only the first few months, but,in any case, Reo-kun was skillful. If you were to express the soccer abilities-physical, techniques, speed, power and tactics-as parameters, he would be a regular pentagon. He was close to full marks in everything. When I saw on TV that he was chosen as a bench member of the "Blue Lock Eleven", I thought it was obvious. The fact that I was able to be his coach is my pride. But, he was annoyingly cheeky!"Moreover, as preparation for when he would become a professional player and go out into the world. he started learning English, Spanish, and German."Buenos dias, Reo. (Good morning, Reo!)""Buenos dias, prof. (Good morning, teacher.)"When he entered his limousine to go to school, his Spanish teacher was already sitting there."Obtuviste 100% en la prueba. iEstupendo! (You got 100% on the test. Marvelous!)""Gracias. (Thank you.)"During his lunch break, he took online English lessons on his smartphone.During his ride home on the limousine, his soccer otaku German language teacher accompanied him.After school was a schedule containing workouts, practice, and Mr. Bastico's soccer tactics lecture worked out to the minute.His meal was beef tenderloin steak (one gram 3000 yen), fresh fruit, and a big bowl of rice.Before going to sleep, he calmed his heart by doing zazen.With this and that, Reo's twenty four hours were all spent on soccer, and "Mikage Reo's World Cup Victory Plan" was going smoothly.Absorbed in soccer every day, normal parents would worry and ask "when are you going to study?", but Reo's grades were not a problem. Since Reo could understand the textbooks' material just by listening during class, his test rankings were at the top as usual.From anything to everything, Reo was a super highschooler.Reo, who quickly learned the basics of soccer, moved onto the next phase."Young master. I have prepared the thing you asked for.""I see. It took quite some time, huh."The limousine that Baaya was driving was heading to a facility of the Mikage Corporation's virtual technology research institute "Mikage VR Lab".Shooting in a virtual space with exclusive controllers equipped onto your legs... was something that you could do with other simulation soccer games up until now.The Mikage VR Lab was currently developing a real, virtual, soccer game that would go beyond that, and, with Baaya's bargaining power, it was fully cooperating with Reo.Prototype number one was completed extremely quickly."We have been waiting for you, Mr. Reo!"Even though he's a highschooler, he's still the next president of the company. The director and developers line up and bow their heads to greet the young heir."My name is Kurogane, the director. What we have developed is a super real next generation action game in which you can compete against virtual players in a virtual game area..."The director wearing black rimmed glasses begins explaining while bowing profusely."Ah, I don't need an explanation so just get on with it. It's a waste of time.""Y-yes!"Rea's motto was "time is money".Where he was led to was a VR experience room that looked like a small gymnasium. Right away he changed into specialcleats and a special suit, and stood inside the game area with goggles on.With a boom, the room instantly turns into a field, and a ball appears near his foot.In his field of view was a goal as well."Woah! Awesome!"It's super real.Moreover, when he touches the virtual ball with his foot, he feels it properly."It's just like the real thing! No way!"Even Reo was surprised.Even the developers, with extremely dark circles under their eyes as a result of pulling consecutive all-nighters, are a bit happy because of his reaction.The director pridefully gives an explanation.

"There are an infinite number of sensors on the internal part of the cleats, and they send an electric signal whenever they react to the ball, and that is how we have made it possible to experience a feeling similar to the real thing. Moreover, the mechanism for this is that whenever contact is made with a virtual player, electric currents flow from the suit and cause strain on the muscles, and it makes full use of cutting edge technology ""Like I said, it's a waste of time. I'm going to start now."The technician's explanation was long and unnecessary."U-understood. Then, please take a look at this, the ultimate virtual footballer we developed... 'Kokuritsu-kun'!"Boom!'Kokuritsu-kun' appears on top of the artificial turf of the virtual space wearing a blue outfit.Although its facial design hadn't been finished on time and was a "henohenomoheji",it had a muscular physique and looked strong.Standing up with its arms crossed, it flexed its finger occasionally towards Rea as if to say "come here"."Kokuritsu-kun will re-enact ideal plays based on player data from the previous winning teams of the All Japan High School Soccer Tournament. Now, let us start with the first mode..."A★☆☆☆☆ appears on the screen of Reo's goggles.The difficulty is represented by the number of stars, and apparently there are levels up to a maximum of five ★."One star is a single one-on-one competition mode. Mr. Reo will be on the offensive, and Kokuritsu-kun will be on the defensive. Let us now get started."The director presses the switch of the game controller.START!!Reo begins dribbling, and Kokuritsu-kun immediately tries to steal the ball.He dodges that movement with feint, and shoots.Whack!The ball that Reo kicked hits thenet in the blink of an eye.GOAL!!Tetetetetete! The fanfare sounds.The shake of the net is realistic, and is quite a pleasant feeling....And the developers and director, who saw how everything went, were stunned."O-our Kokuritsu-kun !"
"Lost. ?"
Despite the fact that it was for a game, Kokuritsu-kun's data was that of winning teams'.They hadn't expected it to be cleared this easily."It's probably just the whim of the moneybags, right?""Since it's perfect timing, we'll have you be the test player for a prototype.""Hmph, we'll use data that'll make you struggle against the Kokuritsu-kun that we developed!"Despite being full of confidence, such confidence was killed instantly, the developers' pride was shattered.(I see... I can find out to what extent my soccer is viable against national level high schoolers.)Reo takes off his goggles and gives orders to Director Kurogane."For now we'll start with the two star mode. This doesn't even count as practice." Reo says, cheekily smiling.Chapter 4: Star ★★★★★And then, the summer of his second year of high school.The "Mikage Reo World Cup Victory Plan" was trying to move onto the next stage.He had finally reached the highest level of five stars in the real virtual soccer game.If he could beat this, it would mean that he has the ability to compete with highschoolers at the national level.But in the five star mode, there were five Kokuritsu-kuns. Even Reo, who was doing well up to four stars, wasn't able to beat it that easily.He tightly ties his hair back.(I need to beat this today and finish my training period.)If he muddles around, he won't make it in time for the regional qualifiers for the national tournament.With this in mind he took up the challenge, but it was still difficult to score a goal.He can pass the first and second defender. But the remaining three defenders were tough.(I can't stop at a place like this.....! I'm not my parents' -their- toy. I'm going to prove that I'm not the type of person that can be satisfied by things that you can easily acquire with money...!)He tries to forcefully pass, but there's no way for him to do so when he's tightly surrounded.The three "henohenomoheji" faces lined up in a row piss him off even more."This is seriously annoying!"Swoosh.He tries to forcefully dribble his way past, but-.The ball gets taken by his opponent.LOOOOOSE!!!Fanfanfan ♪Discouraging music plays and signals that the game is over."Fuck!"Sweat drips down his chin.When he takes off his goggles, the phrase "total 999" is displayed.He had already played this mode 999 times.''Young master. After this is Mr. Bastico's lecture, so why don't you continue this tomorrow?" Baaya says to him, but Reo is unsatisfied."No, I'll definitely clear this!"Baaya gently tells Reo, whose fighting spirit was wide open, "...If you are not calm, you will not be able to win what you should be able to win. Young master, you are a clear-headed individual. Why don't you calmly analyze it first?"(...Analyze...)He thinks while drinking the sports drink that Baaya prepared for him.(I'll analyze the defenders' movements from my 999 attempts. It's only at a highschool level. If I can't beat this, winning the World Cup is beyond my wildest dreams.)He finishes drinking his sports drink and increases his focus once again. (Speaking of which, the video I watched yesterday...)The video that his soccer otaku German language teacher had showed him, saying "watch it
because it's super cool".
The player who had scored a goal even though he was surrounded by four opponents...(That was... Noel Noa.)Instead of passing through or dodging, he scored the goal as if he were threading a needle through a wall of defenders. A shot as if he were a sniper.(Maybe copying that would work?)After replaying the video in his head, he had a clear image of Noel Noa's superplay.I can do it. This time, I'll definitely do it."Ok. This is the last one."He puts on his goggles, and a ball appears at his feet.His 1000th challenge.START!!He kicks the ball and a Kokuritsu-kun appears in front of him.Aiming for the ball, it does a slide tackle.At the same time, the second Kokuritsu-kun appears from behind to steal the ball.(This pincer movement pattern has already been analyze...d"He stops momentarily after running at high-speed and avoids the tackle.As if aiming for that, a leg sticks out for the ball from behind.(Like I said, I can read that...)After passing the ball underneath his opponent's stretched out leg, Reo does a half-turn to avoid the defender and leaves the defender behind.His change of pace, nutmeg technique, and dribbling are all first-class.(...This is where it starts. Come, Kokuritsu-kun!)Boom!In front of him, multiple Kokuritsu-kuns appear one after the other.With a three-person press, they try to block the direction of his shot.It's completely impossible.Although Reo didn't know this, this five star mode was secretly set up so that he would never be able to clear it with his current abilities.The director and developers, whose Kokuritsu-kun had been defeated again and again by Reo, had secretly programmed it to the highest difficulty.(Hehehe... I dare you to try defeating what we, the lab staff, have taken pride in developing-"Sakapuro-kun"!)Director Kurogane's glasses shine.Indeed, the last three virtual footballers were called "Sakapuro-kun",created using data from J¬
league players.
With professional-level speed and rate of reaction, it was the strongest assassin created to defeat Rec.This was a showdown between the programmers' stubbornness and Ree's potential, so to speak.The Sakapuro-kuns come forward at once.Reo calmly looks at their movement.Just like how Noel Noa ascertained the direction of his shot.(My chance is fleeting...right there!)Swoosh!Reo's shoot pierced through the defenders' slight gap.The ball grazes the tip of the keeper's hand and goes into the net.GOOOOOAL!!!!''Yeah! I've beaten all of them! I've defeated the shitty VR!"With his 1000th attempt, Reo won the battle of the programmers vs. Reo."...Congratulations, young master.""Let's go home, Baaya! Woohoo!"After cheerfully wiping off the sweat with the towel that Baaya handed to him, Reo immediately starts preparing to go home-after all, "time is money".Next to him,the director and staff were weeping and shouting, "Nooo! Our Sakapuro-kun losttt!"As a side note, later on a simple version of this real virtual soccer game was released in arcades as "MIKAGE Soccer Virtual Stadium" and became a big hit.At its competition ceremony press conference, Director Kurogane would say this about Reo."Yes. Indeed, Mikage Reo was the test player of our first prototype. Without him, we wouldn't have been able to achieve this level of quality in such a short period of time... However, his plays weren't really helpful. His shooting success rate was just too high. Nothing could be done about that. Also, he was fucking cheeky until the end."Chapter 5: Give upWith that, his training period ended.Ree's physical abilities were all well above the average of previous youth players.His soccer techniques were certified by his coach.His mind was crammed with each and every tactic that Mister Tactics-Mr. Bastico-had generously taught him.(Great! I can move onto the next step!)Fully prepared, he goes to the soccer club.However, before knocking on the club room, Reo was shocked.''You've got to be kidding..."The soccer club was practicing on the field, but...{Aren't they too low-level?)Since Hakuho High School was a college preparatory school, although he had expected it to a certain extent, he didn't think it would be this bad.To Reo, who had defeated Sakapuro-kun, it looked like they fucking sucked.Or rather, their level of seriousness was way too low."Let's go eat ramen after practice is over!""Sure!""After ramen, let's go to the karaoke!""Yay!"There's no way that they're being serious with those chants.The coach scolds the members who're lazily practicing, saying "going to the karaoke after 7PM is against the school rules so you can't go"No, that's not what you should be scolding.It's... definitely impossible to participate in the national tournament with this."Mmm"However, if he doesn't do something here, he won't be able to acquire what he wants.In the end, he returned home that day without knocking on the gates of the soccer club.(What should I do...)When he was worrying by himself, as if to pour salt on the wound, he was summoned by his father."It's Reo."When he enters the study, his father, who was sitting behind a large desk, slowly stands up."Sounds like you've been doing a lot of hard work."His expression was gentle as always, but his eyes weren't laughing.Reo had been pursuing the "Mikage Reo World Cup Victory Plan" in secret, but apparently his father found out because the expenses for the Mikage VR Lab had abnormally shot up.Maybe it was bad that it cost almost 100 million yen to set up Reo's personal soccer field."Give up on soccer."Although nothing in particular was said about the expenses that went over 300 million yen in total, Reo's dream was denied with a single phrase."A person's possibilities are determined at birth. Worker ants can't fly in the sky, and pigeons can't run fast. The path of one's life is laid down at a genetic level."With the night view of Tokyo behind him, Reo's father continues on."You are the son of a lion. You have a promised future. It's the same thing as you saying that you want to be the spectacle of a circus even though you were born as a lion. Kings should act like kings, and use those fangs that control the savanna."Don't step outside the path of becoming a king.His father has a calm expression, but puts an extreme amount of pressure onto him.Six months ago, he might've walked that path while feeling bored.He might've followed his father's footsteps and accepted a glittering life as the second, young president.But, not now.His body becomes hot with anger and his rebellious attitude grows. His father's following words added fuel to the fire."Soccer players make, what, 10 billion yen at most? You can earn more by managing a company."Even the highest annual salary for a world-class soccer player is over 15 billion yen, and in Japan, a top-class soccer player's salary is just over 100 million yen.To his father, who uses tens of billions, hundreds of billions of money, such salaries are trivial.(...Father doesn't understand anything. I'm not playing soccer for the money. The world doesn't revolve around business only. Emotions and spirits and dreams. What's stimulating me right now are irrational things like that.)However, he knew that there was no way he'd be able to persuade his father by saying that.All of this was based on him winning the World Cup, and if he isn't able to achieve that, it would end as pie-in-the-sky.Reo, who was almost facing a failure and was unable to even stand at the starting line, couldn't find anything to say to his father."Yes."He suppressed his irritation and acted like he agreed.(I'm powerless.)He couldn't even rebut.He had been working hard these past few months for his dream.And yet, was it going to end like this?( No, not yet. I won't give up.)Once he returns to his room, he immediately calls for Baaya.''You wanted to see me, young master."In just one minute, she appears in Reo's room."Baaya. I want you to prepare what I've written here as soon as possible."Baaya's eyes shine sharply after receiving the note."Understood, young master. However, I have been told by your father to not give you funds any
"It's alright. I'll terminate a portion of my stocks. There should be quite some profit.""Yes, sir."Reo had a substantial amount of personal assets as well.(I'll do it. Until these fangs break.)Reo's passion is yet to disappear.

Chapter 6: A Lion's GenesThe next day.'Tm going in!"Baam!This time, he'll enter the gates of the Hakuho High School soccer club."Ah ! The young heir!?""Why are you here!?"The members of the soccer club are surprised at the entrance of the school's most prominent student, the young heir that everyone knows about; Mikage Reo."You guys! Is there anyone that wants to meet an idol!?""!?"Firstly, changing the club members' mindset.In order to do that, he needs to dangle a super big carrot in front of them."Idol ?""Of course I want to meet them!"What highschool boys like. That is, girls."If you listen to what I say, I'll let you meet as many as you like!""R-really !?""Of course! Nothing is impossible for me!"If he used the Mikage Corporation's connections. arranging a meeting with a trending idol group or actress or voice actor was easy."In return, participating in the national tournament is imperative! Win matches! Participate in the national tournament! Those are the requirements! I'll prepare everything you need to level up!
Will you guys follow me!?"
"Yes!"''I'll go I'll go!"The high school boys' attitudes changed.
However, not everyone was on board.
"Well, I don't. care about idols."Highschool boys that aren't interested in cute girls sometimes exist."Ok! Then, how about all-you-can-eat premium meat?""?!"Even if they're not interested in girls, there isn't a single high school boy that wouldn't be moved by meat."I'll have you eat lshigaki beef aitch-bone rare steaks grilled by my family's chef to your heart's content! You can order anything, from sirloins to chateaubriands! Since I've come here, tell me whatever you want!"As a side note, aitch-bone is an exclusive cut near the tail of the cow, and has a perfect balance between the fat and lean. It's Reo's favorite food."Listen up! From today, the captain of the soccer club is me! We can't be satisfied with being in the top 8 in the regional qualifying rounds like before! Our goal is the national tournament!""Yeahhh!!"The morale of the club members went up and up due to idols and expensive meat.Bang!While they were getting excited, the door of the clubroom suddenly opened."Young master. Your order has been prepared."The person who appeared was Baaya in butler's clothing.Even though she was modestly bowing her head, she was bigger than Reo, who was 185cm. and it was clear that she wasn't an ordinary person."Good job! Bring everything here!""Understood."Boom!Baaya carried a large number of cardboard boxes and paper bags into the clubroom.Yesterday night, what Reo had asked Baaya for."These are the new balls and uniforms.""Sick!"The club members became even more excited due to the shiny balls and the new uniforms."Woahhhh!""I'm gonna do itt!"He thoroughly exerted his young heir power and boosted the motivation of the Hakuho High School soccer club members to the limit.As expected from a lion's genes.The team unified around Reo, and the Hakuho High School soccer club was reborn.Reo coached them tactics, and they did intensive training by putting the Mikage VR Lab's real virtual soccer game to full use.They quickly recovered from fatigue using the Mikage family's custom ordered super oxygen capsules.The team's mood completely changed, and its level went up and up....Nevertheless.Even if he used everything he had, raising the level of this soccer club to the level of participating in the national tournament was a cumbersome task.Because of his brain, Reo knew.(This isn't enough.)Even if you dangle a carrot in front and make it run, a donkey can't win against a Thoroughbred horse. There's a limit with these members. Soccer is a sport you play with 11 people. No matter how outstanding and excellent Reo is, he doesn't think he can win just by himself."Captain Reo! Thank you for your hard work!""Thank you for your hard work!"He finishes today's practice, sent off by his teammates lined up in a row."Yeah! See you tomorrow, guys!"He climbs into the limousine, where Baaya's waiting for him.His language skills had already reached the target level, and so the soccer otaku German language teacher isn't riding together with them. Now, Reo mainly studies and analyzes opponent teams' data and match videos.However, he doesn't feel like doing it today."...I have prepared a drink for you."Baaya, who sensed something based on Reo's expression, pours non-alcoholic sparkling wine from the ice cooler into a Baccarat champagne glass.The limousine silently departs.He lets out a sigh while tilting the champagne glass.He did everything he could do.He tried everything he could try.Nonetheless, he couldn't see the route to the national tournament.(What should I do? What more can I do?)He doesn't want to give up like this.But, no matter how much he thinks about it, he doesn't think that he can win with this team.The "Mikage Reo World Cup Victory Plan" was completely stuck."Baaya. Maybe I did it wrong..."If he falters here, everything-the miracle Team R that Baaya assembled, his 24 hours of hard work for soccer-would be useless. And, also, over 300 million yen in expenses and the shares he sold.However, even if Reo entered his pessimistic mode, Baaya kept her professional attitude as always."As I have said multiple times, young master, you are clear-headed. Firstly, do not be pessimistic, and calmly analyze the current situation."The car accelerates and surpasses the car in front, but the liquid inside the glass doesn't move at all."Analyze "While observing the bubbles inside the glass, Reo thinks. Mr. Bastico said this."Japan is the country of harmony. Its soccer is organized, valuing teamwork and emphasizing cooperation. My Italian league likes cunning and tactical football. However, newer and more technical techniques are developed by individual power in the end, what's necessary for a victory is an outstanding genius. Tactics work only when you have a genius."Only when you have a genius.The answer that Ree's mind, filled with the know-hows of elite soccer, derived was....(If there's three people-a DF, MF, FW-with the same abilities as me, it can work.)Not all eleven players have to be geniuses.If there's three geniuses he can use, it's possible to participate - no, win - in the national tournament.( There's no way I'm giving up.)Chapter 7: EncounterFrom the next day, everyday Reo ran around the school trying to find geniuses.The track and field, basketball, baseball, volleyball, tennis clubs.The table tennis, fencing, badminton, sumo clubs.He went to every sports club, but there wasn't anyone who measured up to the level Reo was looking for.He half-assedly selected people that were fast at running and were good at sports, but none of them were geniuses.(Being so-so isn't enough... what I want is a genius.)He feels a sense of helplessness-time only passes by.Just in case, he decided to watch the kendama circle, who were practicing at the rooftop during lunch break."That's super interesting! Do that again!"Around the World, Lunar Lander, Space Walk. He was shown high-level kendama techniques which was super exciting, but he was also a little disappointed.His shoulders drooped, and he went down the stairs.(What should I do...... I don't want to give up )I don't want to end up living a life in which I'm satisfied with the things that my parents give me. I'll be in charge of my own life.But, he had no idea that it was this difficult.......Give up......He can hear his father's voice....You are the son of a lion. You have a promised future. It's thesame thing as you saying that
you want to be the spectacle of a circus even though you were born as a lion...
Does he have no choice but to be at his parents' mercy?(Shut up! The World Cup is a dream that'll prove my existence. I want a treasure that's just mine!)He cheers himself up in order to erase his cowardly feelings.If there were three me's, we could definitely win.Pass, dribble, trap, shoot.He had seen all of the ideal plays in the virtual world.They were stored in his mind, and he even had the skills to copy them.Only two more people. No, at least one more."Ahh, fuck!"I wonder if there's one - a genius - around somewhere.Barn!Since he was walking down the stairs while thinking, he accidentally hits something and is surprised."Oh. Sorry..."Someone was sitting on the stairs.(Shit.)The person was seemingly playing a game on his phone, and with the force of the kick, the phone flew out of his hand.{Well, I'll just pay for it. The fact that he's playing a game by himself during lunch break means that he's a game otaku. Zero exercise factor )...At the same time he thought so, the game otaku fell down the stairs as well."Huh."Reo panicked for a moment, but then realized that he hadn't fallen.He had jumped after the phone.Reo could tell, by looking at the back of the person that was jumping, that he was much taller than he thought.And then...Thunk.He caught the phone with his toes right before it fell onto the ground.(That's sick! Nice trap!)The phone balances on his toes and comes to a halt.Reo couldn't believe the scene he just saw.An abnormal spring and core used to jump to the bottom of the stairs at once without any unnecessary movements.A superb technique used to jump and trap the flimsy phone from that posture.It was Reo's ideal trap.No, it was by far cooler and more intense than his ideal."Oh. It's safe. I'm still alive."Even though he had just performed a superb technique, that person coolly started to continue his game."W-wait. you're super awesome! Are you from the soccer club!?"Reo also goes down the stairs, as if he were tumbling down."Ah, I died."No, the game doesn't matter at all."Wait, who are you!? You wanna play soccer with me?"Finally, he found it....This person's a genius."Oh. You're the son of a rich person. Give me money.""Huh?"The face that looked up at him had an emotionless and cold expression - the polar opposite of Reo's excitement.It was so drained of spirit that Reo thought that he looked half dead."I don't want to play soccer. I've never played a sport. I want to live my life lazily."(Who the hell is this guy!? A complete newbie at soccer !?)He puts his hand out and says "give me money~" to Reo, whose emotions are all over the place because he's so shocked. The person thinks that Reo will give him money if he asks for it. Weirdo."Wait wait that trap you just did and your physique! You definitely have the talent! Play soccer with me!! If you work hard, becoming a professional player isn't a pipe dream!"However, the genius remains nonchalant, his expression not changing a single bit.And then, he boringly says this."Soccer must be troublesome if you have to work hard. I don't like troublesome things. I don't want to work."He looks the other way and starts his game again.(He has the talent. but he isn't aware of it. !?)He was stunned by the difference in their enthusiasm.......You should give up. Only the chosen few can be soccer players......He remembers his father's words.(There's one right here...... A chosen person )He might be able to experience a storm of infatuation and obsession with this person.No, he can definitely do so.The moment he thought so, an image awakened.This person's super trap that reacts to my super pass.From there, a pass to me. A shoot. No, more.He can envision as much as he wants to. He can win. He can reach it.I want this person !"Interesting! You can stay the same!"He forcefully puts his arms around the person's shoulders. He looks a little put off, but Reo doesn't give a fuck.He had never felt so excited in his entire life.
"Let's play soccer!"
The treasure that Reo found... Nagi Seishiro.He was a true genius.As the "monster duo" double aces of Hakuho High School, they advanced through the regional qualifiers.Only a little more until their success reaches "Blue Lock"....He'll never be able to go back to his boring days again.

Chapter 1: A Happy FamilyUnder the blue sky, a park bustling with families on a Sunday.“Here, Yo!”A tanned father throws a rubber ball to his young son. The little boy runs towards the rolling ball.“Here I go!”The ball he kicked draws a large arc.“Good job, good job!”The mother claps her hands. The boy also looks happy, giggling.“That’s my son! A future professional soccer player!”“Really, he’s got our athletic ability”The boy runs back to his parents, shouting “Dad! Mom!”“He’s fast too! Isn’t he a genius?”“You’re amazing, Yo-chan!”The parents’ doting comments are heartwarming, a happy family that could be anywhere. But if you observe closely, you should notice a small inconsistency. Despite the many playground equipment in the park, this family is only playing with a ball.“Alright, good job, Yo! Good kick!”“Really, he’s a bundle of talent! Yo-chan's the best in Japan, no, the world!”Without letting him play with other children, they just keep making him kick the ball.Tag, slide, sandbox play. They don’t let him do anything. But, Hiori Yo didn’t have any complaints. Because when he kicks the ball well, his father and mother laugh.He’s happy. He wants them to laugh more,The young Yo believed without a doubt that those smiles were a sign of his parents’ love.Chapter 2: Toxic Sports ParentsHiori Yo was born with high expectations. His father, Ginji, is an All-Japan silver medalist in judo. His mother, Junko, is the second-best high jumper in Japan. The two, who couldn’t make it to the top, met and got married with the same wish.“We want our child to be number one, to be a top athlete.”Yo was born carrying great expectations from the start. Fortunately or unfortunately, he inherited the athletic genes and had a large physique, and by the age of four, he was already demonstrating outstanding athletic abilities. He was the best in everything he did, whether it was running or playing on the horizontal bar. Which sport should he use his talent for? Baseball, basketball, volleyball, track and field, rugby, golf… Out of all the sports, his parents chose soccer for Hiori. The reason is that it’s a major sport worldwide.They wanted him to be the best striker in soccer. That was the dream his parents entrusted to Hiori. They wanted to start over through their child and clear their regrets as frustrated athletes. His gifted education started from the time he was born, and by the time he became aware of things, his daily life revolved around soccer and that was the norm. But Hiori didn’t have any complaints. His parents praised him when he scored a goal. He was happy. That was all that mattered to him.As an elementary school student, Hiori's life became more and more immersed in soccer. Immediately after school, he would go to the soccer school of the professional club team "Bambi Osaka" to practice. On days off from school, he goes out to play matches. At home, his parents were always talking about soccer. The TV was always showing soccer matches.
One day after school.
“Let’s go to the park now!”“Let’s play cop-and-robbers!”“Yay!”With their school bags clattering, his classmates left together to go home. Watching their backs, Hiori thought.(I envy them…)He was going to soccer school from now on, but everyone else is not. After school, they would gather with their friends and go to the park.(...Me too, I wish I could go with them.)He told his parents about it for the first time.“Can I take a day off from soccer tomorrow and go play with my friends?”As soon as he said this, the smiles disappeared from his parents’ faces. His mother looked very surprised, and then she made the scariest face he's ever seen.“......!”He doesn’t remember what she said. He just remembers that he was scolded terribly. After that, he was hugged tightly.“Hiori, you are born to be the best at soccer.”“You can play with other kids anytime you want.”“But if you don’t do soccer properly from now on, you will never be the best.”His mother was desperate. His father was behind her, looking sadly at Hiori.“Please, Hiori, trust us and play soccer.”Hiori felt that he had done something very wrong.(......What should I do? I said something bad. I'm sorry.)The air was stifling, as if he had been locked in a room full of needles. He felt like he would get hurt if he moved, so all Hiori could do was nod.A few days later. He woke up in the morning to find a video game next to his bed, as if it were an out-of-season Christmas present. It was the latest model, and popular game software was also set up.“You won’t have time to play with your friends, but this will do.”His father smiled and patted Hiori’s head."Good for you, Yochan!" His mother was in a good mood, as if she had never been angry with him before.(...I’m glad. I am loved.)He felt relieved. Video games were fun. As long as it didn’t interfere with soccer, his parents would buy him any gaming console or software. Hiori grew to love video games.As Hiori grew, he got taller and his soccer improved so much that by the time he was nine years old, he was considered to be good enough to play in the higher division. But his parents were not as pleased as before.“Work harder, Yo! Aim higher!” His father encouraged him.“You’re going to be the best in the world, right? You can’t just end up being a local star!” His mother started to preach to him more than praise him.He stood out among his peers, but apparently, that level was not good enough.Parents, who are like Hiori’s, who are obsessed with achieving results in sports and push their children to exhaustion are called “toxic sports parents'. The two were typical toxic sports parents. They believed that if they had worked harder and been blessed with a better environment, they could have been number one. So they decided to make Hiori work harder. They would fully support it. After all the hardships they had gone through, this time their efforts would bear fruit! …Without a doubt, they believed this, and as a result, their expectations and impatience towards Hiori grew. His gifted education got accelerated, and Hiori was slowly being cornered.“Yochan! Today’s protein! You'll eat some carbs later.”“After training, study tactics! You have to understand the trends in soccer!”His meals and time were controlled.“Okay~” He replied, but it was hard to do so.(…How hard do I have to work?)Gradually, Hiori began to have doubts.(I’ve never really thought about wanting to play soccer. Why am I playing soccer? If my dad and mom aren’t happy… does it make sense to do it?)No matter what kind of food you eat, if it's forced into your mouth, you'll lose your appetite. The same goes for motivation; it’s important that you choose for yourself. Soccer was not something he chose. So why is he devoting his entire life to it? The answer to that question was shown to him in the worst possible way.One night, Hiori woke up to the sound of its parents arguing. He slipped out of his room and peeked into the living room.“If you keep this up, he won’t make it to the pros! What are you gonna do?” His father was shouting.“Stop it already! Why do you think I married you?” His mother retorted.“That’s my line, idiot! If Hiori ends up being a half-assed athlete, our entire life will be ruined!”“I know that without you telling me, stupid! We’re putting our dreams on that child…”“If Hiori doesn’t become number one in the world, we’re getting a divorce!”Both of them had faces like demons that Hiori had never seen before.“Divorce…?”Scared, he instinctively backed away. Divorce. Divorce. He slid down to the edge of the staircase, and his feet slipped.
Hiori tumbles down the stairs. His parents, who were startled by the loud “thump”, rushed out of the living room and saw Hiori lying at the bottom of the stairs.“Yochan!”“Yo!”His parents rushed over in a panic. His whole body hurt terribly. But more than the pain from falling down the stairs, Hiori was hurt by their devilish faces and the word “divorce”.“Are… you getting a divorce? Because of me… you are getting a divorce?”It was just a joke, just a little fight. Sorry for surprising you. All he wanted was for them to laugh and say that. But his words didn’t reach his parents. They didn't even look at his face.“Hey… are you okay?” His father turned pale.“No way… is it broken!” His mother was teary-eyed.Hiori's leg was bleeding. It had been cut by a bump when he fell.“Did you just twist it? Your leg’s important! Answer me, Yo?”“But we’re calling an ambulance just in case… I just couldn’t believe this…!”His father held Hiori in his arms, and his mother dialed 119 on her smartphone.(Ah… these people… they’re not looking at me.)They were panicking about Hiori’s leg, not Hiori himself. Because if his leg was injured, he wouldn't be able to play soccer. Watching his parents like this, Hiori was cruelly made to understand.(These people only love my ‘specs’, not me…)He remembered their kind words from before. They laughed when he scored a goal. They cheered for him a lot. All of those things were not directed at him, but at his talent. He was born out of their ego, just a tool to fulfill their dreams. What is he then?In his father’s arms, Hiori’s heart became lost.Chapter 3: GamesEven so, Yo did not quit soccer. Rather, he tried harder than ever before, and after entering junior high school, he continued to attend school enthusiastically. And he was as absorbed in games as he was in soccer. When he was not playing soccer, he spent all his time playing games. He didn't play with friends or go anywhere, he just stayed in his room. Most of the time, he played gun-shooting games. He would relentlessly shoot zombies and terrorists.Games give him a bird's eye view of the character he’s controlling, which is calming. No matter what happens in that world, it’s the character that takes it all in. You are in God's perspective and will never be hurt. That's comforting. So he decided to think of himself in reality as a character in a game.(Even if I'm not loved now...)(As long as I keep playing soccer, my family won't fall apart... And maybe someday when I become the world's number one striker, I'll find the reason why I’m born...)(...That's my character setting.)By convincing himself of this, he preserved himself.(I am Hiori Yo, a character destined to be the best at soccer with my parents' expectations on my back…)It feels like there’s a God’s perspective on oneself, as if there’s another person. My life is such a game. Living like that supported Hiori. However, by distancing himself from his character, he became less and less able to express his emotions in reality. He gets angry less and laughs less. Let alone crying. His childlike liveliness was gone. There was no light in his eyes, always expressionless.
"Good job, Yo! Shoot!"
"Keep going! That’s the world’s best right there!"
His parents continued to simple-mindedly cheer on Yo. As a high school student, he was promoted to the Bambi Osaka Youth Team. Bambi Osaka is a team with a long history, a prestigious team that continues to produce many Japan National Team players, and he was chosen for their youth team. His parents were very happy.
"Alright! Keep it up!""Amazing, Yochan! You're the best!"They were so excited as if they were the ones who were chosen. It's always like this, they are very happy about such things. But they didn't care when he was praised by his teachers at school, or if he won an award at sports festivals. After all, he was made to understand again that his parents are only interested in him playing soccer.Then in the youth team, their coaches, training, and facilities were much more advanced. His teammates are all so good that it's hard to keep up. But no matter how hard it gets, he never says it's hard or that he doesn't want to do it. He just practiced silently.(Because that's how this game is played.)Feeling somewhere in his heart that he was slowly breaking down, Yo continued to play soccer.Evening after practice. The sun is about to set over the mountain, the sky is red, and the shadows are long, stretching across the ground.“Hiori Yo, you’re remarkable.”The one who called out to him was Karasu Tabito, a senior one year older than him in the Bambi Osaka Youth Team. His sharp eyes seemed to be looking right through him and that matching mole under his eye was striking.“You’re a genius, Hiori. You were born with impressive physical abilities and a honed ball control. Your soccer IQ is also outstanding. Not to mention, your left leg is erotic as hell.”“Erotic…?”Is it right to say that he’s being praised?“But in the end, your passion in front of the goal is just average. As if your heart and body are out of sync in your play… You don’t like soccer, do you?”He was surprised. It was the first time he had been told such a thing, and it was true. This sport he plays day in day out, Yo doesn’t like soccer.“...Yes. You’re amazing, Karasu-kun. I guess it’s really obvious for some people.”“Well, I'm an analyst. If you stay as you are now, you won’t stand a chance to beat me."……Right. Analysis. He analyzed him. It’s always been the case that his parents analyze his numbers such as height, muscle strength, 50-meter run time, and shot success rate, but they’ve never been interested in his mental state. The hurdle in my heart dropped and words slipped out.“...Do you like to be “expected”, Karasu-kun?”“Huh?”Karasu's eyes widened at the unexpected question.“I’ve always lived a life of being “expected”… so maybe… that’s why I think… I came to hate soccer…”(Why am I saying this?) He thought so halfway through, but once he put it into words, he couldn’t stop.“Boring.”Karasu’s eyes looked sharp again.“Eh?”“You don’t have to worry about how it looks to other people until later. First of all, it’s about yourself. Expect from yourself. Excite yourself. That's the only way to get anything done, you idiot.”With that said, Karasu turned his back on him. He couldn’t take his eyes off his back bathed in the orange sunset. It was as if he was looking at Yo from above, who had become accustomed to living from a bird's eye view. Karasu saw into Yo’s heart something that neither his parents nor himself could see. He observed it, analyzed it, saw through it, and gave him the words.(Karasu-kun…is an amazing guy)Even though he's a little bit bad-mouthed, and even though he’s not sure what he means by “erotic”. His heart, which was just dying cold like ice, became faintly heated.Chapter 4: Karasu’s Way of LifeFrom the next day, Yo started to follow Karasu with his gaze.(How can this person live with such a perspective? I want to know more about Karasu-kun.)Yo, who had almost lost his emotional stability, was moved by this person. If he understood him, he might be able to find a different way of life. By observing Karasu Tabito closely during practice, in the training room, and in the locker room, the following three aspects of his life became clear to him.1. Karasu-kun is always looking around.Not only during matches, but also during practice and everyday conversations, he observes his surroundings well. He smiles and laughs, and talks about topics of conversation to get the conversation going. But he let the others do the talking, and didn't talk much about himself. You’re communicating, but once you realize, it’s only the other person who is talking. Karasu-kun is good at extracting personal information from others. Yo thinks he was made to talk like that too. Moreover, no one has noticed this ability.(...Karasu-kun’s a tricky one)2. Karasu-kun is good at using his arms while playing.He has overwhelming ball keeping power and a tactical eye. He's good at handwork and uses his arms to control the distance. The sight of him dominating the distance with his long arms looks like a crow flying in the field. And he quickly analyzes and discerns the strengths and weaknesses of his opponents and accurately attacks their weaknesses. He's hard to beat at his favorite play point, so he's quite a nuisance if he becomes an enemy. The nickname "Assassin" that was given to him makes sense.

(I wouldn't want Karasu-kun to get his eye on me...)3. Karasu-kun has no weak points.
He has never seen anything wrong with him. He is always prepared for training, never makes any complaints, and always has his hair done. And cool.
(...I want to know more about Karasu-kun)He wants to observe his ways. He wants to analyze the analyst. Driven by the heat that was born, Yo decided to tail on Karasu.On the way home at sunset after practice, he puts on his cap deeply and starts following him. It's almost stalking, but Yo has only been playing soccer so far, so it can't be helped if what he does is a little off. He secretly follows him and gets on the same train. When Karasu gets off at a station, Yo also gets off. As he stalks him, Karasu enters a high-end residential area.(Does he live here...? Is he rich?)Japanese houses with gardens like high-end restaurants, European-style mansions, condominiums where only foreign cars are parked. The wide sidewalk is neatly cleaned and lined with street trees and streetlights. However, Karasu passed through the high-end residential area. It seems that he was not a resident of the high-end residential area after all. As he sneaked along, he entered a quiet deserted park where there are run out houses. A slide with a jungle gym, iron bars with a sandbox.(Huh? A park at night? He’s living in a park...? No way...)Karasu passed through the park, too...and then suddenly started running.(Oh no, I'm gonna lose him!)He rushed to catch up with Karasu as he turned to the corner. Karasu was fast, but Yo was also confident of his speed."Huh? He's not here?"But there was no sign of Karasu anywhere. At the end of the corner there was only a small tunnel, and there was no one else in it. It seems that this pedestrian-only tunnel that can only pass one bicycle went through here."...This road is kind of scary."It's built like a hole dug into an embankment, with vines hanging down from above and weeds growing from below. The light flickers as if the light bulb is about to go out. It looks creepy at first glance, like a zombie game situation.Still, Yo took a step into the tunnel, hoping to find the bird’s nest. Karasu had already gone ahead or so it seemed; there was no sign of him anywhere. The concrete walls are cracked and the stagnant damp air and sewer-like smell further stir up fear. As his own shadow sways, he moves forward while trembling.
TL note: actual term used is 鳥の巣, literally “bird’s nest”.
(After all, games are just games...the real thing is scary for real... In games like this, terrorists would come out and shoot at you...)The moment he thought that, his head was grabbed from behind."Fueh!"He let out a strange voice. His heart jumped up in surprise. His disguise cap was taken off and when he turned around in surprise there was Karasu."It's you, Hiori. Idiot."He noticed that he was being followed and seemed to have been hiding somewhere in the grass near the entrance of the tunnel. It was indeed Karasu in the dark night."You scared me..."His heart is pounding."I'm more scared, you idiot! I thought someone was following me, and it was you. What the hell are ya doing all the way here?"“No, uhm… I just wanted to know more about Karasu-kun’s ways.”Not knowing how to fake it, Yo honestly tells him that he is observing him. When he is told straight out, Karasu’s face turns into a look of disappointment. Then he smiles his usual smirk."You've been observing me lately, haven't you?"It seems he had been found out long ago."Yeah."And Yo also honestly admits it."It's obvious. I feel your gaze all the time and it's annoying. Stop it ‘coz it's creepy.""...Yeah sorry. ...Um, does Karasu-kun have any weaknesses?""What kind of question is that?"There seems to be a house at the end of the tunnel, and Karasu starts to walk leisurely."......There are so many things I'm not good at. I have to work hard every day. I have to keep up with our high-level teammates, being a proper high school student, dealing with people, and studying."It was surprising."I didn't see it that way. Karasu-kun, you’re perfect.""Well...I cut corners so it doesn't show. Well, the rest is a sense of play. I don't think people who only play soccer can become great players. I'm interested in stocks and management, so now I'm playing a city-building game. And an amusement park management game. And a convenience store management game.""Do you also play games, Karasu-kun?"Although the genre is different, Karasu was also a gamer. It made him a little happy."Yeah. There's a saying that life is killing time until you die, right? I kinda hate that. If it's killing time, it sounds negative and passive, so I call it "play" until I die. Life’s game to enjoy to the fullest with my character specs. That's more exciting."(Ah, that part is kinda like me too.)Yo becomes happy again.(...But I'm the exact opposite. This person is really amazing after all)The more he knew about Karasu-kun's ways, the more interesting it was.Chapter 5: TroublemakerAfter passing through the winding tunnel, he walked along the sidewalk illuminated by street lights. Newly built large houses line the gently sloping street, as if in a new residential area."Oh, if you still want to talk, would you like to come to my house?""Eh, you don’t mind?"He felt his heart flutter at the unexpected development. He would be home late, but he could tell his parents that he stayed for extra practice."My house’s over there.""Here?"In the direction pointed by Karasu, there was a large mansion surrounded by a white fence. It was much larger than the other houses, and there were a row of black luxury cars in the parking lot. They were richer than he had imagined."That's great... But the name on the nameplate..."For some reason, it says "Takematsu" instead of "Karasu"."Ah, that's right."Karasu explained to him as if it was nothing."We've had our share of problems too. My dad had a mistress and left. So now, I live with my mom and two dogs. I told my mom to change the nameplate, but she doesn't want to. She says she wants my dad to be able to come back anytime. She's stupid, for real.""...No way.""You can't tell what a family is like just from the outside."Karasu said thoughtfully. Yo also felt it deeply. It felt like he heard Karasu's true feelings for the first time.(Karasu-kun has a lot going on too...)When they arrived at the front door, Karasu exclaimed in surprise."Shoot! That's right, my mom told me to buy some high-quality honey.""High-quality honey?""You made me forget because you were following me. I'll go buy some, so you go ahead and go inside.""Eh?"Karasu rang the doorbell and ran off saying, "Wait in the room! I've messaged my mom so it's okay!""Eh..."It was a bit awkward to be alone at someone’s house for the first time. In fact, it was his first time visiting a friend's house and he didn't know what to do. As he was flustered, the door opened with a click."Good eveni...""...Who the hell are ya?" The person who came out was a muscular man.(It's not his mom...) No matter how you look at it.He had a shaved head, thin eyebrows, and was wearing a shiny gold chain necklace. He’s a real yankee. He looked scary."No, uh... I'm Karasu-kun’s friend, Hiori… Uhm, that…"While a lot of questions were floating in his head, he bowed and introduced himself."Huh? Karasu?""Yes, your son...""Huh? I don’t have a son."The yankee glared at Hiori."Um... Isn't this Karasu-kun's house?""Who the hell’s that brat?"The yankee looked irritated and Hiori was flustered."Dahahahahaha!"From across the street, he could hear Karasu's laughter. A short distance away, he was laughing his ass off.(No way... I got deceived?)This large mansion turned out to be someone else's house with no relation to him at all. The fact that he made up such a prank with a made up tale about his dad making a mistress and all that, Karasu is such an asshole."What's the matter with you, you little brats?"The yankee seemed to understand that it was just high school boys messing around from Karasu's laughter. He got angry and grabbed Hiori by the neck."I'm… I’m sorry!!"With his elite soccer agility, Hiori quickly ran away."Wait, you brats!"The yankee chased after him shouting angrily."Uwahhh!" Hiori ran desperately. Karasu also started running while laughing."Ka... Karasuuu!""Haha! It's all in good fun!""What the hell was that! What high-quality honey? That was really scary!"The yankee chased after them with his veins popping out on his forehead shouting "Wait, brats!". The two of them ran as fast as they could.(It’s scary! ...But somehow fun...)He has never experienced anything like this before."He's really fast! Even though he's wearing sandals! Haha!"Karasu's laughter made Hiori burst out laughing too."Pfft! Ahahaha!"After all, Karasu’s a troublemaker. He's a liar, never lets his guard off, an asshole and an amazing guy. That day, Hiori laughed to his heart’s content.Chapter 6: Feels sickeningEver since meeting Karasu, Yo's emotions have gradually returned. Until now, he was a shadowy presence on the team, practicing silently and leaving quickly. But as he started to joke around with Karasu, he gradually began to open up and talk to his other teammates.When practice ends, someone would say, "I'm hungry. Let's go to the convenience store!""You're going too, right, Hiori?”"Yeah."Invited by Karasu, he follows."Ah! Shoot! I wanna buy ice cream but I'm 10-yen short!"When a teammate is flurried at the register, Yo quickly hands out a 10-yen coin."Can I lend this?""Thank you, Hiori! I owe you one!"Hiori is quick to notice such things.On the side, Yo usually buys Yakult and onigiri at the convenience store. Yakult seems good for the body somehow, and there are various types of onigiri, so there is always something to choose from.(Today I'll go with grilled pollack roe onigiri)It's simply tastier than the full athlete's meal his mother makes, and it's more fun to buy and eat with everyone than being told "That’s enough protein today!" "If you leave it out, you won't be number one in the world!" and eating it.It's simpler and tastier than the perfect athlete's meal his mother makes, and it's more fun to buy and eat with everyone than to eat while being told, “That’s enough protein today!'' or “If you leave it as is, you won't be the best in the world!'”."Do you play games, Hiori?" A teammate asks."I do. I have a gaming chair.""Eh, I'm jealous. Are you gaming seriously? Are you aiming to be a pro gamer?""That would be nice too," Yo answers with a laugh."But wouldn’t that be a waste? If it's Hiori, you could become a professional soccer player."Someone retorts, and again Yo laughs again, "Hahaha".His encounter with Karasu has brought out his true personality, which is calm and cooperative. A normal high school boy who hangs out with friends and eats while walking around. But that's only outside of home.When he returns home, his eyes lose their light. The waves of emotion disappear as if a switch has been turned off. The only thing left is this “sickening feeling”. The smiles of his parents, their support, their existence, everything is unbearably sickening. So he retreats to his room immediately. A TV for gaming, a gaming chair, a gaming headset. With these three things, he can keep himself even in this house. On the TV screen, zombies are being shot down one after another.(Karasu-kun said to expect something from myself....)It's tough and sickening to be expected by parents. But then what should he expect from himself? He doesn’t know. Because he has lived as a character in a game, he couldn’t think of anything he wanted to do. Yo didn't have an ego he wanted to stick to. He only played soccer. But he doesn't like soccer. He doesn't want to be the best in the world, not even a little bit. It was his parents' ego that made him want to be the best, and Hiori himself never once wanted to win at soccer.(So if my parents weren't there, what would I want to do?...I don't know.)And so, he became a second-year high school student. His days were still immersed in soccer, and he couldn't find anything he wanted to do. Then, the turning point in Yo’s life came. He received an invitation to go to “Blue Lock”.〈YOU’VE BEEN SELECTED FOR A SPECIAL PLAYER TRAINING PROGRAM. Japan Football Union〉When his parents opened the letter addressed to him and read its contents, they were overjoyed."Alright! You can aim for the Japanese national team in one go! Those who believe will be saved!""That’s great, Yochan! This is your big chance!"He had been making rapid progress in Bambi Osaka Youth, he was only appreciated for his pass, ball control, and soccer IQ.As a striker, it was not enough. He couldn't become the best in the world with this. His parents were overjoyed at the good news, saying "Our dream is finally coming true!" and "We were right after all!", but he had been stagnating as a forward. Their joy was sickening to him. So he immediately locked himself in his room and immersed himself in the world of games as usual.(...Don't put your dream on becoming the “world’s best” on me)Yo is much more calm than his parents. He understands his parents' ego and the shitty situation they are in. But parents are parents, and he’s grateful for them giving birth to him. But their parenting is too sickening. But they are still family. He wants to get out of here. Ah, it's so sickening. Before he knew it, in his imagination, his parents became zombies. His father and mother are coming towards him, laughing. He shoots without hesitation. Bang! Headshot. The bullet that entered the father's jaw blew off the back of his head. Bang! Bang! His mother's eyeballs pop out and there's a hole in her chest. He aims for vital spots with rapid fire, but they don't fall easily because they're zombies."Good job, Yo! Shoot!""Keep going! Be the world’s best, the world’s best!"With half of their remaining faces plastered with smiles, they come towards him.(...Stay away. You’re sickening.)How long does he have to keep playing soccer? Being driven up and up, he doesn't know where he is or what he wants to do anymore. However,(...I wonder if I can escape)It's not that he wants to play soccer. It's not something he chose, and he doesn't like it. But if he can get away from my parents... If he can leave this house, that's fine. Maybe that's enough reason to play soccer. Before he knew it, all the zombies on the screen were wiped out. It seems like he was shooting unconsciously.(....I’ll go)He doesn't know what lies ahead. But that letter from the Japan Football Union might be his salvation. He decided to go to Tokyo.Chapter 7: Cold RemedyThe next day, at the end of practice."You've got it too, Remarkable."
tl note: Karasu literally just called Hiori, 非凡/Remarkable, so I just retained it as is.
Karasu says as he puts the ball away on the field. The shadow stretches in the setting sun, and his face is dyed in the color of the sunset."So Karasu got chosen too."The letter from the Japan Football Union had also arrived at Karasu’s place and Yo, who thought he had to go to Tokyo alone, was a little, no, quite happy."That’s Karasu-kun for ya. How many times do I have to tell you?"".....Are ya going, Karasu?"Karasu, as a senior, demands polite language from Yo, who has become accustomed to calling him without any honorifics. And Yo ignoring that has become a recent promise."Of course. What about you?""......I'll go. I can escape from my parents." Yo tells Karasu the truth."Ha, I don't think someone can make it in the future for that reason." He disses him with his usual grin."Let's go together. We're the only two from Bambi Osaka." It's really reassuring if Karasu’s there. Tokyo is kind of scary."Are you stupid? Go alone.""Why?"He suddenly pulled away. "I wanna be a striker for Japan. If people think I’m paired with a passive-minded average guy like you, it will affect my evaluation.""......How cold." It's very much Karasu."Call me clever.""I got it, I got it."

When you try to get close, he pushes you away. That's the stubborn Karasu.
tl note: 懐に入ろうとする, I thought at first that this was literal like you tried to reach someone’s arm (in my tweet), but apparently, this is an idiom that means you are trying to get someone’s trust or trying to get close to them. (but what if the literal translation is correct too? jk translator is just delulu)
The sky was a glowing orange as they finished putting the ball away, and the setting sun lengthened the shadows of the two of them."Have you learned to expect from yourself?" Looking at the sky, Karasu asks."………Not at all. If it were that easy to change, I would quit soccer."He wants to change. That's why he’s going to run away to Tokyo."Haha! Did your family put a cursed iron ball on you?""Haha! Maybe."It fits when told. He has been given an iron ball that is too heavy to move. The iron ball is firmly connected to him with a chain, and he can't just discard it."………Karasu""Hmm?""If Karasu wasn’t there, my life would have been much harder."At that time, when Karasu saw him, the sky was this orange color too.—------- First of all, have expectations from yourself.That’s what he said. With those words, he really felt relieved. He taught him that he doesn't have to kill himself to meet my parents' expectations. If I hadn't met Karasu, he wouldn't know what would have happened. He thought that the iron ball would gradually get bigger and eventually crush him."What's that? Is it like some cold remedy?""Haha! Maybe that's true. It's better than nothing.""Ha. That's enough. Other people's words are just comforting. In the end, you have to do something about it yourself."That's right. From now on, he has to do something about it himself. Because what he wants to do is something only he knows."Oh, I wanna have a quick chat after you broke your cursed iron ball.*" Karasu deliberately raised his voice loudly.*tl note: Again, at first I thought it was Hiori who said this. But it was Karasu. This is why I’m not good at skimming, but at least it’s clear now after the re-read. Also, oh man, I wanna see PXG vs BM already."What is that? Am I being "expected"?"Yes! I’m expecting you!" He’s grinning with a smug look at his face."Stop it. You damned Karasu." He laughs. But that expectation is not bad.If you get closer, he will push you away, and if you get away, he will pull you in. It was as if he was skillfully controlling his distance, or reading your mind completely. Even in his personal life, Karasu got good handwork, Yo thinks."Shall we head home? Do you wanna go to the convenience store?""I'll go. Don't drink Yakult.""What's with that sense of duty?"Karasu bursts out laughing and Yo laughs too. His parents' encouragement is a curse, but Karasu's words are a cold remedy.The morning of his departure."Have a good trip, Yo! You absolutely can't lose! Never give up!""We're cheering you on to death, Yochan!"The cheerleaders cheer brighter than ever before. The parents who are fully supporting their son in terms of money and meals, stubbornly believe that everything is going well."Yes… I'm off.""Do your best!!"They see off their son who leaves the entrance without looking back while cheering loudly. Yo walks mindlessly until their voices can no longer be heard. With each step forward, he feels his heart loosening up little by little. Finally, he was able to get away from his parents.Sigh......While taking a deep breath, he closed his eyelids. Slowly raising his face, he opened my eyes. He looked up and the sky was blue. A clear sparkle returns to his lightless eyes. He was finally free. It might be just for a moment, but he’s playing soccer on his own for the first time. He can't expect or get excited about himself yet... But he has a feeling that something will change.Let's go. From here, let's start my NEW GAME.

Chapter 1: Neechan“Uwa! Uwa!”In a town in Akita Prefecture, along the Sea of Japan.Rensuke was born with the loudest birth cry in the history of the hospital. He was a healthy boy weighing 3.85kg, and both his parents and his three-year-old sister were overjoyed about his birth. The older sister was especially happy to have a baby brother.“He's so cute! ♪”His cheeks were plump, and his hands were small. He’s warm and soft, she felt happy when she held him in her arms. But along with the joy, there was something else that worried their parents.(Huh? Something’s…)(Different from when his sister was a baby…?)Of course, he’s cute and lovable, but somehow he’s too serious. When his sister was a baby, she had a crumpled face like a monkey. She was always bustling around, and every time she cried “Wahhh,” their parents, who were new to parenthood, would panic over whether it was a diaper change or feeding time. But Rensuke lies firmly on his small bed, looking up at his mother and father with a serious gaze. He doesn’t cry much, so it’s hard to tell if he’s in a good mood or a bad one.“…Maybe it’s because he’s a boy.”“Yeah, yeah. He’s a boy, after all.”At first, the parents tried to convince themselves of this. But as the days went by, his features became more mature. He was strangely calm and not at all like a baby. Even when they played peek-a-boo or lifted him high in the air, his reaction was minimal, and he maintained his serious expression. It ’s often said that men from Tohoku are clumsy with words and unfriendly, but isn’t he too unsociable? Their parents were worried, but his sister didn’t care about such things and adored Rensuke. She was always by his side, talking to him, and taking care of him like a little mother.“Here, Rensuke, let Oneechan hold you.”She hugged him tightly and pressed her cheek against his. This must have been what he wanted. As his sister doted on him day after day, Rensuke’s expressions gradually became more expressive.“Rensuke is cute, isn’t he?”His sister smiled.“Abubu…”Rensuke also smiled.Gradually, he started to act more like a baby, and the parents were relieved. Rensuke was loved by his parents and, above all, by his older sister. Then, when Rensuke was three years old, his younger sister was born. Young Rensuke didn’t fully understand what it meant to have a younger sister. But, his sister was very happy, so Rensuke was happy too. His sister took care of the baby like a little mother again, and Rensuke helped.Their days were peaceful and fulfilling. Being loved by his sister and taking care of his younger sister, Rensuke grew up healthily. However, when he started elementary school, his daily life changed significantly.The first thing that surprised Rensuke was that all his classmates were much smaller than him. No, Rensuke was too big. He was tall, strangely well-built, and his face was mature for a six-year-old. Rather, everyone was surprised by Rensuke’s size. Moreover, he was afraid of people because of his natural shyness, and it was difficult for him to make friends.This was a problem. Rensuke, although unsociable, wanted friends. What was even more problematic was that Rensuke didn’t know much about boys' games.
Before entering school, he and his younger sister always followed their older sister around.
Instead of playing outside, they spent most of their time playing house at home. His sister was the mother, Rensuke was the father, and the baby younger sister was the baby. The rest of the time, they would draw, play school, or play Pretty Cure. They also often played hairdressers. His older sister had long hair, and his younger sister and Rensuke would help her put it up in a bun, tie it up with ribbons, and do other elaborate hairstyles. He would stand by his older sister's side and watch as those hair buns were magically created. Little by little, Rensuke, who was forced to help, gets better at doing hair. He liked that time. It’s not that he wasn’t interested in the Kamen Rider or Sentai series. But because his older and younger sisters watched Pretty Cure, Rensuke watched it with them. He didn’t mind, and it was fine because the two of them looked happy. However, the boys in his class were completely different.“Poo’s coming out!” “Stupid! Die!”These were words that no one in Rensuke’s home had ever used, so it was a shock when he first heard them. They fight easily, they get physical, and they’re noisy. They make weird faces. They burst into laughter at the words ‘poo’ and ‘pee pee’. A life form he had never encountered before, that’s elementary school boys.(What… am I supposed to do?)Beneath his sullen face, Rensuke was greatly bewildered.Chapter 2: Play HeroIt's been three months since Rensuke started elementary school, and he still hadn't made any friends he could call his own. He still didn't know how to interact with the boys. He might have gotten along with the girls, but they were too scared to approach him. Then one day during lunch break."Kunigami! You're the enemy boss!"He was suddenly spoken to while sitting alone at his desk. Among the boys in the class, it was popular to play "hero" during lunch break. It seemed that he was being asked to play the role of the villain."...The enemy boss?""Because you're big and your face is scary! You look evil!"He was puzzled by this, but he was honestly happy to be invited to play.(Finally, I might be able to make friends...)He stood up from his desk with a sense of excitement."Kunigami is the enemy boss!""Whoa!"Haphazardly, They started “playing hero”."Tr...try to defeat me."The serious Rensuke tried his best to play the role of the enemy boss with a monotone line.(Huh?)As the game began, he noticed that the other six members were all playing the role of heroes. Six heroes and one enemy boss."Take this!! Deadly punch!""Boo! Super Atomic Smash!"All six heroes attacked Rensuke all at once."Pshoo!""Doshoo! Pshoo!"They made sound effects with their mouths and started punching and kicking. It was a common fight game among boys, but it was Rensuke's first time. And he didn't understand the vibe at all.(......What's so fun about this?)Punches and kicks don't hurt, which is fine, but he doesn't know how to react. The Pretty Cure game he played with his older and younger sisters had quite detailed settings, such as transformation items, transformation poses, and who would play which Pretty Cure. Above all, it was a story about protecting everyone from villains, and heroes fight for what they should protect. But in this hero game, all they do is to beat and kick for no reason." boss!""Take this!"Since Rensuke didn't show any pain, their attacks escalated, and finally one of the heroes brought out a weapon. It was a plastic ruler. Everyone has one in their tool bag for math class."Ouch."Whack! He was hit on the head with a ruler, even Rensuke felt the pain."It's working!""Go for it!! Defeat him!"All six of them brought out rulers and started slashing at him like swords. If six people gang up on one unarmed opponent and even bring out weapons, it's hard to tell who's the villain anymore."Ouch. It hurts! Stop!"The more Rensuke showed pain, the more excited the six of them became. He couldn't stand it anymore and ran out of the classroom."Chase him! Chase him!"The heroes chased him persistently.(What's so fun about this? They're idiots.)Rensuke is fast so they can't catch up with him, but he doesn't know much about the inside of the school building yet. While running aimlessly down the hallway, he ended up at a dead end."We've cornered him!! We did it!"All six heroes raised their rulers at once.(I'm done for!)Rensuke closed his eyes tightly and crouched down."Hey! Stop it!"Just before he was hit, he heard a familiar voice. His older sister rushed out from a nearby classroom with a frantic look on her face. Apparently, he had somehow ended up on the upper class's floor."Rensuke! Are you okay? ...You're all red! Are you hurt?"His sister gently stroked his arm that had been slashed by the sword ruler."...You guys, that’s enough!"His usually calm and gentle sister was seriously angry. The heroes also stopped attacking and looked at each other."Let's go to the infirmary, Rensuke. I'm going to tell on you to the teacher!"I'm sister came to my rescue...or so he thought.Whack! A hero snapped back and threw a ruler. It hit his sister's arm and she grimaced in pain."Neechan!" Kunigami panicked."What's wrong with you! We played with you because you were alone! Can't you do anything without a girl to protect you?""That's his sister too!""Ew! Gross!"The heroes threw rulers at his sister one after another. Whack!"Yeah, hit her!"One of them hit his sister's face."Ah.....!" Rensuke couldn’t help but raise his voice. The sharp part of the plastic hit his sister's face as she hugged him protectively. A red line ran across her cheek and blood trickled down. His sister teared up from the pain and shock.(Neechan......!)Snap. From then on, Rensuke himself didn't remember much. His mind went blank and his body became enraged and hot. When he realized it, everyone was crying and lying down, and he was beating the last one while straddling him. It was the one who threw the ruler at his sister's face. He seemed to have beaten up all six of them. Because they hurt his sister. They made her cry. He would never forgive them."Kunigami-kun, stop it!""Uhhh.....! Ugh......!"The teacher finally managed to pull off Rensuke, who was still trying to hit him, and calm him down. ...He's big, but in class he's quiet and doesn't talk much. Growing up surrounded by a gentle sister and a cute younger sister, no one noticed Rensuke's temperament. His family, his classmates, and even himself didn't know. Rensuke was abnormally strong.Chapter 3: Coming across soccerThat night, their mother was crying. Their father was angry and slapped Rensuke once. Rensuke also couldn't hold back his tears and looked down. His sister, who had a band-aid on her cheek, defended Rensuke while crying."Rensuke protected me! Rensuke is my hero!"She desperately argued that Rensuke, who had protected her from six bad kids, was the real hero. Of course, their father also heard about the situation. The one who started it was the other party, and they were chasing Rensuke in a group, and until his sister got hurt, Rensuke didn’t fight back. But he had inflicted injuries on the six that couldn't be called a child's fight. One child who was hit had a nosebleed, another was blown away and had bruises all over his body. And one of the children who was beaten while being straddled had broken teeth. The father had to scold him properly for hurting the other party more than necessary."...I'm sorry. I'm sorry."While his tears overflowed and he felt the need to apologize, Rensuke thought that the power he had hidden was "scary". After that, he went to apologize to the house of the child whose tooth he had broken with his parents."It's not a permanent tooth, so it'll grow back! It was our fault too, so please let's just call it a child's fight and get along again."Fortunately, the other party's father also regretted his child's violence that hurt the girl's face and let it end there.Three days later, at the dinner table, his father said to him, "Why don't you try playing a sport?"His parents had been discussing Rensuke for three days. This child has an incredible power within him. To prevent that outburst of energy, they let him learn about rules. That’s why they decided to let him play sports."Your body is bigger and stronger than everyone else's. Even if you think you're at ten, the other person feels like they're at thirty. So, fighting is absolutely not allowed. Use that energy in sports. How about baseball? Judo is also good. Rensuke is tall, so basketball and volleyball might be suitable too."His father suggested various sports while having a drink in the evening. But Rensuke wasn't interested in any of them. He didn't like using a bat or even wrestling. Besides, he found it more fun to run around outside than in a gym.(Hmm, what would be good?)While munching on his meal, he happened to see a news report about J-League soccer on TV. Players were running around on the grass field. When one player kicked the ball into the goal with all his might, he raised both arms and let out a roar of triumph. The excitement. The hero at the center... This looks fun. He wants to try it."Dad, I want to play soccer."Choosing soccer was purely coincidental and intuitive, but it was the right choice. His father immediately enrolled him in a local soccer school, and his days of practice began. Kicking the ball was fun, and his large body size, which made him stand out in class, worked overwhelmingly to his advantage here. Above all, Rensuke was relieved that he could move at full power within the rules.In the lower grades of elementary school, everyone focuses on the ball and crowds together. He would break through this with his body and power, forcibly take the ball, and score a goal. It felt great. Physical strength, power, the thrill of scoring goals. The sport of soccer was a perfect fit for Rensuke. He threw himself into soccer and improved rapidly. He made many friends at the soccer school and was blessed with good seniors and coaches. As he gained confidence, he gradually began to fit in at school.When he performed brilliantly at the sports festival, everyone would say, "Rensuke is awesome!" "Rensuke is cool!" and they treated him like a hero, so he made a lot of friends. After all, Rensuke has a good personality. He may look unfriendly and scary at first glance, but he doesn't do mean things or lie, he's honest and trustworthy. He made up with all the six people he had injured in the fight."......I'm sorry for hitting you."He bowed his head to each one of them one by one. The six of them thought from the bottom of their hearts that Rensuke was cool because he sincerely apologized even though he was much stronger than them.Thanks to soccer, Rensuke was happy. It was fun, his family came to cheer for him every game. He got along well with his teammates. Above all, he met his heroes– soccer players from around the world. While everyone else was admiring Sentai heroes or robots or pirate kings, Rensuke was obsessed with strikers– they had an overwhelming presence that captivated the world on the field. When there was a live game broadcast, he would glue himself to the TV and burn it into his eyes– running around on green grass and scoring goals for victory. They are not fictional characters but real-life superheroes who give courage and excitement.(I want to be a superhero someday.)It didn't take long for him to have such a dream."I wanna be a professional soccer player! I wanna become the world's number one striker and score goals in games!"When he declared this to his sister, she said "Sure! If it's Rensuke, then you can do it!""If my sister says I can do it then I can definitely become a pro!" That's what he thought. As an elementary school student, Rensuke believed anything that his beloved sister said. And it was also a time when he wanted to imitate everything his sister did. If she started doing homework then he would do homework next to her; if she ate shaved ice as a snack then he would ask his mother, "I want shaved ice too". When she stopped receiving presents from Santa Claus in seventh grade saying "I've already graduated from receiving presents from Santa", Rensuke who was in fourth grade also bravely said "I'll stop too!" and declined the presents. If you think about it, she received presents until sixth grade so Rensuke lost out on three years' worth of presents."I should have received them after all", he regretted terribly afterwards.Regardless, Rensuke was honest. Honestly and straightforwardly, he’s aiming to be a superhero. His own feelings. His heart. His physical strength. Fair and square, he poured everything into soccer. This is how Rensuke's identity was formed.

Chapter 4: Getting hooked on Muscle TrainingWhen Rensuke became a junior high school student, he got into muscle training. This was to build the muscles necessary for soccer. A stable upper body, strength and endurance in the lower limbs. Strong muscle power in the pivot foot that supports kicking techniques. A solid core that doesn't lose when playing in contact with his opponents. At the soccer school, their muscle training menu became significantly harder than in elementary school. While his other teammates complained, "Muscle training is seriously tough," "I don't want to do it...", Rensuke was happily doing it.He kept his planks in a beautiful form for a long time. He used the heaviest dumbbells. He didn't slack off until the end of squats. While steam rose from his entire body, he put a load on his hamstrings with a firm "Huff! Huff!". The more Rensuke trains, the more muscle he builds, and it feels good to see visible results. It wasn't enough just at school, so he did squats and push-ups like crazy at home every day. He saved up his allowance bit by bit to buy muscle training equipment (abdominal roller, training tube, and dumbbells), ate lots of boiled eggs, and asked his mother to stock up on salad chicken. He ate three large bowls of rice for dinner and bought a cutlet sandwich in addition to his lunch box for lunch."Huff! Huff!"Rensuke's parents and sister were slightly taken aback by Rensuke's single-minded dumbbell swinging. It was nice and warm in winter, but in summer it was so hot that the air conditioning didn't work. However, only his younger sister found Rensuke's muscle training interesting."Rensuke. Biceps*."*tl note: his younger sister is asking Kunigami to bulge his biceps."Sure."When he bulged a bicep with a grunt, his younger sister put both hands on it and hung down. Rensuke had already exceeded 180 cm in height in his second year of junior high school. He was like a professional wrestler or Tarzan or a father boasting his strength. Hanging on Rensuke's arm was a daily routine for his sister, who then squeezed his biceps and said with satisfaction, "It's ripening." She grinned. The biceps were fruits, and it seemed that she was a fruit farmer waiting for the harvest."When I see peaches and grapes, I remember Rensuke's muscles.""Is that so?"With a sensibility that other family members couldn't understand, she checked her brother's muscle growth every day while hanging down. His younger sister is bright and active, unlike his older sister, who has a relaxed and gentle personality. She was a bit unsociable and didn't smile much, which was similar to Rensuke. The older sister is reliable, Rensuke is honest, and the younger sister is quirky. By the way, because both parents and her sister call him "Rensuke", her younger sister also calls her brother "Rensuke". While being observed by her younger sister every day, Rensuke's muscles grew bigger and larger.As his physical condition improved, he became invincible in soccer. When he forcibly took the enemy's ball, he rushed towards the goal like a bulldozer. No one could stop him. And mentally too, he grew into a man with a big heart. He was already a famous soccer boy in his hometown, but he didn't get carried away with it. He was straight-forward, pure-hearted, honest and beautiful-hearted, stoic and serious. A very nice guy full of sportsmanship. But sometimes he was envied and said childish, bad things."Hey Kunigami!! You have sisters don't you?""Eh? What's with all the women!"Kunigami, who had become a regular, was teased by two seniors who had been removed from the regulars."Are your sisters macho too?""Bwahaha!"He could easily let go of what was said about himself, but when it came to his sisters, it pissed him off."Oi oi! Say somethin’, Kunigami Macho Man!""Introduce your sister next time! Macho Sister!"But Rensuke no longer gets offended about such things. He learned how to use power when he came across soccer. He doesn't hurt others indiscriminately. He doesn't fight. That's what he decided."Don't ignore me! You siscon bastard!" He didn't know what siscon meant yet, but he felt as if he had been insulted terribly. Smack! When the senior pushed his shoulder, Rensuke grabbed his hand tightly without saying anything."I... I give up... Hey... let... let go!"Even though he just grabbed his hand, even if the senior twisted his body with all his might, he didn't budge at all."Let go! I'm sorry!"He let go of his hand, and the recoil caused the senior to fall down and fall on his back. Overwhelmed by the power, they retreated and never teased him again. Rensuke became both mentally and physically strong. Watched by his parents, loved by his older sister, and amused by his younger sister. With the support of his family, Rensuke devoted himself to soccer and muscle training. In high school, he enrolls in "Seidou Academy," a soccer powerhouse school.Chapter 5: New WeaponAs soon as he entered high school, Rensuke hit a wall. In middle school, he had led his team to victory as the ace, relying on his physique and muscles. However, the physicality that had been his weapon backfired in high school. Seidou Academy was a team that boasted ten appearances in the national tournament. The seniors there wouldn't get by on physicality alone. Their speed and technique were on a different level from middle school. Even his greatest weapon would be useless if he lost in speed and was outmaneuvered in technique. First of all, Rensuke, who had been outstandingly big in middle school, was not so in high school. Especially in a powerhouse school. There were seniors who were about just as big as him. His strengths had been easily erased. He didn't feel like he could beat his seniors in dribbling or technique. If he didn't win, he couldn't play in the game.(Damn it....... I didn't make it to the regulars again. Should I do some special training for dribbling? To win in one-on-one tactics, I need to master the technique of feinting......)No, he's not good at tactics, and no matter how much special training he does from now on, he doesn't feel like he can get good enough to be a regular. Muscle training doesn't make him feel any better and it's not the answer. Nevertheless, he had no choice but to do muscle training, so he was doing it at home on weekends."You're working hard, Rensuke. When you're done, want to go eat something delicious?" His older sister, who is now a college student, invited him. Rensuke is already a high school student too. It's different from when he was a child and always followed his sister around. But if his sister invites him, he'll follow her anywhere."This place is delicious."The place his sister took him to was a stylish cafe. The customers were all women or couples, and for a moment he wondered who his older sister had come here with, but he decided not to think about it any further."Eat whatever you like. You must be hungry.""Hmm." Rensuke ordered a Loco Moco Donburi with orange juice, and his sister ordered pasta and tea set."Rensuke, are you having fun in highschool?" His sister asked him while tucking her recently cut short hair behind her ears."Well... it's a bit iffy. I haven't been able to make it to the regulars."He never thought cheering from the bench would be so frustrating."You're only in your first year. You can do it, Rensuke!" His sister is really cheering for him."Well...... But it seems pretty difficult.""Is that so?"And his sister is a good listener. She accepts whatever Rensuke says softly without negations. That's why Rensuke can openly tell her about his problems."Until now, I've been able to compete physically, shoot and pass myself, and become the center of the team. But now that's not working... or rather… because I can't play with physicality as my axis... I can't see the future..."In order to play in the game, you can't just rely on physicality. However, he is no match for his seniors in terms of speed, dribbling, technique, and everything else. Rensuke's thoughts were spinning in circles and he didn't know what to do. While he was talking, the Loco Moco Donburi arrived. He didn't really understand how it was different from hamburger steak but it looked really delicious. The pasta also came out, they both put their hands together and said "Itadakimasu"."...Hey Rensuke. How about trying to change the way you use your power?" His sister casually suggested while twirling pasta on her fork."The way I use my power?""That's right. It's absolute that Rensuke has incredible power. You're much stronger than other kids."She reaffirms Rensuke's strengths."But how you use that power is important. You know when you were little and you fought to protect me? At that time when you fought for me, I was so happy and reassured, seeing you fight for me. But I was also a little scared.""Eh......?""I'm telling you for the first time right? At that time when you were beating up another kid while straddling him... it wasn't like you were Rensuke or something... You were like a bear that had gone wild." His sister chuckles lightly."What... like some kind of animal?""That's right. The kind you can't talk to." she chuckles lightly."I'm a dangerous guy, huh.""But really so. Even though you're my little brother, I thought this guy was dangerous. That's why I thought it was good that you started playing soccer. If you had continued like that and your power had gotten out of control and you had exploded with the switch of anger, I wouldn't have liked it."He felt like he understood what she was saying. He doesn't remember much, but at that time he felt like he wasn't himself. He felt like his power was wielding over him."I think there are a lot of people who get lost, suffer, and go crazy because they don't know how to use their own power."He thinks he would have suffered too if he had not played soccer. He has learned to control his strength because of coming across soccer. And also because of muscle training."You know, because of what happened then, I decided to become a mental health professional... a clinical psychologist. I wanted to become a person who could guide people who are lost, even a little bit, so I chose this path."His older sister is studying to become a clinical psychologist at university. A clinical psychologist uses their knowledge and skills of clinical psychology to support and care for people's mental health by helping them to solve their problems and concerns. Rensuke doesn't really understand, but he feels like it suits his sister."Heh. I didn't know. It's because of me.""It's thanks to you, Rensuke. Thanks."His sister raises one hand in a salute-like pose."It’s nothing."He’s embarrassed. But happy."What I'm trying to say is that since it's undeniable that Rensuke's body is amazing, I think you don't need to worry about that. Instead of denying it, why not think about how to pour your power into something new? That's what I'm talking about.""...New way to pour power..." Rensuke felt like a new path had been shown to him who had been hesitating because he couldn't get by on physicality alone. He thought about what he could do rather than what he couldn't do."I got it. I'll try it.""Yeah. Let's do our best! I'm also going to work hard towards my dream!""Yeah. Thanks, Neechan."After finishing his Loco Moco Donburi."This isn't enough is it?"His sister shared a little bit of her pasta with him, added cake for dessert, and they left the cafe. Rensuke also said he would chip in a little from his allowance, but his sister treated him to everything."It's okay, leave it to your Neechan."Feeling guilty, Rensuke imitated his sister and saluted with "Thanks".(Someday, I want to treat Neechan to something delicious.) That's what he thought.His sister's advice clarified Rensuke's worries.(The something new that the me who is losing in speed and technique should pour my power into.... That's what I’m gonna find out… In order to win.)What he wants is not just being unrivaled physically, but a clear weapon. A weapon that will allow him to win in the regulars, beat his opponents, and prove himself on the field. What could be the thing that he hasn't done yet and might be able to do? Rensuke's height had grown even more and was now 188 cm tall. What makes him unique is his height and a body that specializes in power. He is left-handed and his dominant foot is also left. In soccer, left-handed players are called "lefties" and are said to have an advantage in a field dominated by right-handed players. And above all.(I want to be a hero in soccer as a striker.)An obsession with scoring goals. The longing to be a hero has motivated Rensuke. Physicality, left-handedness, and towards being a hero. The answer he came up with was....In a practice game before a tournament.Twack!Like a bullet, the ball pierced the net. The goalkeeper couldn't move an inch."Wow! It went in from there!""Kunigami’s seriously amazing!!"A super mid-shot with his left foot. That was Rensuke's new weapon. The feeling of the energy inside him exploding at one point called a goal. Until now he had been thinking about how to get into the shooting range. But there is no need to forcibly go all the way to the goal with fine touches. Take the ball with that physicality and shoot from anywhere when you can shoot. He trained with this awareness alone. It's an aggressive and egoistic tactic but it's possible only because of the muscles he has cultivated so far. Having acquired his own unique weapon, Rensuke quickly became a regular. He leaves the ball carrying to his teammates and goes straight to the front line. Positioning himself in front of the crowded penalty area, he receives a pass from his teammate. Then, he would shoot with his left foot with a powerful shot.He scored many goals in each game and by the end of his first year, he became the team's ace. Kunigami Rensuke of Seidou Academy. His name echoed in the local high school soccer scene of his hometown Akita.Chapter 6: Hero on a Snowy DayAnd around the same time, an incident occurred that made Rensuke glad he had been muscle training outside of soccer. It was a cold January afternoon. On his way home from practice, Rensuke was walking alone through the snow. It was a brief sunny day, he saw an old woman shoveling snow on the sidewalk and a girl about elementary school age wearing a pink coat walking her dog."Hello there. Careful not to catch a cold.""Yes!""Woof!"The old woman's greeting was cheerfully returned by the dog, which made Rensuke smile. He buried his face in his muffler and thought vaguely about his muscle training menu for the day.(Today... maybe I'll do more push-ups... plus about a hundred...)Suddenly, a scream cut through the winter air. When he turned around in surprise, he saw the old woman had thrown her shovel and fallen over. Next to her, a white minitruck that seemed to have slipped came barreling down the road. It seemed to be out of control and came toward them, half-turning on the sidewalk.(Oh no...!) Rensuke reflexively dashed towards the truck. Between him and the truck were the girl and the dog. They were standing still, unable to dodge the approaching truck.(Can I make it?) Rensuke picked up the girl and the dog and jumped sideways. Boom! The minitruck grazed Rensuke's leg and crashed into a block wall. He had jumped without thinking, but a pile of snow that the old woman seemed to have shoveled up cushioned his fall. He was covered in snow from head to toe, but the impact was absorbed and he was unharmed."Are you okay? Are you hurt?" The girl and dog in his arms were stunned for a moment, but then the girl started crying energetically. The dog also started barking."Waaaah! I was scared!""Woof woof!""It's okay, it's okay... That was scary, wasn't it?" Knowing they were safe, Rensuke let out a sigh of relief. The old woman had fallen on her back, but she seemed fine.(And then, the driver...!)The minitruck that had crashed into the concrete block wall was lying on its side with the driver's side down.

"This is bad..." When he peered into the front, he saw that male driver was bleeding from his head. The old woman who had come to check on him panicked and ran into her house shouting, "Oh my, ambulance, ambulance!""Hang in there! I'll save you now!" But the door on the passenger side was crushed and Rensuke couldn't open it even with his strength."Ugh....." The driver's bleeding was severe and his pained voice gradually grew quieter.(If an ambulance comes now, they won't be able to transport him right away. This is really bad.)At worst, it might be too late. Moreover, the blue sky that had been visible until now had turned gray and it had started to snow. The fluttering snow quickly turned into a sideways blizzard, hitting Rensuke's cheeks.(If this cold delays things... it's really life-threatening.)There were no people around, and those who were startled by the sound of the accident and came out of their houses were unfortunately all elderly people. It was up to Rensuke alone to do something."Oniichan......""Woof..."Before he knew it, there was the girl and her dog next to him looking up at him anxiously."I'm sorry. Can you hold this for me and stay back a bit?" Rensuke gave his muffler to the girl and put all of his arm’s effort on the load-carrying tray of the minitruck. He took a deep breath. The cold air entering his lungs was painfully cold."Hmph!"He put all his strength into it and slowly lifted it up."Guh... guh...!"The body of the car rose up. It was heavier than any barbell he had ever lifted before. All the more so because someone's life was at stake."Fuuuuuuuuu!" If he messed up, he could end up under the car himself. His veins bulged out as he put all his strength into it until the end. With all his might, Rensuke lifted it up. Bam!Finally, he managed to lift up the overturned minitruck."Hey! Are you okay?" When he opened the door, he saw that the bloodied driver had opened his eyes slightly. He seemed to be unconscious but relieved when he heard an ambulance siren in the distance."Oniichan, here." The girl offered her muffler to Rensuke who looked cold."Thank you." He wrapped it around his neck and patted her head gently as he watched them take away the driver in an ambulance before heading home himself.The next day at Seidou Academy, they received numerous calls from local residents saying "One of your students helped someone!"He was wearing the Seidou Academy’s uniform, was big in stature, and had orange hair.After saving a grade school girl and a dog from a runaway minitruck, he lifted up an overturned minitruck by himself and rescued the injured driver. Everyone at the school thought, "That's the guy from the soccer club!" but Rensuke himself never came forward. He just did what was normal, and besides, he was embarrassed.Chapter 7: Fair and SquareHe became a 2nd year high school student. As always, Rensuke spends his days playing soccer and working out. What has changed is that he has become somewhat popular with girls. In elementary school, girls in his class would distance themselves from him, saying he was "kind of scary", but now he receives handmade chocolates on Valentine’s Day. When he tried to share them with his older and younger sisters, asking “Want some?”, they got angry and said, “You should eat it yourself” and “Rensuke, you’re not supposed to do that”. By the way, he received seven at the end of his first year of high school. Including the ones he received from his family, the number would reach double digits, which was a big step up.In fact, although Rensuke was quite popular with girls, he himself was not aware of it at all. First, simply being the “ace of the soccer club and tall” attracts the attention of girls. The way the muscles are built is as beautiful as a Greek sculpture, so much so that girls with a muscle fetish are secretly photographing him. Above all, despite his appearance, he is very easy to talk to. He usually talks with his older and younger sisters, so he doesn't try to act cool in front of girls and talks to them frankly. He has a deep respect for women in his heart, so he doesn't tease or make fun of them. Also, despite his stern face and unfriendly demeanor, he blushes when praised, which is cute, and that gap is really nice.However, Rensuke's everyday life was still soccer and muscle training. He practiced, went home, took a shower, worked out, and sweated again. It was a repetition of such days. But he was satisfied with that. On the wide beach, humans fiercely compete for one ball and aim for a goal. It's not a disorderly scramble, there are clear rules and fouls. That was good for Rensuke. Handball, offside, foul. The clearer the things you shouldn't do, the freer Rensuke can be. If he was allowed to do whatever he wanted, he would be in trouble.He doesn't know how to use my power. His body is filled with magma-like hot power, and if that power is not used properly, he will end up rampaging like when he was a child. If there are rules, Rensuke can live righteously. Fair and square. To live that way, rules are necessary. To become a professional in soccer and become a superhero of the world. Rensuke has become a strong person who believes in himself and pushes forward for his dreams.“Rensuke, dinner’s ready!” A voice calls from the living room. When Rensuke sits at the table, his favorite hamburger steak is served. He's got three sizes big, and his sister and younger sister each have a regular-sized one. His rice is piled high in a bowl."Rensuke~, you got a letter. From the Japan Football Union."His younger sister hands him a white envelope."Japan... Football Union?"His older sister, mother, and his father who had started drinking beer, all focus on the letter at once."Hey, isn't the Japan Football Union the place that decides on the national team players?" His older sister leans in."I wonder what kind of letter it is?" His mother asks with interest."...I wonder?" Rensuke has no idea, but his older sister and mother are sparkling with excitement, and his father is restless with a beer in hand."The time has finally come for you to be shipped out to the national team. Yo! Our very own Shine Muscat!"
tl note: シャインマスカット - Shine Muscat, a grape variety.
"Hmph!" When his younger sister gets excited, Rensuke also gets into it and flexes his muscles."Just open it already!! I'm curious!!" His older sister can't contain her excitement and urges him to open it. Rensuke tears open the seal. Inside is a document.〈YOU’VE BEEN SELECTED FOR A SPECIAL PLAYER TRAINING PROGRAM. Japan Football Union〉His family gathers around Rensuke to peek at the letter."Oh my. Isn't this great?""Yeah, Mom! It's amazing!""Hmm. You've worked hard, Rensuke."His mother, older sister, and father smile. Rensuke is also happy. It means that they have recognized the player named Kunigami Rensuke and his talent."Rensuke, flex your muscles!" His younger sister slaps Rensuke's arm."Alright! Hmph!" He stands up and flexes his muscles hard."Congratulations, Rensuke! Our fully ripened mango is so good!"His younger sister dangles from Rensuke's right arm, tapping his well-developed chest muscles that she has watched grow."Hmph! Hmph!"Today, he gives a big service by moving his pectoral muscles alternately left and right, and his younger sister is overjoyed. It's almost like a ride at an amusement park."Neechan too. Look. Rensuke-Go-Round!"Rensuke offers his left arm, which his younger sister is not hanging from, to his older sister."Eh!"His biceps bulge out. It seems like he wants his sister to hang on too."No way, both of us!""It's easy. Come on." Even when told this, his sister hesitates."Oh, it's heavy! No way!""It's fine. I didn't lift 120kg on the bench press for nothing." Encouraged by Rensuke, his sister cautiously puts her hands on his bicep."Hmph!" With a shout of effort, he lifts both of them up and starts spinning."Kyaa!""Kyahaha!"As Rensuke spins around with his older and younger sisters hanging from both arms, their mother says "Wait a minute, I'm going to take a video!" and points her smartphone at them with a smile. Their father says "Hey hey, don't overdo it." That night, laughter never ceased in the Kunigami household.From here, Rensuke doesn't know yet that a new rule called “Blue Lock '' is about to begin. He can't live by the rules he's been following so far. It's a survival where he'll be tested and be asked to change. Fair and square, he can't just yearn after heroes. Kunigami Rensuke’s ego and soccer life are just beginning.